Flex Seal Product Review – Does It Really Work? Did anybody try to fix the leaks on a chest waiter with Flex Seal spray? The exact same routine, girl has supervisor call, one does and says yes it works. I told him “no” that would be crazy it might seal the tubes or whatever you call everything that hooks up to the radiator. Flex Seal and extreme heat pressure applications – It’s not advisable to use Flex Seal to fix radiators, tires or any other application where extreme pressure or heat is involved. There is a product for radiators cars called I think barks leak. I wouldn’t waste my money. It may be easier to purchase the Flex Seal Liquid version if you are planning to paint or roll on the product. With its triple layered adhesive, it can bond to almost any surface and can also be done under water. I fill it up with water before I leave and depending how long I’ve driven I might have to add more. No problems yet we get storms about everyday (Florida) to be safe i did put a coat on one day then 2 days later put another coat on. Knowing that this stuff is paintable, I sprayed this stuff as a primer. Use while wet cold/ hot etc. Great Advertising but there’s many other reputable rubber products. Flex seal did not work under water and will not stick to surface. Therefore this product should not be used on tires, radiators and other high heat and high-pressure items. What was it. Fill all cracks and holes by applying multiple even coats and allowing the product to completely dry 24 to 48 hours before applying each coat. But my landlord has never come to fix anything here. DID NOT WORK. This also was before the “Internet” world was in everyone’s homes! Hallway lights flicker like a horror movie, my living room ceiling fan instantly sparks & trips the breaker every time i turn it on, my toilets bn running since i moved in, etc… So this is pretty much up to me & i have no idea what to do. if you order now, we will double the offer; just pay additional shipping and handling”. Be sure to share with your friends and family. It depends on the number of coats that have been applied, what the environment is, whether you maintain the area, and whether you applied the product to a wet or dry surface. No more leaks. I did this repeatedly, approx 5 separate times, going over the same area, using about 1/2 the roll b4 just now realizing this will not work. Says it will not work on some plastics. Never use this product near sparks, heat, pilot lights, or any other source of ignition. Flex Seal is a great idea, it just doesn’t work for all purposes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time. When you buy off of TV, if you are not satisfied, you have to Pay to return it. Note that these repairs are not intended for pressurized pipes and should be used only as a temporary fix to drain pipes. This stuff is not worth the money, but does a great job marketing it on TV. Flex Tape is designed to stick on wet surfaces, hold its grip underwater, and be flexible enough to take the shape of the item it sticks on. and what else? I was able to then wait until the next sunny day and was able to spray it a 4th and the next day a 5th time. What is up with them charging $20 in processing? Paint was peeling off of them. How to Use Flex Seal? On the amazon reviews someone said he used it on the back of his toilet and it hasn’t leaked in a year, so I am thinking a tub would work also. Flex Seal is a super strong, rubberized, waterproof product that is available as a liquid, tape, or spray. As with any product containing chemicals, you should always wear Personal Protective Equipment such as face and eye protection, gloves, and clothing. Tom, If you have a General Dollar store its 13 bucks. (Been at least 3 years I think). This is possible if flex pipes, such as these 12-Inch Fluidmaster Braided Stainless Steel Connectors (available on Amazon), are attached between the water … I sprayed it once. It’s messy and even though it now comes in white and clear its an eye soar. Today’s rain proved the leaking is now worse than prior to applying it. Has anyone tried this on a bathtub? Going to try same place tomorrow, roofer eft a small seam open and eater drips and stains pavers, Walgreens 14.00, Walgreens 14.00 they always have what you see on tv. Therefore it is not recommended to be used by professional roofers. I had it all over my hands before I had had half coat on. As a Garden railroader, I bought flex seal to waterproof my buildings. Don’t waste your money. I tried this because we had a gutter that was gushing at a seam and could not afford to replace the gutter. It has a waterproof rubberized design, which proves useful in bonding to surfaces and providing emergency repairs. This saved me $4,350 on emergency plumbing! For plum binging , roofs, cutters, go to a professional store not big box. Let the Credit Card company do the work even if it is a little time down the road. This works ! Does the Swagger 5 Elite Electric Smart Scooter Really Work? will flex seal work on pipes, or will i have better luck waiting for my friends hand to heal. If you are contemplating using it for such applications, save your money. After using flex seal about 3 or 4 times o the inside and outside guess what happened? I large improvement. You might just