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the masonic bible 33rd degree freemason says Lucifer is the good guy. The Round Fountain in the Tuileries correlates with Solomons Temple. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as anathema.. Required fields are marked *. 4y. Member Login Contact (800) 490-4495. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel - Sir Winston Churchill Henry Clausen. Pike was Long's successor, and he changed the name of the Order to the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (or Reformed Palladium). Zionism may have been born on the 33rd parallel. Meaning this scam goes on and on infinitely. Wrong Assessment, Illuminati controls the exclusive religions that has taken many lives to create the new world order of today.I am getting bored now. That is very one dimensional thinking.It is the destruction of dark ideologies that are built to destroy other cultures to assimilate by certain "Exclusive Religions" that are under control of the Illuminati. Curiously, John F. Kennedy was assassinated on parallel 33, in the city of Dallas. Incidentally, Freemasonry itself is a fascinating subject and I could devote an entire website to it. 33rd Parallel - Nephilim Portal - Conspiracy Daily Update The human foot has 33 joints. Now, back to the 33rd parallel and the pivotal role it has played in many major events of the modern era. His articles have been linked to from popular sites such as Cryptomundo, and Coast to Coast AM. The seduction of secret societies is as old as the Garden of Eden, when the serpent beguiled Eve, saying to her, "Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:4-5). It will be replaced by the older traditions that people lost which were harmonious with nature.It was not about exploiting nature, it was about living with harmony with nature.Nature is the limb of God without which we cannot survive.Any other ambiguities? A sentence was passed upon him by a regular court under the laws of the United States of America. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel - YouTube Pike also worked closely. IMDb is the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. Jehovah and Jesus - also known as Lucifer. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number For example 33rd degree Free Mason and 33rd president of the US Harry Truman entered us into the Nuclear age with the A-Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico. So, is there really anything to the number 33? 06/16/2022 . The following month, atomic weapons obliterated the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, despite neither city having much in the way of real political or military significance. Namara Vasili Maklakov. . "Ancient Aliens" meets "No Reservations". Wait, can somebody please elaborate how living in harmony with nature is worshipping the light of lucifer? He makes a connection between numerous ancient archeo-astronomy sites across the globe, all within one degree or so either side of the 33rd. Sitting on one of the highest hilltops in Elbert County, Georgia, near the 33rd parallel, stands a huge granite monument. James B. Conant. James Cameron. Gerald Rudolf Ford. Well there are, if we travel along the 33rd parallel from the Middle East all the way to the Far East, we can actually find the fabulous White Pyramid which is located about 60 miles southwest of Xian. The elite sacrificed Columbia STS 107 with 1 astronaut from each of the 7 co, ntinents over the 33rd parallel on 2/1/03, [33] the 11th year anniversary to the morning of a speech Bush I delivered in front on the UN calling for the "New World Order". James Rothschild. Peace. Sir Richard Burton. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? What does the number 33 means to the Freemasons? MASONS AND OTHER OCCULTISTS REVERE THE NUMBER 33 ABOVE ALL OTHER NUMBERS. If a state or country was intersected by the 33rd parallel or fell closer to the equator, it was termed a warm climate, but if the state/country fell outside of this parallel, the region was . Tell Me More About Albert Pike. I think I might have stumbled on something about this event. In 1840, an allegation was made that jews were kidnapping and engaged in the ritual murder of two Christians in Damascus, Syria, a city , like Baghdad , right at the heart of the 33rd parallel. The National Park Service describes Launch Complex 33 as: Closely associated with U.S. testing of the German V-2 rocket, the origins of the American rocket program, and the leadership of Dr. Werner von Braun. 30th degree but is not totally clear until the 33rd degree, as it is of a certain size also. $19.95. Southern regional leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number The Disney club thats so exclusive youve never even heard of it:Club 33, named after Walt Disneys Masonic ties, has an invite-only membership, a 14-year wait list, and a $100k initiation fee., Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program to Bring Nazi Scientists to America,,, JAMES DEAN, WALT DISNEY, MARLON BRANDO, MIND CONTROL, CIA, GAY,,, here's one, i don't know if its on the site you linked to but here you go-. Jacob Schiff. Hey Half Navajo, you're absolutely right. At Caesarea Philippi, in the vicinity of the 33rd Parallel, Jesus Christ predicted his own death. 