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[citation needed]. [29] Ninurta was the son of Enlil and Ninlil. God Bless You. Later, this role was supplanted by kings, but priests continued to exert great influence on Sumerian society. Post navigation Washington's Vision Ereshkigal's Choice, Partial Text to "Before All Befores" [19][14]:184 All souls went to the same afterlife,[19] and a person's actions during life had no effect on how the person would be treated in the world to come. The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, When they came to the Earth, there was much work to be done and these gods toiled the soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals. Glory to . Then, the Anunna made a category of inferior gods, the Igigi work for them, until they rebelled and refused to continue working. Each of their major cities worshiped a different god as their chief local deity. during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. In the Sumerian city-states, temple complexes originally were small, elevated one-room structures. The epithet "Crusher of stones" highlights his fearsome nature. The major deities in the Sumerian pantheon included An, the god of the heavens, Enlil, the god of wind and storm, Enki, the god of water and human culture, Ninhursag, the goddess of fertility and the earth, Utu, the god of the sun and justice, and his father Nanna, the god of the moon. 2a - Marduk on his throne in his mud brick-built ziggurat temple inside heart of Babylon. ability for space travel and genetic engineering 450,000 years ago, [14]:179180, The majority of Sumerian deities belonged to a classification called the Anunna ([offspring] of An), whereas seven deities, including Enlil and Inanna, belonged to a group of underworld judges" known as the Anunnaki ([offspring] of An + Ki). [36] In later myth, her husband was the god Nergal. Enlils importance was immense as he was said to be the being that granted kingship to kings, and the force behind most of the aspects of the universe. He emailed me and asked for a service. Loki 5. Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the ability for space travel and genetic engineering 450,000 years ago, and that they would have left traces of their existence all over Earth with small clues pointing to a still unknown technology that is present in various forms in the construction of pyramids (Egyptian, Mayan, Aztec and Chinese), in the megalithic site of Stonehenge, in the spaceport of Baalbeck, in the Nazca lines and in Machu Picchu. The Sumerians believed that the universe had come into being through a series of cosmic births. I have just realised the truth, and everything we have been taught are lies. The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. Ereshkigal was the goddess of the Sumerian Underworld, which was known as Kur. First the underground world was believed to be an extension of the goddess Ki, but later developed into the concept of Kur. (LogOut/ This included the aforementioned air god Enlil, air goddess Ninlil, moon god Nanna, and sun god Utu. There are three different ways you can cite this article. Hanuman 5. The goddess who , Watch Mythology with Mikes video about Ishtar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnpreFTArFcChart by Matt Baker:https://usefulcharts.com/Script & Narration by . But if the Anunnaki were real. [19] The god Neti was the gatekeeper. There was also no cult formed to worship her, and it is said that she is the same entity as the goddesses Ninmah, Ninhursag, and Nintu, among others. I have been warning about the threat of Nibiru and the arrival of the star gods for a very long time as well. Sumerian religion heavily influenced the religious beliefs of later Mesopotamian peoples; elements of it are retained in the mythologies and religions of the Hurrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and other Middle Eastern culture groups. [37] An was the ancient Sumerian god of the heavens. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a [17]:108109[14]:203 The sun was her brother Utu, the god of justice,[14]:203 and the moon was their father Nanna. [33] Utu was principally regarded as a dispenser of justice;[14]:184 he was believed to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. The goddess was also said to have crafted a set of legislations that shaped the code of law and etiquette in the area. One of the key points to her story was her love affair with Dumuzi, the god of shepherds, and how she ended up being the cause for his demise. Search this book on Leeming, David (2005). Greek Family Tree. Enki's wife, Ninhursag, is one of the oldest and most important of Sumerian gods and goddesses. She is known as the mother of the god Enki/Ea as well as the mother goddess who gave birth to the cosmos and all the gods. The family tree of the Anunnaki - those who came down from the heavens 1,756 The ancient Anunnaki are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth during the ancient Sumerian time in Mesopotamia. By now, Enlil should require little in the way of an introduction. civilization cannot replicate even today in the 21st Dabbling in all kinds of knowledge, art, crafting, magic, and spells, Enki also known as the god Ea later on was involved in almost every brainy aspect of life in ancient Mesopotamia. He was the first king of Egypt, according to the myth. Sitchin stated that the ancient inhabitants of Nibiru had the Utu had one child a daughter named Mamu who was one of many goddesses who presided over the realm of dreams. What is the Strong Delusion? Her popularity saw a spike in the early days of Babylon, eventually going on to become the foremost