get all your $ back. I’ve used it a few times now, the ones that spring to mind are fixing a leaking roof in my shed and the most crazy one is i’ve used it on the underside of my car. But, does it really do that? It claims to instantly patch, bond, seal and repair – fixing any leak, anywhere. It seems to stick to everything other than where it should. Still dripping. I have a garage that is over our living area that is 45 years old and the garage floor that is concrete has gotten pitted and when we drive our car into the garage in the winter and the snow melts off of our cars the water would seep thru the garage floor and come down into our living room ceiling. plus s+h.. don’t waste ur money. Grainger's got your back. 2 cans..They are 10oz!! has worked a treat so far! You can’t expect rubberized tape to outperform copper, can you? Will it work on the back of a shower that is leaking and draining on a floor. It also doesn’t last a long time if it’s exposed to the elements. 2 cans of seal and 1 of shot for $19.99. Flex Seal is taking a product that has been around for a long time, and marketing it to the public as an all-in-one fix for many problems around the home. I would think the air pressure without someone lying on the bed may prove it useless as well let alone with someone of some weight lying down on the airbed. Gorilla glue works a whole lot better. Have patched roor 3 years ago no problem. Don’t waste your money. Or something along those lines . Copyright © Doesitreallywork. September 11, 2017 By // by John Leave a Comment There are so many mixed reviews when it comes to Flex Seal, due to the many expectations, and of course the almost too good to be true claims on their as seen on TV infomercial. challenging issue. Does anyone have advice about me trying it on the bottom of of my above ground pool that has all of a sudden had tree roots starting to come up through at the end of last year, they are little pin prick sized holes please help, I really need advice on this, it sounds like a good idea to me, but, I don’t want to waste money if it doesn’t work. We put a new porch roof on last summer. So my husband decided to buy some flex seal to run down the crease on both sides of the porch roof where it was molded into the house roof. Mine is rusty but dry. Price $26.51. Make sure the area is well ventilated. 3) Pottable(working time) if two pt time you have to use material. Unfortunately, I have tried it in a number of different situations without success. I went ahead and bought 2 gallons for a project coming up 2 months later. Flex Seal should never be used to seal the inside of a drinking water tank, as the product should never come into direct contact with drinking water. Pitted in bottom and flaking application of tub epoxy makes it scary looking. While not a perfect solution, I think it would be beneficial to keep around the house and have added it to my tool bag. The product can also be used as a noise control product as it stops vibrations, which deadens noise. 🙂. If you have some experiences with Flex Seal, why not share them with us. Can I put in two coats the spray enamel paint on tub and ealls, any1 try a car’s leaking oil pan (rusty, bad). But it should be mentioned at the outset that it is generally not a complete or totally effective solution. Does not work. Leaks just as bad as before I even used it. It features a triple-layered adhesive that can bond, patch, repair, and seal almost anything. Did it erode the edges of the hole and make them larger? The instructions say to get out any air bubbles, which i quickly realized was impossible with this product on a rounded surface. it worked GREAT -- for about four days. It is used to cover cracks, seal leaking pipes, and generally prevent any water, air or moisture from penetrating the place you want to seal. Whether it's simply rusting the pipe or causing rot in your basement, a pinhole leak cannot be ignored. Spray liberally until the leak(s) become evident from bubbles. I used the tape and the spray on a pin hole size water leak on PVC pipe, it doesn’t work. – Flex Seal is not recommended for use if it is going to come in direct contact with drinking water. But with other uses, we hit rough seas. Ii don’t know anything about plumbing and i rent this apartment. Remember different sealants will be general area of use roofing, plumbing etc. My husband was out of town and my washing machine sprung a leak underneath. I mopped up all the water that ran out from under the machine. Flex Seal is not affiliated with GAF. Only use if its a flat, large surface that doesn’t need to be neatly applied. It’s also a very messy product to use. Flex Seal is definitely a useful product for all sorts of sealing jobs around the house. I had to have my husband push the muffler in since i had a nice gap in the lines after months of driving her and i made sure i wrapped above each end of the gap so if it moved it would be covered. Yes it all came off, yes it does not stick to epdm, yes Flex Seal would not refund money in the 1st gallon or return the unopened 2nd gallon because it was 10 days past the 60 day return policy. I used it on a floor for a crack in concrete and is now peeling off can I re seal over or do I have to completely take it all off and redo it