Mol Biol Cell. Other studies showed that Src is downstream of EGFR signaling (41). RP and RE provided patient sera. J Clin Invest. (2018) 9:136. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00136, 32. Schematic of signaling pathways activated by pemphigus autoantibodies directed against Dsg1 and Dsg3. Vielmuth F, Hartlieb E, Kugelmann D, Waschke J, Spindler V. Atomic force microscopy identifies regions of distinct desmoglein 3 adhesive properties on living keratinocytes. (2011) 165:552–62. (2004) 279:37191–200. (2015) 136:301–10. Autoimmunity. Therefore, it is important to characterize the role and mechanisms of autoantibodies targeting Dsg3 in pemphigus. Patients with pemphigus vulgaris, a deeper form of pemphigus, have antibodies to DSG3 and sometimes DSG1 as well. Pemphigus foliaceus is an autoimmune skin disease mediated by autoantibodies against desmoglein-1. EGFR activation reduced Dsg3 binding frequency on keratinocytes significantly from 7.67 to 3.20% in a Src-dependent manner because inhibition by PP2 restored Dsg3 binding frequency to 8.48% (Figure 4A). Chernyavsky A, Amber KT, Agnoletti AF, Wang C, Grando SA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1525448113, 4. In contrast, PF-IgG-induced ERK activation was detected after 30 min and after 60 min but was independent of Src and MEK and not paralleled by EGFR activation. Exp Dermatol. 1. Silos et al. (A) Schematic of sequencing results after inducing a DSB with NHEJ repair in Exon 5 of either Dsg3 or Dsg2 using CRISPR/Cas9. Am J Pathol. Smaller desmosomes are seen in the skin of pemphigus patients with anti-desmoglein 1 antibodies but not in patients with anti-desmoglein 3 antibodies. Multiplexed autoantigen microarrays identify HLA as a key driver of anti-desmoglein and -non-desmoglein reactivities in pemphigus. Sera of patients and healthy volunteers were purified to IgG-fractions for experimental use by protein A affinity chromatography as described previously (18). Waschke J. Desmogleins as signaling hubs regulating cell cohesion and tissue/organ function in skin and heart-EFEM lecture 2018. In contrast, ERK activation in response to PF-IgG was observed at all time-points but significant only after 30 and 60 min also in the soluble fraction (Figure 2B). Different signaling patterns contribute to loss of keratinocyte cohesion dependent on autoantibody profile in pemphigus. However, relevance of different signaling pathways and role of Dsg1 and 3 to trigger signaling are not fully understood. Here, we show using far-Western blot that the recombinant PpSP32 protein (rPpSP32) binds to epidermal proteins with a MW of approximately 170 kDa. (2005) 124:939–46. Membranes were blocked by 5% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in Tris-buffered saline with 0.05% Tween (TBS-T) for 1 h at room temperature and following primary antibodies were used overnight at 4°C in blocking solution: phospho-EGF Receptor mAb (Tyr845) (Cell Signaling Technologies, Danvers, USA), EGF Receptor mAb (CST), phospho-p44/42 MAPK mAb (CST), p44/42 MAPK mAb (CST), GAPDH (Santa Cruz, Heidelberg, Germany), Desmoplakin I/II (H-300) (Santa Cruz), α-Tubulin (Abcam, Cambridge, UK), Dsg3 pAb (Biozol, Eching, Germany), PG (Progen, Heidelberg, Germany), E-Cad (BD Transduction), Dsg2 (OriGene, Herford, Germany), Desmocollin (Dsc) 3 (Progen). doi: 10.1111/j.0022-202X.2005.23714.x, 20. Thus, it is generally accepted that antibodies against desmosomal cadherins are sufficient to cause acantholysis in pemphigus (7). Nanomedicine (2015) 11:511–20. 10:1128. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01128. Cantilevers were functionalized with recombinant Dsg3-Fc (at a concentration of 0.15mg/ml) using a flexible heterobifunctional acetal-polyethylenglycol (PEG) linker (Gruber Lab, Institute of Biophysics, Linz, Austria) following a well-established protocol (20). DSG3 (Desmoglein 3) is a Protein Coding gene. Moreover, Erlotinib, PP2 and U0126 prevented mc-PV-IgG-induced ERK activation whereas ERK phosphorylation in response to PF-IgG was blunted by Erlotinib only. Br J Dermatol. In this scenario, it is not entirely clear how PF-IgG induces ERK activation. Nat Commun. (2018) 9:370. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00370, 5. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.489336, 31. Analytic Time. PV-IgG but not PF-IgG activated EGFR in a Src-dependent manner suggesting that Dsg1 is not required for EGFR activation. Since Dsg2 was up-regulated in Dsg3-deficient cells we cannot rule out completely that enhanced expression contributed to out-balance pathogenic effects of autoantibodies. Gene Structure. Cell Mol Life Sci. (2018) 5:226. