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We are always encouraging our 4 teenage daughters to be confident in who they are, and to not let other peoples judgment or opinions of them alter their path or steal their confidence. Does Suboxone Rot Your Teeth? - Addiction Resource One by one, my teeth started falling out. Listen NONE of us were warned. People complimented me on my teeth, and it became a source of pride. buprenorphine as the best drug to treat neonatal abstinence, NEC Similac Alimentum Lawsuit Alleges Abbott Failed To Disclose Risk of Severe Intestinal Disease for Newborns, CPSC Issues Baby Trend Stroller Warning After Death Linked to Detachable Canopy, Hair Relaxer Lawsuit Information and Updates, Lawyers to Meet with Hair Relaxer MDL Judge During Initial Status Conference March 2nd, Hair Relaxer Chemicals Caused Uterine Cancer, Lawsuit Alleges, Paraquat Sprayed on Family Farm Led to Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, Lawsuit Claims, Parkinson's Disease Cases Diagnosed Each Year Are 50% Higher Than Prior Estimates, With Increased Incidents in Certain Areas. 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. I am 32 years old and need FULL set of dentures. It landed me in the ER 3 times. I have experienced everything the other commenters have described, but because I couldn't afford regular dental care prior to being put on Suboxone, I don't qualify for the class action lawsuit because I can't "prove it". Same I started out with the tablets in 2010 and a year later I had rotten teeth. The FDA also recommends patients inform their doctor if they have a history of tooth problems, including cavities, when starting this medication. July 30, 2020 The FTC sued the makers of Suboxone, a prescription drug to treat opioid addiction, alleging they were preventing patients from choosing lower priced generic versions of the drug. Suboxone is sold in dosages of 30 pills or a supply of two days, depending on the type of sublingual film (the small plastic film is thin, square shaped, and unobtrusive). Your teeth are one of the most important things you have and if something is going to destroy them I think we have or had the right to know, I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. I have experienced everything the other commenters have described, but because I couldn't afford regular dental care prior to being put on Suboxone, I don't qualify for the class action lawsuit because I can't "prove it". Can I sue the makers of suboxone? Can I get the makers of - Avvo She weened herself off of the drug little by little until she was eventually at an 8th of the film and even then the whole family had to watch her kick the sheets for almost a week once she dropped it. there is no gas, only shots in my gums, so they can pull the stumps of my once beautiful teeth out, and give me dentures. It hurts to eat and I constantly have to pick food out of the broken teeth. The teeth were not fixable. I want to know what I need to do to get help with getting implants. So i need help cause my insurance is medicade and work at a grocery store with 5 kids to work for. I have done everything I possibly can to prevent them from falling but sadly I believe I will need a dental bridge. The dentist is literally the scariest place for me to go to. Drug Safety and Availability, Recalls, Market Withdrawals and Safety Alerts, Information about Nitrosamine Impurities in Medications, Food and Drug Administration Overdose Prevention Framework, Medication Errors Related to CDER-Regulated Drug Products, Postmarket Drug Safety Information for Patients and Providers, Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies | REMS, Multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections, FDA warns about dental problems with buprenorphine medicines dissolved in the mouth to treat opioid use disorder and pain. They should be held accountable. Someone needs to be held accountable because most insurance won't cover the repair of the extensive damage that has been done and I don't have the money to pay for the oral surgery and implants! Something needs to be done to rectify the trauma that has been done to patients teeth!!! Been on suboxone for 5 years teeth were in good shape and now I barley have any healthy teeth left. Thanks Big Pharma, creating "pemanant customers" since the dawn of the 20th century. I never had dental issues until the last few years. Within months they all started falling out. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. Let's ask those taking suboxone, that are in recovery, how often they went to the dentist or how well they took care of their teeth, whe. Suboxone maker Reckitt Benckiser Group (RB Group) will pay the U.S. government a record $1.4 billion to end criminal and civil probes into the marketing of its addiction treatment medication, making it the largest settlement related to the opioid crisis in U.S. history, authorities said on Thursday. I was never warned. I have been on belbuca for 2 years. Booked another appointment at a different place wait 6 months the oral surgeon had a baby and wont be in. My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. As a dental professional Im sickened by the effects Ive seen due to this medication. I only have 7 left on the bottom and I keep infection. After researching this issue, I have learned that Suboxone weakens the bones around the teeth, thereby loosening the teeth, and they fall out. Search the Legal Library instead. I've had multiple root canals recently, a tooth just pulled, another tooth just crumbled apart so i have 1/2 a tooth there and the rest are so sensitive and I can see cavities that need to be filled. My teeth were damn near perfect before I started the tablets in late 2018 then my dr. moved me to strips as my body wasnt metabolizing the tablets well. 3 months ago they finally warned us in group and i said i knew it,i knew my teeth were rapidly messing up. I too have been on Suboxone sublingual tablets and films since 2008 and I only had 2 fillings and one crown before starting the medication. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. That was years ago. I cannot get used to that. My husband had to have his whole bottom pulled last year. Had all my top teeth pulled year ago. I need help. before the suboxone my teeth were in decent shape and now its problem after problem! Suboxen saved my life, but if I would have known about the withdrawals and the tooth decay I would have never started taking them. Instead of coming on here to just run your mouth to make yourselves seem like you know something, how about come correct and have something to offer? They would break off to the gums one by one. And I had no prior dental problems before 2013 besides brac[Show More]My name is Crystal fox. (760) 891-5767. We didnt choose opioid addiction, and we trusted our doctors when we were told This drug is safe; referring to both the opioids as well as the Suboxone. In patients taking buprenorphine for OUD, it reduces opioid withdrawal symptoms and the desire to use opioids, without causing the cycle of highs and lows associated with opioid misuse or abuse. Why is sublocade included? 2.5 million people in the U.S. taking Suboxone. SAMHSA: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT). Someone should be responsible for the damage, bc we can not afford to fix our teeth properly. The last dentist I went to made me feel even worse as she acted like I was beyond fixing. The cost of fixing my teeth is in the tens of thousa[Show More]Over a span of 2 years, I have lost 3 healthy teeth as a result of taking Suboxone. I used opiates for a year before starting suboxone. I am told it will cost me at least $5,000 just to ge[Show More]I have been on suboxone since 2014. I wish I was rich. Weve both suffered through many many abscesses and have had multiple teeth pulled and spent soooo many nights suffering with tooth aches. Shes. I would not have been able to do any of that without it. Suddenly stopping the treatment could lead to serious consequences, including withdrawal symptoms or opioid relapse, which can result in an overdose and death. People start taking suboxone to get off of opioids, and then become dependent upon the suboxone. Screen patients for oral disease and ask about their oral health history prior to beginning therapy with a transmucosal buprenorphine medicine. DEA cracks down on pharmacies prescribing Suboxone and Subutex : Shots If you read the actual court documents it's pretty sickening to find out the extreme extent these companies went through in order to funnel the $1 billion suboxone market-share back into their pockets. I know someone with a similar situation. I was never warned of this being a side effect I even used to read the booklet they had on the bottle for the Drs. Of the 305 cases, 113 mentioned two or more teeth were affected. I hardly go out anymore because I used to have a beautiful smile and now it's disgusting. If you are starting this medicine, tell your health care professional if you have any tooth problems, including a history of cavities. These companies, including the FDA care nothing about us. But I need to get my life going so I need to have an acceptable to society smile in order to achieve a job to survive. Never once was I told this could affect my teeth and saying affect my teeth is a understatement Ive had to have all but 6 teeth pulled because they would just become kinda soft and break off to the gum line Ive been in pain for years because of my mouth it has affected my self confidence and my image issues. Likely 4 root canals still coming. I have done everything I possibly can to prevent them from falling but sadly I believe I will need a dental bridge. To get a brand spanking new set of teeth will set her and my father back thousands and thousands. I was never informed of any concerns that it may cause any dental problems, everyone should have been told about the risk before prescribing. Ive had to have 5 teeth removed and I have a partial that comes in and out. I would not have been able to do any of that without it. I wish I wouldve known this was going to happen. The ones that are there are broken and decayed. Something HAS TO BE DONE!! Two cracked and one in the FRONT, popped out and caught it in my hand. I'm down to soft food only, and eve[Show More]I began taking suboxone in 2007, I have