4, 1. The second wave, occurring around 10pm, of a series of lights that appeared to hover, was captured widely on camera and video. But I have been on an amazing journey and seem to benefit as well as benefit the people around me, so I will continue to do as I do. LIVE | 200 Fallen Angels of the 33rd Parallel | Where They Fell Unlocks NEW Ancient Secrets Switch to English Disney Pedophilia and Satanic Role Models [], JULIAN COULTON INVESTIGATES BRITAINS NEWEST AND QUICKEST BUILT CITY INTERESTING FREEMASON, Your email address will not be published. Subtitle: Further, is it just coincidence that Babylon was first major city to be established simply because it was on the 33rd Degree Parallel? Mysteries of Parallel 33 - The Ancient Code The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. To occultists and secret societies like the Freemasons, 33 is held in reverence. Stretching from the Chesapeake Bay to Santa Cruz, CA, the 37th Parallel has been called the UFO Highway and the Paranormal Highway.. William Booth (Salvation Army)John Wilkes Booth. As such, can we really be surprised that writers/poets/philosophers have considered numerical patterns to be significant?My observation, of course, does not really undermine your research. He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. George Warvelle. And finally to Disneyland. Timothy McVeigh was not a "suspect" who was murdered". I have chosen to provide the best care for my fellow human, while respecting the environment(nature) around me. 33rd parallel may refer to: 33rd parallel north, a circle of latitude in the Northern Hemisphere. Numerology. Roscoe Pound(Gen.) Colin L. Powell. Derek - there is no, "Creator of some sort." The invisible society is a secret and most August fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum. Rev. BLaming patriarchical societies for every single ill that is confronting humanity is very much scape-goating. Rev. Full website at! It is just a thought. i just looked up the 33rd parallel, had not really heard of it before. This is not a problem unique to Disney. After reading the Gospel of the Essenes I finally understood why I couldn't and can't kill animals. freemasonary the voice winner. Masonic Organizations, appendant bodies, OES, Scottish Rite, Shriners, York Rite, Job's Daughters. The Bible has and is revealing these things you have just got to look deep into its pages and see there is allot to do with symbolism and numerology all through it all there to warn us about the days ahead. 88. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel - Home | Facebook 1 example to get you going, the symbol for the sun, the "swastika" is a double helix being viewd from above.all the best dude, oh and get a copy of the I-Chingpeace, "Ice freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit and changes to water at 33 degrees"Water freezes and melts at the same temperature, 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Did you know that it was the 33rd US President who targeted two Japanese cities with nuclear bombs? Karl Marx(Baron) Yves Marsaudon. Veronica Hamel was born on November 20, 1943 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Third and Final. Is the supposed significance just us humans looking for patterns wherever we can find them? Subscribe Today! Wells (amajor inspiration for Disneys Tomorrowland), who, through hispredictions of the future, conditioned the public to prepare for, and accept the stages of the New World Order. Would someone please add the significance of the 33rd parallel. 84 likes. 33 vertebra in the human spinal column when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually; 33 days in the "intellectual cycle" in the . Amen is the God of Truth, and 33 represents Christ consciousness . Presidents: Abraham Lincoln and. Everything Changes at 33: Numerology & Occult Symbolism Religion, god, human stupidity, ignorance, intellectual indotrination, the THOUGHT PROCESSS of education and learningetc, etc.paganism is religion (which is a business, which is government, which is slavery). Then I would get a copy of the book, The Land of Meat and Honey by Shmuel Asher. Palladism had been brought to Greece from Egypt by Pythagoras in the fifth century, and it was this cult of Satan that was introduced to the inner circle. Some say that Maha was taken from Hebrew, meaning, What, the builder.. 33- THE SECRET OF NUMBER 33, 33 PARALLEL. Your email address will not be published. The Green Movement and the Conspiracy-theory driven resistance movement that insists on retaliation and remaking the world once the, "other elite" is, "defeated" is the source of this new prison - this time, they will make a new prison for themselves without knowing it. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel (TV Series) - IMDb Are your thinking physical destruction? There are also ancient sites near the 33rd parallel, whether that means anything or not. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. As we shall soon see, many pivotal events of recent history have occurred along the 33 rd parallel. Shocking facts of the 33rd parallel, page 1 - Left unchecked it will completely consume every thing in its path. Mikhail Gorbachev Al Gore J. J. J. Gourgas. The Secrets of The 33rd Parallel. The secrets of the 33rd parallel | Discreen Vision Game collection Surely we are nothing like British Petroleum? I couldn't believe it! Talk:33rd parallel north - Wikipedia Giuseppe Garibaldi. A huge factor in ancient religeon of hebrews and christians involve Mt Hermes which is the place that moses was visited by god. Illuminati brainwashing and destruction of Morality. Long apparently chose Charleston because it was geographically located on the 33rd parallel of latitude (incidentally, so is Baghdad), and this council is considered to be the Mother Supreme Council of all Masonic Lodges of the World. Helmut Kohl Ted Kollek. Century Albert Pike. HAF July 30, 2021. Deception: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of Newgrange Paperback November 24, 2014 by Paul Boggs (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating In England only 75 Freemasons can be 33rd degree at one time. The 33rd Degree Law of the Masonic Phoenicians Albert Pike is the only Confederate general with a statue on federal property in Washington, DC. Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to head the Illuminati's American chapter, he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such a task. Shimon Peres. the secrets of the 33rd parallel - Ted Fund 33rd parallel north. Google Search: Organic Products Are A Lie, GMOs Are Good for You and Supplements Are Scams in Latest Anti-health Search Manipulation, What You Think is Controlled by What You Watch, and What You Watch is Controlled by the Elite.