They stress that: “individual creativity is a function of antecedent conditions (e.g., past reinforcement history, biographical variables), cognitive style and ability (e.g., divergent thinking, ideational fluency), personality factors (e.g., self-esteem, locus of control), relevant knowledge, motivation, social influences (e.g., social facilitation, social rewards), and contextual influences (e.g., physical environment, task and time constraints)” (p. 294). We will use this model as a way of briefly highlighting theories and research that will be helpful background material in reading this book. This synthetic ability includes three knowledge-acquisition components. We will return to this notion of interaction between person and situation when discussing recent developments on the effect of team climate on creativity. At the mini-c level of creativity, what one creates might not be revolutionary but it is new and meaningful to them. An implication of the investment theory of creativity is … Amabile attributes special relevance to intrinsic motivation because this component can make the difference between what one can do (determined by domain relevant skills and creativity-relevant skills) and what one will in fact do. More research will be needed to clarify the conditions under which generality or specificity of creativity is the more valid perspective. This is a common misconception about creativity. Two studies were conducted in which participants' scores on divergent thinking tests were analyzed as a function of performance on a number of measures of executive function (including broad retrieval ability and general fluid intelligence) and answers to a verbal fluency task, in which semantic distance served as a measure of associative ability. One way of organizing creativity research is the "Four P" model, which distinguishes the creative person, process, product, and press (i.e., environment) (Rhodes, 1961). Tests of creativity in specific content domains – which might use the consensual assessment technique to evaluate the creativity of products, or might instead find simpler (perhaps paper-and-pencil) techniques for assessing domain specific skills – would still be possible in principle, but they could be of only limited range and applicability. Yet this component is also related to creativity, as a successful creator must be able to judge the value of his or her own ideas and decide which ones to pursue. Learn. Another theory that views creativity as a mix of different abilities is Amabile's componential model of creativity. What creativity is & is not (4 bullets) Guilford identified only 186 papers directly focused on creativity in his assessment of the literature in the years from 1927 to 1950, but Arons's (1965) review found over 800 records in the mere decade following the address. Creativity training, on the other hand, can accommodate domain specificity of creativity rather easily. West’s team climate model (1990) and Amabile and colleagues’ work environment model (1996) are arguably the most widely validated models of climate for creativity and innovation. The third component, analytical ability, is often measured by traditional intelligence tests. Some theorists explain creativity as intrinsic creative motivations, which individuals create a project for … This constitutes a deviation from a majority of cognitive psychological research, though this focus is unsurprising given that creativity has been defined by the content of generated thought and the relatively clear demarcation between the functional purpose of generation and evaluation. Next we briefly outline a number of climate for creativity and innovation taxonomies that, in line with this trend, have been suggested in the literature. Atchley, Strayer, & Atchley, 2012; Ball & Stevens, 2009; Beaty & Silvia, 2012, 2013; Benedek, Franz, Heene, & Neubauer, 2012; Chein & Weisberg, 2014; Gilhooly, Fioratou, Anthony, & Wynn, 2007; Gupta, Jang, Mednick, & Huber, 2012; Nusbaum & Silvia, 2011; Silvia, 2008; Silvia & Beaty, 2012, Beaty, Silvia, Nusbaum, Jauk, & Benedek (2014), Beaty, Benedek, Kaufman, and Silvia (2015), Abraham, Rutter, Bantin, & Hermann, 2018; Beaty et al., 2015; Heinonen et al., 2016, The Effect of Mood On Creativity in the Innovative Process, Even if we keep strictly within the specific task domain of creative problem-solving, however, several findings anomalous to the positive mood-enhance-, Domain Specificity: Introduction and Overview, Within the field of creativity research, psychologists tend to stick to the study of humans. His emphasis on the source of variance in creative potential was not on cognitive control and the ability to effectively access and combine information—core functions of general intelligence—but rather focused on the organization of semantic memory and the way that responses are autonomously generated in response to stimuli. Thus, our following discussions on team and organizational climates will be grounded on these two frameworks. Vosburg (1998b) made similar observations. This base, After Guilford's initial model, researchers would begin to categorize and. The triangular theory builds upon 2 earlier accounts, namely, a 3-facet model of creativity and an investment theory of creativity. More recently, researchers have departed from a general conceptualization of climate and have turned their focus to specific types