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00226, 3. (B) Cell line characterization by immunostaining of desmosomal proteins (n = 3). Dsg1 appears to be more critical for epidermal integrity compared to Dsg3 because Dsg3-deficient mice develop mild skin lesions, which spontaneously heal, whereas Dsg1-deficient mice completely lose superficial epidermal layers during birth and die within 24 h (51, 52). Moreover, we demonstrated that PV-IgG-induced EGFR activation is Src-dependent, which is in line with a previous report (39). Antibodies to desmoglein 1 (DSG1) and desmoglein 3 (DSG3) have been shown to be present in patients with pemphigus. Spindler V, Waschke J. Pemphigus-A disease of desmosome dysfunction caused by multiple mechanism. To measure Dsg3 single molecule interactions HaCaT cells were measured in DMEM containing 1.8 mM Ca2+ at 37°C after incubation with the respective conditions. Currently, three desmoglein subfamily members have been identified and all are members of the cadherin cell adhesion molecule superfamily. (2004) 151:565–70. The cell line lacking Dsg2 presented a homozygous deletion of 4 bp in Exon 5. By contrast, the epidermal isoforms DSG1 and DSG3 are restricted to certain specialized epithelia, mostly stratified squamous ones (Schafer et al., 1994). In contrast, protein levels and localization of plakoglobin (PG), desmoplakin (DP) or E-cadherin (E-Cad) remained unaltered in both lines. (1988) 106:761–71. Images and figures were processed using Photoshop CC (Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe, San Jóse, USA). A new, simple method for linking of antibodies to atomic force microscopy tips. Waschke J, Spindler V. Desmosomes and extradesmosomal adhesive signaling contacts in pemphigus. To delineate the role of Dsg3 for pemphigus autoantibody-induced signaling and loss of keratinocyte adhesion, HaCaT cell lines lacking either Dsg3 (ΔDsg3) or Dsg2 (ΔDsg2) were generated using the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology. J Cell Biol. Differential Ca2+ signaling induced by activation of the epidermal growth factor and nerve growth factor receptors. PF-IgG on the other hand was still able to reduce adhesion significantly in Dsg3 deficient HaCaT cells (Figure 5E). Baseline adhesion of keratinocytes lacking Dsg3 but not of cells missing Dsg2 was slightly reduced when compared to wild-type cells, which is in line with previous studies were both proteins were depleted by siRNA (30) (Figure 5D). (2006) 39:563–75. J Biol Chem. Lotti R, Shu E, Petrachi T, Marconi A, Palazzo E, Quadri M, et al. ERK activation was significant following incubation with mc-PV-IgG or PF-IgG but not m-PV-IgG (Figure 3B). Non-desmoglein antibodies in patients with pemphigus vulgaris. Conclusion : This study suggests that the severity of skin and oral disease in pemphigus is determined by the quantities of Dsg1 … Getsios S, Simpson CL, Kojima SI, Harmon R, Sheu LJ, Dusek RL, et al. Espana A, Modol T, Gil MP, Lopez-Zabalza MJ. J Invest Dermatol. Cell monolayers were grown on glass coverslips until confluency and fixed with 2% formaldehyde from paraformaldehyde for 10 min. (2019). After expansion of monoclonal cultures, Sanger sequencing revealed one clone deficient for either Dsg2 or Dsg3. Induction of blister-causing antibodies by a recombinant full-length, but not the extracellular, domain of the pemphigus vulgaris antigen (desmoglein 3). Usually, in pemphigus vulgaris a mucosal-dominant phenotype (m-PV) is paralleled by autoantibodies against Dsg3 whereas epidermal involvement in PV (mc-PV) is in addition associated with formation of autoantibodies against Dsg1 which can also be found in pemphigus foliaceus (PF) (10). Boukamp P, Petrussevska RT, Breitkreutz D, Hornung J, Markham A, Fusenig NE. A baseline was established for 60 s in HaCaT keratinocytes, followed by application of either c-IgG, m-PV, mc-PV or PF for another 120 s. Intracellular Ca2+ concentrations were evaluated 60 s after addition of IgG fractions. Patients gave written informed consent for research use of their blood sera. doi: 10.1038/jid.2015.324, 23. Blood should be collected fasting or at least one hour after meals to avoid li… Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. doi: 10.1172/JCI60139, 54. Figure 1. (2013) 123:1556–70. Eventually, around 40 different monoclonal clones for each target site could be evaluated for the absence of either Dsg3 or Dsg2 by immunoblot as well as immunostaining. In Dsg3-deficient keratinocytes, in which PV-IgG-induced loss of cell adhesion was abolished, ERK activation and Ca2+ influx were preserved in response to PF-IgG. (2018) 138:32–7. DESMOGLEIN (DSG) 1 AND 3 ANTIBODY Bullous autoimmune dermatoses belong to the organ specific autoimmune diseases. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0602973103, 33. Soluble fas ligand is essential for blister formation in pemphigus. (2019) 1:jbc.RA118.006743. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2019.01.002. Chelation of Ca2+ enhanced the variability of EGFR phosphorylation, which was not significantly different to experiments using control IgG. A pathophysiologic role for epidermal growth factor receptor in pemphigus acantholysis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. As the first signaling mechanism demonstrated to be activated by pemphigus autoantibodies (24), Ca2+ influx was shown to be induced within 10-80 sec and shown to trigger PKC activation (25, 44). The relevance of signaling pathways during the pathogenesis of pemphigus is widely accepted (7). Desmoglein 1 (DSG1) and 3 (DSG3), Serum (Sendout) Soft Order Code. Useful For. Nevertheless, these data indicate that EGFR via Src can contribute to loss of Dsg3 adhesion similar as shown before for Dsg2 in enterocytes (27). Thus, DSG3 and DSG1 are the target antigens in PNP, and IgG autoantibodies against DSG3 in PNP sera play a pathogenic role in the loss of keratinocyte adhesion and blistering. We observed that signaling mechanisms such as EGFR and ERK activation or influx of Ca2+ not only correlated with autoantibody profiles but also were at least in part dependent on other signaling molecules such as Src. Walter E, Vielmuth F, Rotkopf L, Sardy M, Horvath ON, Goebeler M, et al. (C) Cell line characterization by immunoblot with representative images on the left and densitometric quantification on the right (n = 3, one-way ANOVA, *p ≤ 0.05 vs. WT). doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2016.12.010, 48. We found that ERK activation and Ca2+ influx in response to PF-IgG were preserved in both cells lines whereas ERK activation induced by mc-PV-IgG was blunted. PV-IgG activated EGFR in a Src-dependent manner whereas both PV-IgG and PF-IgG caused Ca2+ influx independent of EGFR. (A) Representative immunoblot and (B) densitometric analysis (n = 9, two-way ANOVA, *p ≤ 0.05). Br J Dermatol. In Pemphigus disease the blisters are formed intraepidermally whereas in Bullous autoimmune dermatoses they occur subepidermally. Pollmann R, Schmidt T, Eming R, Hertl M. Pemphigus: a comprehensive review on pathogenesis, clinical presentation and novel therapeutic approaches. Activation was abolished when PP2 or Erlotinib were added. HaCaT (Human adult high Calcium low Temperature) keratinocytes (17) were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) containing 10% FCS (Biochrom, Berlin, Germany), 50 U/ml penicillin and 50 mg/ml streptomycin (AppliChem, Darmstadt, Germany) in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 37°C. doi: 10.1083/jcb.200605125, 47. Waschke J. Our range of products includes complete uppers, lowers, rifle accessories, protective gear, weapon lights, night vision optics, … Front Immunol. Indeed, it was demonstrated recently that desmosomes bear mechanical load primarily when cells are exposed to external mechanical stress (9). Autoantibodies in the autoimmune disease pemphigus foliaceus induce blistering via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase-dependent signaling in the skin. The desmosome and pemphigus. EGFR and ADAMs cooperate to regulate shedding and endocytic trafficking of the desmosomal cadherin desmoglein 2. However, EGF- but not PV-IgG-induced loss of Dsg3 binding was Src-dependent. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.181.3.1825, 29. Mc-PV-IgG-induced activation of ERK was significant after 30 min. Tsunoda K, Ota T, Aoki M, Yamada T, Nagai T, Nakagawa T, et al. Ca2+ influx has been recognized down-stream of EGFR activation (26). (D) Dispase assay of WT and Dsg-deficient cell lines under baseline treatment. (2018) 54:1–25. However, phosphorylation at the ligand-mediated activation site Y1173 was observed after 24 h as well. The extent of desmoglein 3 depletion in pemphigus vulgaris is dependent on Ca2+-induced differentiation: a role in suprabasal epidermal skin splitting? Cells were therefore grown in an 8-Well μ-slide (Ibidi, Martinsried, Germany) until confluency. Induction of pemphigus phenotype by a mouse monoclonal antibody against the amino-terminal adhesive interface of desmoglein 3. DSG1_HUMAN Accession i: Q02413 Primary (citable) accession number: Q02413 Secondary accession number(s): B7Z845: Entry history i: Integrated into UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot: October 1, 1993: Last sequence update: March 23, 2010: Last modified: December 2, … (2014) 23:33–8. desmoglein 3 (Dsg3) and sometimes also recognize Dsg1 [1–3]. Here, we further characterized the role of the different signaling mechanisms and of antibodies against Dsg1 and Dsg3. PV generally occurs between the 4th and 6th decades of life, but can be seen in … doi: 10.1021/bc070030s, 21. Cy3 coupled goat anti-rabbit or goat anti-mouse secondary antibodies (Dianova, Hamburg, Germany) were used to visualize the respective protein by incubation for 1 h at room temperature. The blot analysis function in ImageJ (Wayne Rasband, was used to quantify protein density in immunoblots and graphs were generated in Graphpad Prism (GraphPad Software, San Diego, USA). Lorch JH, Klessner J, Park JK, Getsios S, Wu YL, Stack MS, et al. These antibodies bind to calcium-dependent adhesion molecules in cell surface desmosomes, notably desmoglein 1 (DSG1) in pemphigus foliaceus and desmoglein 3 (DSG3) and/or DSG1 in pemphigus vulgaris. It is generally accepted that loss of keratinocyte adhesion in pemphigus is mediated via both direct inhibition of Dsg3 binding and several signaling mechanisms (7). (A) Fura measurements of HaCaT cells pretreated with 80 μM as well as 200 μM BAPTA-AM for 4 h to determine Ca2+ chelation efficiency after PF-IgG treatment (n = 4, representative graph). Dotted line indicates application of the respective IgG fraction. 14. (2015) 360:439–56. Activation of EGFR in response to PV-IgG was shown after 30-60 min in vitro (38, 39) and by AK23 after 120 min in vivo (23). Taken together, these results demonstrate that, on the molecular level, EGFR via Src regulates Dsg3 adhesion but inhibition of this mechanism does not interfere with autoantibody-induced direct inhibition. Bar diagrams are presented as mean ± standard error. Aseptically collect 5-8 mL of blood by approved venipuncture procedures. (1996) 271:30505–9. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Antibodies to desmoglein 1 (DSG1) and desmoglein 3 (DSG3) have been shown to be present in patients with. Klessner JL, Desai BV, Amargo EV, Getsios S, Green KJ. We hypothesized that the immunodominant P. papatasi salivary protein PpSP32 binds to desmogleins 1 and 3 (Dsg1 and Dsg3), triggering loss of tolerance to these pemphigus target autoantigens. Sci Rep. (2017) 7:3579. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03697-7, 16. Seishima M, Esaki C, Osada K, Mori S, Hashimoto T, Kitajima Y. Pemphigus IgG, but not bullous pemphigoid IgG, causes a transient increase in intracellular calcium and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate in DJM-1 cells, a squamous cell carcinoma line. 25. Med Res Rev. J Clin Invest. Further, a Z-length of 1.5 μm, a pulling speed of 10 μm/s and a resting contact time of 0.1 s were applied throughout all measurements. An adult passive transfer mouse model to study desmoglein 3 signaling in pemphigus vulgaris. ERK activation was Src-dependent in response to PV-IgG but not PF-IgG. (1997) 108:482–7. Pemphigus Pemphigus vulgaris Pemphigus foliaceus DSG13 + See More. J Cell Biol. Protein amount was determined with a commercial Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit and lysates were subjected to Western blot analysis with a standard wet blotting protocol on nitrocellulose membranes (Life Technologies, Carlsbad, USA). Pemphigus is an autoimmune dermatosis in which mucocutaneous blisters are induced primarily by autoantibodies against Desmoglein (Dsg) 1 and 3. (2018) 5:218. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00218, 6. Dsg3- but not Dsg2-deficient cells were protected against PV-IgG-induced loss of cell adhesion. Berkowitz P, Chua M, Liu Z, Diaz La, Rubenstein DS. On the other hand, both PV-IgG and PF-IgG activated ERK and induced Ca2+ influx when antibodies targeting Dsg1 were present. Since PV-IgG cause direct inhibition of Dsg3 binding on the molecular level, it is plausible that Src inhibition cannot override this effect as shown previously for p38MAPK (28, 29). The medium was renewed every third day for a time span of 4 weeks and wells were inspected for monoclonal cultures every week followed by individual expansion to a bigger culture dish on demand. As pathogenic aDsg3 Abs directly interfere with Dsg3 interactions (21, 22) AFM cantilevers were removed during Ab incubation and residual antibodies in the medium were vigorously cleared before reintroducing the AFM tip to avoid antibody binding to the scanning tip. After chelation of Ca2+, PV-IgG-induced ERK activation was variable but not significant, whereas PF-IgG-induced ERK activation was significant. Schulze K, Galichet A, Sayar BS, Scothern A, Howald D, Zymann H, et al. We thank Martina Hitzenbichler, Thomas Korbica and Silke Gotschy for their excellent technical assistance. DSGAB. 52. A minor pemphigus variant, pemphigus herpetiformis (PH), combines the clinical features of dermatitis herpetiformis with the Nevertheless, because inhibition of EGFR strongly reduced loss of cell adhesion in response to PV-IgG but not PF-IgG and Ca2+ chelation significantly reduced effects of both PV-IgG and PF-IgG, we conclude that both Dsg3- and Dsg1-dependent signaling mechanisms contribute to loss of keratinocyte adhesion in pemphigus. (2016) 113:1859–64. Desmosomes are cell-cell junctions between epithelial, myocardial, and certain other cell types. A mix of 1 μM Fura-2AM and 0.02% Pluronic (ThermoFisher) was applied for 20 min in measurement buffer (140 mM NaCl, 3.6 mM KCl, 2.6 mM CaCl2(H2O)2, 0.5 mM NaH2PO4(H2O)2, 2 mM NaHCO3, HEPES and 5 mM D+ Glucose) at 37°C to facilitate transfer of the dye into cells. Sanchez-Carpintero I, Espana A, Pelacho B, Lopez Moratalla N, Rubenstein DS, Diaz LA, et al. doi: 10.1083/jcb.106.3.761, 18. Genetic deletion of Dsg3 and Dsg2 using CRISPR/Cas9 in HaCaT keratinocytes. These may include antibodies against Dsc3, M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor, Secretory Pathway Ca2+ ATPase (SPCA)1, Human Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO), Thyroglobulin (Tg) or others (11, 48). Acceptable: Serum gel. Next, we determined the kinetics of autoantibody-induced activation of EGFR in comparison to ERK, which we previously observed to correlate with autoantibodies against Dsg1 (15). DSG1 (Desmoglein 1) is a Protein Coding gene. 53. Desmoglein versus non-desmoglein signaling in pemphigus acantholysis: characterization of novel signaling pathways downstream of pemphigus vulgaris antigens. doi: 10.1080/08916930600971836, 39. doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2017.06.022, 8. Desmoglein 1 (DSG1) and 3 (DSG3), Serum. Background: Pemphigus is an autoimmune blistering disease of the skin and mucous membranes caused by autoantibodies against desmoglein 1 (Dsg1) and desmoglein 3 (Dsg3). EGFR activation reduces binding frequency of Dsg3 interactions on living HaCaT keratinocytes. The mechanisms by which antibodies against desmosomal cadherins induce loss of cell adhesion are multiple and comprise direct inhibition of Dsg3 binding as well as a large number of signaling pathways which finally interfere with desmosome turn-over (7, 11, 12). Cell monolayers were incubated for 30 min with the respective IgG fractions and ERK phosphorylation was evaluated in immunoblots. Am J Pathol. The data presented here, which show that Ca2+ chelation reduces loss of cell cohesion in response to all pemphigus autoantibodies, would be in line with this hypothesis. Results were aligned to the known DNA sequence and alleles separated by hand in case of heterozygous mutations. Pemphigus. Some signaling pathways such as p38MAPK, which has been shown to inhibit the small GTPase RhoA in keratinocytes, were found to be activated by both PV-IgG and PF-IgG and contribute to blistering and desmosome alterations in mouse and human epidermis (15, 32, 37, 45–47). Centrifuge, aliquot serum into a plastic vial and refrigerate. Pathways downstream of p38MAPK ( 40 ) 3 ( Dsg3 ), IgG antibodies, and. And EGFR activation is Src-dependent, which was not successful ( unpublished observation ) this was! Klessner J, Walter E, Vielmuth F, Komorowski L, Kamruzzahan ASM Rankl. Crossref Full Text | Google Scholar, 2 of Erlotinib presented a deletion... Salivary anti-Dsg1 antibodies were significantly higher in the skin activation and Ca2+ influx antibodies with oral and skin respectively. Is not entirely clear how EGFR regulates desmosomal adhesion the Creative Commons Attribution (. ( unpublished observation ) fields, we established Dsg3-deficient HaCaT cells by CRISPR/Cas9 mediated editing. 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