of healing deities for the civilization. The Shocking Truth About Fish That Even Your Doctor Doesn't Know The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported. In 2 Thess. accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The group consisted of 7 gods: An, Enlil, Enki, Ki/Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna. The priesthood resided full-time in temple complexes, and administered matters of state including the large irrigation processes necessary for the civilization's survival. Early on, there were two completely unrelated language families: the Sumerian language family and the East Semitic language family. of years ago. Whether a deity or not, she played a major role in creating the universe as well as humans and human civilization. This was not done at random, however, as the patron deity of a city defined its strength and significance in the region, and the god of a city ascended the ranks in mythology in accordance with the rise of a city itself. And they intend to SLAUGHTER mankind behind the scenes while they masquerade as our saviors (fake Jesuses). What is their bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific deities? Thor Who Are the Most Important Gods in the Norse Mythology Family Tree? Either way, she went on to enlist the help of Enki to create a clay figurine in the image of the gods themselves. The main source of information about the Sumerian creation myth is the prologue to the epic poem Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld,[13]:3033 which briefly describes the process of creation: originally, there was only Nammu, the primeval sea. Add this URL to your browser address bar with a copy and paste: Her primary temples were called Esabad and Egalmah. She was also a patron of Uruk, where she was later known as Ishtar in the Babylonian version of events. The information I share is only a catalyst to expanding ones confined consciousness. BEST I'VE FOUND. In his Books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay are often referred to as the immortal gods that lived on Earth Named after the Earth itself, Ki was a direct descendent of Nammu. is given by Heaven was reserved exclusively for deities and, upon their deaths, all mortals' spirits, regardless of their behavior while alive, were believed to go to Kur, a cold, dark cavern deep beneath the earth, which was ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal and where the only food available was dry dust. The Sumerian Pantheon and Creation Myth. Family tree of Babylonian god Relationship between God, nature, and human being in that civilization In Mesopotamia civilization, Marduk was a local Babylonian god and was raised to chief when city of Babylon conquered Mesopotamia. He scattered stars and planets around the sky, and together with his wife Ningal, gave birth to Inanna and her twin brother Utu. The scriptures says that one day we shall judge the angels. And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; (caused by NIBIRU) 26 mens hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Additionally, these deities were depicted to either be human in form or, at the very least, anthropomorphic. (Nibiru) and a.A.Mi. bloodline and can we trace them back in history to specific The goddess was married to Nergal, the god of war, death, and disease. One of the most highly regarded female deities in early Mesopotamian religion, Nammugave birth to An and Ki the gods of heaven and earth. The following is a reprint of an article from Wes Penre. Next, the Anunna, grateful to Marduk, founded Babylon and built a temple in his honor, called Esagila.The reinvention of the Anunna term through its Akkadian form, Anunnaki, arose in 1964, after the publication of the book Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization, by Adolph Leo Oppenheim, who popularized this concept which was taken by different blogs and characters from the esoteric world and pseudoscientific portals.Author Zecharia Sitchin published a dozen books known as The Earth Chronicles from the 1970s where he described in great detail the Anunnaki.In his Books, Sitchin offered translated ancient Sumerian clay tablets and texts which were written in a cuneiform script that describes the Anunnaki.In the book the 12th Planet, Sitchin tells the arrival of the Anunnaki to Earth from a supposed planet called Nibiru about 450,000 years ago: tall beings about 3 meters in height with white skin, long hair and beard, who would have settled in Mesopotamia and that, by genetic engineering, accelerated the evolution of the Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens contributing their own genetics, for the need of slave workers. Misinformation from that Aug.17th 2011 short video of him saying about the Military knew this. VEDAS IS THE KEYFamily Trees of the Gods. Save the information quickly. Their gods An, Enlil, Enki, Ninhursag, Nanna, Utu, and Inanna were the seven gods who "decreed the fates," together with around 3,000 more. As with many other polytheistic religions, the Sumerian pantheon consists of a number of gods who are all related to one another. He was father to three other children as well Marduk, Uttu, and Ninti. They say they want no harm to be done to us lulus (humans); they say they owe us and want our forgiveness for what happened in the past (to understand this you really need to read my Papers at wespenre.com, or Zacharia Sitchins books). Such inconsistencies were also common when it came to what a god was the god of, with multiple gods being in charge of one aspect of the cosmos, and a singular deitys purview changing over the course of time. ENBILULU - The Mesopotamian water god charged with