or facets of climate, such as climate for safety, climate for service and climate for initiative (Baer & Frese, 2003; Schneider & Reichers, 1983; Schneider, Wheeler, & Cox, 1992). Figure 2. (p. 16). Other theories emphasize a confluence of different elements and include intellectual and cognitive abilities in the equation. The creative individual uses analytic ability to work out the implications of a creative idea and to test it. Originally, creativity was thought to be one individual trait that could be measured in the same way that base intellect and physical strength are measured. Based on the premise that climate is relevant for creativity because it facilitates a work-context for innovation, Hunter, Bedell and Mumford (2006) conducted a thorough review of 45 existent creative climate taxonomies and developed an integrative climate taxonomy which, according to the authors, encapsulates most of the dimensions included in previous dimensional conceptualizations. (It might also make creativity less interesting, but because such a theory is impossible, we will never know. Even with the three criteria for creativity … that every mental task was made up of three separate parts: an operation, a content, and a product. Additionally, Unsworth made the distinction between innovation and creativity that I had not seen explained before. This emphasis on the way that responses are autonomously generated is still apparent in modern creativity research and the way that experiments are structured. STUDY. Write. In recent years, there has been an emphasis on creativity theories that incorporate factors that are interrelated. To facilitate this vision, and to achieve the goals laid out at the outset of this chapter, we will next review the way that autonomy and control are conceptualized and empirically studied across different areas of cognitive research. This chapter provides a comparative review of major contemporary theories of creativity. Good ideas do not always sell themselves – the creative person needs to devise strategies for and expend effort in selling those ideas. If creativity is domain specific, what exactly is one to test? To give a sense of the significance of this issue in the world of creativity research and theory, the Creativity Research Journal has published just one invited debate (in the form of a pair of Point-Counterpoint articles) in its history. A successful creator will generate ideas that may be initially unpopular or underappreciated (as in buying stocks with low price-earnings ratios), yet will persist and convince others of the ideas’ merits. Looking at resting-state connectivity, Beaty et al. Another neural network identified as important for creativity is the salience network, which includes the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex and the anterior insula (Abraham, Rutter, Bantin, & Hermann, 2018; Beaty et al., 2015; Heinonen et al., 2016). However when trying to find a new way to creatively get votes for a politician, personality might have a much larger role than cognitive ability. job challenge and autonomy (as well as job importance), leadership facilitation and support (including leader trust, support, goal facilitation and interaction facilitation, and psychological and hierarchical influence), and. The two articles that constituted that debate (Baer, 1998b; Plucker, 1998) addressed this crucial domain specificity/generality question, a hugely significant one for creativity research and theory. Nathaniel Barr, ... Paul Seli, in Creativity and the Wandering Mind, 2020. The Four C Model of Creativity. Test. Next, we briefly describe two models central to this approach, with reference to the role they attribute to the context. This theory breaks down how personality effects creativity into two options: The evolution of creative theory has brought our understanding of what creativity is from Guilford's solely cognitive representation in the 1900's to our modern day model that includes intellect, context (problem type and motivation), and personality each as factors of influence. Klein, 1997). Theories of Creativity explores this new emphasis and the renewed interest in the Both conceptually and methodologically, attention is now paid to the creative performances of adults and their achievements in a variety of settings. Numerous theories of creativity were proposed by 20th-century psychologists, educators and other social scientists. He stated that there were five types of operations, four types of content, and six types of products adding to a total of one hundred and twenty different types of possible metal tasks (he would later expand this number to one hundred and eighty different mental tasks, but for now let's focus on the original one hundred and twenty.) If creativity is domain specific, it means that a single theory of creativity – such as the theory that divergent thinking is a basic component of all creative thinking – cannot account for the diversity of creativity across domains. In order to contextualize the importance of climate on organizational creativity and innovation it is useful to look at how this literature evolved. Terms in this set (15) Creativity is: a process by which a symbolic domain of culture is changed. An implication of the investment theory of creativity is … Organizational climate has occupied a pivotal role in the organizational sciences dating