again. hahaha no payday from me there! The Company states that the product has the following features: Flex Seal is a very versatile product and can be used on many things, such as: And many more surfaces. Is Flex Seal What You Need For DIY Home Repairs And Fixes? The only real way to find out if a product truly works is to purchase it and try it out yourself. AND if I want the offer to continue it will automatically charge my CC $29.95 A MONTH!! Sure hope it works. I have just applied a coat on the inside and the outside of the canoe. I let the drip dry, then I took a cloth and dried it again. Flex seal rocks! Flex Seal is a liquid rubber innovative product on the market that is specifically designed to seal, coat, protect, and stop leaks quickly. (For leaks use duck tape first then apply a coat of flex seal, it will drip so use gloves a towel, wait an hour for the seal to dry….then give it another coat) it works! I have checked almost every “as seen on TV” product by reading customer reviews on the internet. I have an aluminum roof on an add-on patio. The Flex Seal works. Can it be used a weather stripping on Windows? Also wear gloves. Keep in mind that the customers may or may not have applied the product properly. I am also concerned if it could take the heat. The website says Flex seal liquid (not spray) can tolerate up to 350 degrees and is OK to repair an oil tank…have not tried it. Fool me once? i've got a realy leaky pipe and the only person i can get to fix it has a broken hand. He also was skeptical that Flex Seal would work as quickly as it shows on TV, because he noticed at the end of the directions, it says Flex Seal takes 24 hours to completely cure. To find the leak, mix up some soapy water in a spray bottle. I filled up the washer and no drip. This is only advice please consult Proffessional Please use your CREDIT CARD as the anti slam TOOL that it is. Does not work as advertised, Tried it on the gutters and they still leak. Second every leak is different and there is usually a great sealant for your task. We checked everything, even had a contractor check it. Im currently attempting to use the newest product “Flex Tape” from the same company that makes Flex Seal to fix a corrosion made hole in the chrome trap under my bathroom sink. If you watch their promo, you will no doubt think of things around your own home that need fixing and would wonder if this does the trick. Flex Seal floated our boat, and Teddy stayed dry. Does Flex Seal work on roofs? 😉. Really wanted to buy Flex Seal for my modular’s roof but now after reading what a pain in the butt it is to deal with the company I think I’ll pass. I bought the Flex Seal on a desperate move. I purchase Flex Tape in hopes it would work until the insurance claim came through and I would put on a new top. I would LOVE to see him pour it into the rad and permanently screw up your vehicle. This product should never be used on high heat or high-pressure items, as this product is not made to withstand extreme heat or pressure. If you are a good diy!r big box and auto stores offer biggest selection. How long does it take to install a loft ladder? Looking for FLEX SEAL Leak Sealer, Gray (55KE54)? 2) prep. Arrested: Riot suspects who allegedly brought zip ties, Washington QB's game the stuff of a Disney movie, History will show Trump pattern of stoking racism. VERY DISAPPOINTED. Did it work for your pool?… I’m thinking about trying this out today. Allow the product to fully cure before testing the area. we closed in the porch, and want to finish the inside. I was looking on here to see if anyone had used it as a preventative measure on above ground pool before we put it up. It's supposed to patch, bond, seal and repair almost any product. I agree to the term so I might get on with my life..so wrong was I… Wait..what?? Was wondering f Renee&Dee had luck I their wet fixes?One a pool with roots poked holes in bottom,one the fittings around the fixtures on their pool.Have crack on side of my tub.Please let me know. Now how bout those Red Sox!!! I am PRAYING this stuff will work as advertised…..I just sprayed a third coat….am going to let this coat dry and will apply more…..My God, I hope this works…..your review has given me encouragement….. Had just a pin leak in the water hose, replaced with a hose repair kit (the one with a connector and clamps) Still had a small leak..used the flex seal on the whole thing (it was dry at that time because water was off) and did not stop the leak. I have a plastic canoe with a very small crack in it. Now in the past ,we have talked about some well known products to help prevent leaks like Flex Seal, so does Come to think about it, most of the things this product promises never get delivered. Hold the can 8 to 12 inches away from the surface you are going to spray and use an even sweeping motion. i've got a realy leaky pipe and the only person i can get to fix it has a broken hand. does it help for quick fix on the top of an old rusty van? Is leaking and draining on a car ac hose my drain pipe for the and... On last summer a coat on the back of a rad you block air flow spray a. Many mixed reviews not expect it would adhere to oily surfaces inside and outside guess what?! 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