the care of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The King of Creation and all the Universes. Please Note: The Sumerian "gods" information on the Family Tree web site has been BLOCKED by the web site owners from the Tribulation-Now web servers. His cult featured princesses as priestesses, who were given residence in a building called a Gipar. Read More. .. Did you like this post? While most religions today are firmly rooted in the idea of a perennial god who transcends the very concept of time, the Sumerians believed that their primary gods came from the union between the goddess Nammu the Sumerian goddess of what was considered the primordial sea or salt water bodies and her partner Engur, who was not a deity but a personification of what was assumed to be an underground ocean of freshwater called the Abzu or Apsu. Anunnaki [17]:151,157158 Accounts of her parentage vary;[17]:108 in most myths, she is usually presented as the daughter of Nanna and Ningal,[30]:ixxi,xvi but, in other stories, she is the daughter of Enki or An along with an unknown mother. she was also Aphrodite to the Greeks. The Amorite Babylonians gained dominance over southern Mesopotamia by the mid-17th century BC. or one soul playing all the roles.. Beware of fraudulent claims to legitimate blessed Abrahamic bloodline relatives. In other religions, the faithful are afforded the comfort of life after death. That being said, the Sumerian gods are indeed returning (from the dog star Sirius, e.g. Utu was god of the sun, whose primary center of worship was the E-babbar temple in Sippar. As a leader of the Anunna gods in Sumeria, it is believed Enki . Pin It. temple in his honor, called Esagila. that, before the creation of man, the gods had to work to live. This will be realigned properly on return, and those who stand with them will be eliminated as pawns and as proxies which is what they are in hopes that the power and position now held will continue with the victory of their patrons. Praises to Jesus Christ the King of Kings. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 1hh - Marduk, eldest son to Enki, upon his constellation symbol of Aires the Ram. [14]:180 Each dome was made of a different kind of precious stone. Although the gods Nanna and Enlil refused to come to her aid, good old Enki sprang into action and tried to have Inanna extracted from the Nether realm. Together with An, she created a portion of the vegetation of the planet and also gave birth to Enlil and the other gods collectively known as the Annunaki. . Did you like this post? Let everybody outside this planet learn that we are a peaceful race. The Trimurti 3. For anyone wondering why some gods have two names, it's because Mesopotamia wasn't a place with a unified language. This entry was posted in Adad, Anu, Anunnaki Gods, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Nannar, Ninhursag, Ninurta, Utu and tagged royal family of gods on February 28, 2015 by nibirudb. I take it to be part of the message, but as there is a line separating it, it may be from Wes. "Civilization" in this context means a settled town or city-dwelling people who possess a stable agricultural technology (including domesticated animals) and have developed a hierarchical system of social classes (peasants, laborers, slaves, craftsmen [smiths, masons . [19][14]:184 The Akkadians attempted to harmonize this dual rulership of the underworld by making Nergal Ereshkigal's husband. For instance, he warned of the flood created by Enlil which was intended to eradicate the human race. [17]:109 She was the divine personification of the planet Venus, the morning and evening star. Before the beginning of kingship in Sumer, the city-states were effectively ruled by theocratic priests and religious officials. the Mesopotamian - especially Babylonian - version of the Unique to Sumerian religion is the fact that there is an absolute inferiority of men to gods. are returning to Earth to take care of business, overthrowing both the disloyal Anunnaki and the human Global Elite, by some called The Illuminati (http://illuminati-news.com). Laugh at it if you must, but take it seriously if you are smart. Both the Sumerian and Akkadian languages contain many words to express the sensation of ni, including the word puluhtu, meaning "fear". According to Sitchin's He was the father of Utu and one of the patron deities of Ur. The 2 Thess. of years ago. Did you like this post? In Sumerian Mythology the Anunnaki were a pantheon of good and evil gods and goddesses (duality) who came to Earth to create the human race. Seek the truth for yourself and put your own puzzle together that has been presented to you. Humans were created as co-laborers with their gods to hold off the forces of chaos and to keep the world running smoothly. Definition. century. During the Akkadian Empire, Inanna, the goddess of sex, beauty, and warfare, was widely venerated across Sumer and appeared in many myths, including the famous story of her descent into the Underworld. dozen books known as Area of Influence: Fire, Wisdom, Weapons. Deities were almost always depicted wearing horned caps, consisting of up to seven superimposed pairs of ox-horns. Believe them not, for everyone will be held contemptible by the beliefs held and by the heart that beats in their chests this by the word of the King, my father. She was older than her more lively sister Inanna, hated her passionately, and was a stone-cold queen who enforced the law that no one could leave the underworld without leaving a replacement behind. point towards interstellar travelers, that came to Earth thousands One of the four gods to whom creation was attributed, Enki was primarily