from Lewin’s classic work on motivation in the 1950s (Lewin, 1951), and was formalized through the human relations movement of the 1960s (Argyris, 1958). Match. Selective combination, the second, involves combining bits of relevant information in novel ways. Wiley and Jarosz (2012) agree that creative problem-solving requires a mixture of “non-goal-directed processes and more controlled, attention-demanding processes” (p. 260) and call for “a dual-process model of problem solving that incorporates both analytic and nonanalytic processes” (p. 261). Flashcards. This focus on spontaneous illumination is most obviously present in the rich literature on creative insight, which reveals the ways in which new and useful ideas arise autonomously in the mind (though there is discussion of the role of controlled and volitional thought in insight; see Kounios & Beeman, 2014; Chein & Weisberg, 2014). A good example is Mednick's (1962) seminal Psychological Review paper, The associative basis of the creative process. In the meantime, both views will continue to claim adherents among researchers and theorists. In the article, The shifting sands of creative thinking: Connections to dual-process theory, Sowden, Pringle, and Gabora (2015) systematically review the multiple theories in creativity that can be conceptualized as dual-process in nature. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. On the minus side, many theories, generally speaking, have not progressed far beyond earlier speculative claims and have often failed to spark the identification of new phenomena and counterintuitive testable hypotheses. Yet studies of acting, dancing, and other performance-based arts have continued to grow, and it is my delight to introduce Creativity and the Performing Artist: Behind the Mask as the latest volume to the Explorations in Creativity Research series from Academic Press. Sternberg calls his theory “investment theory,” and creative psychology experts place this theory in a category called “economic theories of creativity.” In a chapter of the creative development book titled “The Development of Creativity as a Decision-Making Process,” he defines this theory in terms of an individual’s decision to be creative. Terms in this set (15) Creativity is: a process by which a symbolic domain of culture is changed. The newest theory is often deemed as being "more correct" than the previously held school of thought. He explains that creators decide to buy low and sell high in ideas, meaning that they generate and pursue ideas and concepts that seem too unusual or out-of-the mainstr… based on the principles of complex dynamic systems theory, which describes and explains children’s creativity. Biologists or ethologists usually either focus on animal problem solving or else consider creativity to be an evolutionary adaptation. This model is used to explain differing views on … Freud’s views on creativity lean towards a neuropsychological model – asserting that creativity stems from basic instinct and the biological satisfaction derived from creative achievement. Central to most, if not all models of organizational behavior, are perceptions of the work environment, referred to generally as “organizational climate” (Rousseau, 1988). Creativity theory has only recently begun to accommodate research evidence suggesting that creativity is task specific, although the hierarchical approach discussed above is promising. Example: Jacob brings home his first painting from school. Creative people may take problems that other people see, or they themselves may previously have seen, in one way, and redefine the problems in a different way. Unsworth argues that context was just as important of a factor of creativity as cognitive ability was. By learning to know processes involved in creative activity, we may learn to help people to become more creative. West and colleagues’ climate model is, in our awareness, the only model focusing on team level climate (Anderson & West, 1998; West, 1990; West & Anderson, 1996). As valuable as such approaches have been in isolating processes involved in creative thinking, given the considerable bodies of empirical evidence supporting roles for both associative and executive processing, researchers are increasingly seeking a deeper understanding of the interaction between these modes of thought and, accordingly, are adopting more global approaches. Such analytical ability can be used to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the idea and determine the best steps to improve upon the idea. Vygotsky believed that creativity arises from any human activity that produces something new. A potential theory, including every aspect of creativity, is even deemed so cumbersome that it would be incomprehensible and of no use in practical research [35]. The first, selective encoding, involves distinguishing relevant from irrelevant information. Creativity is inherent in learning. For any real conceptual progress to occur, existing theories must be continually constrained by more and better data and analyses, and generate new constructs for measurement and analysis in their turn. Of these one hundred and twenty different mental tasks Guilford identified one specific operation as "divergent production" and marked it as being a vital component of creativity. While it is too early to forecast the fate of theories of creativity, and the enterprise of studying creativity more generally, it seems likely that the two will rise or fall together. As the evidence surrounding the importance of interaction between associative and executive processing in creative thought continues to emerge, at both the behavioral and neural levels, many have articulated a need for dual-process theoretical frameworks that can more fully account for this interplay. 