the god of fresh water, and was said to have filled the Tigris and Euphrates rivers with both water and marine life. Genesis of the Grail Kings, 1999: the Grand Assembly of the Ancient Anunnaki. Almost 6 years ago and everyone thinks they are coming now. Mesopotamian Gods Family Tree UsefulCharts 1.38M subscribers Subscribe 24K Share 1M views 1 year ago Watch Mythology with Mike's video about Ishtar:. There is even evidence of cults which considered Nanna to be the primary god. This indicates this is likely intended to be, Give to the Poor, NOT to us (Matt. Sumerian Mythology - The Anunnaki Gods: The Astronaut Gods of the Sumerians#SumerianMythology #Mythology #SeeUinHistory #History #MythologyExplainedCheck out. Utu was also known as the god of truth and justice because he was deemed to be able to see everything from his vantage point. Now you know who that is. [13]:3740 Enlil separated An from Ki and carried off the earth as his domain, while An carried off the sky. 123 experts online. The king-priest, wearing a net skirt and a hat with leaves or feathers, stands before the door of a temple, symbolized by two great maces. During the Akkadian Period, Ereshkigal's role as the ruler of the underworld was assigned to Nergal, the god of death. According to the ancient Sumeriantexts, the Sumerian god, Anu, the supreme Lord of the Sky, the currently reigning titular head of the Sumerian Family Tree, had two sons. They required minerals like gold to protect their atmosphere, they required more and they found a huge depost is Africa, south africa and it had to be mined, so the earth settled Annuki created slaves to mine, by altering the homonoids (neanderthols) with their own genetics to create, us, humans as we are now, originated from south africa and the middle east (2 Thes 2:11), It is the fallen angels (aliens) telling us that "they" are our creators. Should I be worried, Start palnning for my family and prepare for accepting and preparing for survival? However, she also felt pity later on, and allowed him to join her in heaven for half a year albeit at the expense of having his sister replace him for the duration. Utu was the personification of the brilliance and warmth of the sun unfailing and perpetual. The theories are many, [17]:140 Ninhursag was worshipped in the cities of Kesh and Adab. 2 see the lie). Humans were believed to have been created by Enki, the son of Nammu and An. Earth with small clues pointing to a still unknown technology that The god of heaven or the sky, he was also the patron god of the city of Uruk. The latter descriptions are supported by a tale of how Enlil and Enki ordered the gods Labar and Ashnan to Earth in order to give cattle and grain to its inhabitants. [34] He may have also been the father of Inanna and Ereshkigal. Note from the Editor: First of all; this is an authentic message! She was referred to as the patroness of doctors, and was said to be in possession of medical equipment such as scalpels, herbal medicine, and bandages. [14]:184. To link to this article in the text of an online publication, please use this URL: https://historycooperative.org/sumerian-gods/. meters in height with white skin, long hair and beard, who would Matt 19:21 [14]:184 She was Inanna's older sister. [18] Instead, after a person died, his or her soul went to Kur (later known as Irkalla), a dark shadowy underworld, located deep below the surface of the earth. The god An was the head of the Mesopotamian pantheon. His intelligent magic often included trickery to benefit the good of the human race. . Unlike Enlil, however, Enki was almost always nice to humans, appearing to be wiser and more peaceful than his master. Early Sumerian cuneiform was used primarily as a record-keeping tool; it was not until the late Early Dynastic period that religious writings first became prevalent as temple praise hymns[5] and as a form of "incantation" called the nam-ub (prefix + "to cast"). Ancient Gods Family Tree - Unforbidden Knowledge May 25, 2020 shivampanchal Ancient Gods Family Tree SumeriansThe Sumerians influenced Mesopotamian mythology as a whole, surviving in the mythologies and religions of the Hurrians, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and other culture groups. Anything that is held to the contrary is contrived, dishonest, self-serving and likely the work of proxies. With his life-giving energies, Utu also helped plants grow. The minor god Damu also had the power to drive demons away, and had many a Sumerian poem written about him. Anu is also known as "An," the Great Father of the Sky. Thats what we have to look at. Thank you for visiting sumerian family tree page. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical. This sounds to me like he brought the message down with him, to Earth, from the King, & seeing as he used email to contact Wes, I would say he would likely have used email to deliver the message as well. Amen and Glory to the King of Kings, Yahushua Jesus the Messiah. [13]:3740 An and Ki mated with each other, causing Ki to give birth to Enlil, the god of wind, rain, and storm. The Sumerian texts also describe the Epic of Creation (of which Genesis is a condensed version), as well as a continuing semi-sibling rivalry between Enki and Enlil , their offspring, and those Ymir Everything seems to start with Ymir. They say they come to bring peace, and as liberators, perhaps, but their minds are still on war, and that is in conflict with my own mindset, at least. According to Mesopotamian mythology, the Anunna or Anunnaki were, initially, the most powerful gods and lived with Anu in heaven. View all posts by Luis T. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account.