43) Integrating creativity within industry management and education must first begin with an awareness of key theoretical models most closely associated with the development and application of creativity in real world situations. Innovation can be described as: “the intentional introduction and application within a job, work team or organization of ideas, processes, products or procedures which are new to that job, work team or organization” (West & Farr, 1990, p. 9). In Animal Creativity and Innovation, 2015. Gravity. Despite the well-developed body of research that has been amassed on autonomous processes in creativity, there remain threads of research that connect back to the notion that intelligence and executive functions, which include inhibition, interference control, working memory, and cognitive flexibility (see Diamond, 2013), are indeed important for creative thought. Creativity is therefore present when major artistic, scientific and … Based on qualitative and quantitative work, the authors identified the following eight dimensions: Focusing on a theory of psychological processes, Ekval and colleagues (Ekvall, 1996; Ekvall & Ryhammar, 1999; Ekvall & Tangebergandersson, 1986; Isaksen, Lauer, Ekvall, & Britz, 2000) proposed a 9 dimensional model integrating: We note that other models more strongly embedded in organizational management theory have also been developed (e.g., Abbey & Dickson, 1983; Tesluk, Farr, &. They explain, in detail, the considerable deviation in conceptualizations mentioned above—that dual-process theories of cognition predominantly focus on distinctions of autonomy and control in dividing types of processing, whereas creativity researchers tend to focus on the difference between generative and evaluative processes, and divergent and convergent thinking. Guilford's address, and his conceptualization of divergent and convergent thinking, sparked a massive influx of research on creativity. Creativity is viewed basi… By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Modeling the creative process: A grounded theory analysis of creativity in the domain of art making. We will refer back to this model later in this chapter when discussing organizational climate features. PLAY. Theories of Creativity and Quality Theories of Creativity and Quality Theories of creativity are vast. Organizational creativity research has its intellectual roots both in creativity research in general, which has been conducted primarily within psychology, and on macro-level approaches to the study of organizational innovation. We react to things we have seen and our experiences; that is from where we build our new ideas. Beaty and Silvia (2012) revisited the serial-order effect and found evidence in their experiments for the position that greater cognitive control is implicated in creative thinking: Whereas individuals with lower intelligence exhibited a typical serial-order effect, more intelligent individuals did not, which suggests that these participants were strategically accessing more creative ideas with executive control and management of resources, rather than simply allowing ideas to emerge. There has not been a synthesized collection and exchange of ideas between the two communities until now, however, despite the clear benefits to understanding the benefits of creativity in both an evolutionary and cognitive sense. Gravity. Biologists or ethologists usually either focus on animal problem solving or else consider creativity to be an evolutionary adaptation. Finally, selective comparison involves relating new information to old information in a novel way. Guilford (1950), for instance, defined divergent thinking as the generation of many alternatives and ideationally branching out from a single starting point, and convergent thinking as homing in on a singular solution and evaluation of fit. Wertheimer, 1958). PLAY. The theories themselves each argue that creativity is caused by different factors. Creativity and innovation found in the animal kingdom appear to follow similar rules, constraints, and models to those in humans. Ultimately, creativity is not about one thing, but about a system of things. What is different about the study of creativity is that in other fields of research the newest theory often replaces the older theories. Creativity is an elusive concept that has intrigued researchers for years. The second element, practical ability, is needed to communicate creative ideas to other people (i.e., ‘selling’ an idea). The theories are entitled creativity as a function of behavior, of personality, and of cognitive processes, respectively. It should be noted that the research evidence pointing toward domain specificity of creativity is fairly new, and, like the research that preceded it, this research may not tell the whole story. Most of the research that was conducted within this framework aimed to identify personality characteristics associated with creativity in different domains (e.g., Barron & Harrington, 1981; James & Asmus, 2000; MacKinnon, 1962). Creativity and Observation A lot of the time, creativity can be spurred by something in the environment, triggering connections with new ideas. Each individual theory is correct not only because the next theory builds off the previous one, but also because they each help explain the creative process for different fields. Schneider (1990) defined climate as employees’: “perceptions of the events, practices, and procedures and the kinds of behavior that are rewarded, supported, and expected in a setting” (p. 384). With reference to the evidence indicating a significant relationship between hypomania and creativity cited above, Weisberg conducted an interesting case study of Schumann's mood bipolarity. There has been some empirical work on the role of metacognitive abilities in creativity. For educators, such as those who hold an MSEd from an online university, understanding and nurturing creativity in the classroom can be essential to the success of their students. Examples of his components of creativity include Guilford's divergent thinking components (fluency, flexibility, and originality), and being open to new experiences, curious, willing to take risks, and sensitive to aesthetic characteristics. Amabile gives the environment a critical role in this model. Climate is a contextual feature and therefore an understanding of the role of climate in creativity theory implies an understanding of the broader role attributed to the context in general. In fact, Baer (1994a, 1994b, 1994c)1994a1994b1994c provided convincing evidence that creativity is not only content specific but is also task specific within content areas. Moving from the implications of domain specificity for creativity theory to its implications for creativity testing, a domain specific understanding of creativity provides a very direct challenge to existing notions of how to test creativity. Creativity theory is a set of models and concepts for explaining creativity, the act of creating something non-obvious that is unusually valuable. The Investment Theory of Creativity by Sternberg, creativity has six sources that require confluence: Intelligence, Knowledge, Style of thinking, Personality, Motivation, and Learning environmental contexts. There has been one outstanding edited book on the topic—Animal Innovation by Simon Reader and Kevin Laland (Oxford University Press, 2003)—but it was, with some exceptions, focused on work by animal researchers. Jausovec (1989), comparing the effects of positive, negative and neutral mood on analogical transfer in insight problems, reported a complex set of findings. In the past quarter century the idea that creativity is domain general has been seriously challenged. Creativity theory is a set of models and concepts for explaining creativity, the act of creating something non-obvious that is unusually valuable. The Five Major Theories of Creativity There are five major theories of creativity each with its own unique viewpoint on what creates creativity in people. Because creativity is as dynamic and diverse as previously stated, the need for multiple theories to be correct to fit any given context arises. Geir Kaufmann, in The International Handbook on Innovation, 2003. Innovation can be seen as encompassing two major stages, the development of ideas— creativity; followed by their implementation—the introduction of new and improved products, services, and ways of doing things at work. In his turn, Ross Mooney (1962) in his “Conceptual Model for Integrating Four Approaches to the Identification of Creative Talent,”also proposed to consider creativity through the prism of model 4 Ps (process, product, person, and environ… People who are able incisively to evaluate their own work may be said to be high in metacognition (which is related to planning, a key component of Luria's model). Apart from intelligence and context, there is one other leading theory to explain the components of creativity: The personality factor. Creativity and American Culture Exam 1 Cards. Using the different types of motivation and problems, Unsworth created a matrix (pictured above) that broke down creativity into four arch-types: The main point these theories attempt to display is that creativity is a dynamic concept with a multitude of sub-types of creativity. Collectively, large swaths of literature exist that examine both associative processing (e.g., Aiello, Jarosz, Cushen, & Wiley, 2012; Ansburg & Hill, 2003; Baird et al., 2012; Bowden, Jung-Beeman, Fleck, & Kounios, 2005; Dijksterhuis & Meurs, 2006; Kim, Hasher, & Zacks, 2007; Kounios et al., 2006; Reverberi, Toraldo, D'Agostini, & Skrap, 2005; Schooler, Ohlsson, & Brooks, 1993; Sio & Ormerod, 2009; Wieth & Zacks, 2011; Wiley & Jarosz, 2012; Zhong, Dijksterhuis, & Galinsky, 2008) and executive processing (e.g., Atchley, Strayer, & Atchley, 2012; Ball & Stevens, 2009; Beaty & Silvia, 2012, 2013; Benedek, Franz, Heene, & Neubauer, 2012; Chein & Weisberg, 2014; Gilhooly, Fioratou, Anthony, & Wynn, 2007; Gupta, Jang, Mednick, & Huber, 2012; Nusbaum & Silvia, 2011; Silvia, 2008; Silvia & Beaty, 2012) in creativity. Different manifestations of creativity ( Second Edition ), vygotsky goes further develops... The art of thought stems from individuals or small groups working in more! 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