never taken more than a 1/4 of a strip at a time, I have lost all the top molars on one side of my mouth, 2 on the other, all the teeth along my gum line are black, and the only 2 teeth I have left that fit together and can chew with, are completely hollowed out and I'm unable to chew anything hot, cold, or crunchy at all. Everyone should have all their dental procedures paid for including Implants because this medication is the SOLE reason my teeth are destroyed!!! Thanks. It was a very upsetting time since I could not find the culprit, thus I made sure to pay even more attention to my teeth and followed an excellent oral health regimenwithout success. We regained our lives past opioid addiction maintaining healthy lifestyles, enjoying our children and advancing in our careers. To this day articles from the fda etc say some. Suboxone maker Reckitt Benckiser to pay $1.4 billion in - ABC News My teeth are literally crumbling. Patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) may have a higher incidence of poor dental health;4however, many cases described severe dental issues in patients with no reported prior history of dental problems (n=26). my husband and I have both been prescribed Suboxone for several years with no knowledge of potential tooth decay, my husband lost all his teeth, and now has dentures at 31, and I also have had multiple fillings and teeth pulled, and issues. I was on drugs for many years, and my teeth only started rapidly decaying after trying to get better on Suboxone. I been on suboxone for almost 3 years now and yes it has saved my life but also now my teeth are all crumbling and breaking. That was years ago. It can help sustain recovery and prevent or reduce opioid overdose. This had been the worst time of my life! Ive tried to get help with dentures but have no money. And not to mention, there may be a lawsuit against the makers of suboxone now too? This is due to the acidity in Suboxone and the instructions for taking the medication. Ever since the extractions and now the dentures, I have been severely depressed and rarely leave the house. It causes dry mouth which created the environment for weaker teeth and or decay. 2012 after being dependent on the pills the strips came out after just my first year 2013-2014 my first front tooth fell out. My mother took belbuca for 10 months and now has had to have numerous teeth pulled and replaced by implants, in addition to gum infections, and oral including tongue infections. Since I started this medication Ive had nothing but problems. Same I started in 2012 and I had perfect teeth before never any problems. In the past year, I've had major tooth decay. I had all my dental repairs up to date and during the past 5 years on suboxone my teeth have gotten horrible. Women diagnosed with cancer may be eligible for settlement benefits. I wa, My teeth were damn near perfect before I started the tablets in late 2018 then my dr. moved me to strips as my body wasnt metabolizing the tablets well. Its not just our teeth thats missing, ..its our lives. I've had to go thru so much pain during some of my visits, I need to go more and I'm just so damn scared!!! Before starting these, I had perfect teeth! Dont judge unless youve lived it. Philips DreamStation, CPAP and BiPAP machines sold in recent years may pose a risk of cancer, lung damage and other injuries. I have four teeth remaining on[Show More]My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. I would appreciate help holding someone responsible for this. Buprenorphine Lawsuit - My mouth is in so much pain all the time. My mom never wanted to become addicted to a narcotic. I never had any major dental issues until after taking this medication. The packa[Show More]I was given Suboxone so I could stop taking pain medication for an injury. We both started taking subutex at the same time and now,years later, we are both about to get dentures. I began taking Suboxone to simply stop taking 3-4 loratabs a day, I am disgusted with this company, the doctors who pushed it as a miracle with little to no side effects when in fact it was the opposite. Our treatment options are limited to extractions without sedation and temporary dentures of the poorest quality that are made by dental students. On January 12, 2022, the FDA warned patients and prescribers about the potential for serious dental problems associated with the use of medications containing buprenorphine, such as Belbuca, Suboxone, and Zubsolv. I was given Suboxone so I could stop taking pain medication for an injury. Her teeth look healthy at first glance but her molars are starting to go. Educate patients on strategies to maintain or improve oral health while being treated with transmucosal buprenorphine medicines. I dont mean to sound defensive but being called a crackhead and junkie over your teeth sucks and is demoralizing and has changed me from the happy confident woman I used to be to a shell of the woman I once was. Weve been on suboxone for a couple years now and both have started loosing teeth for no reason at all! I now have had to have all top teeth pulled and now I have a denture in place. She will never get back the smiles lost and the opportunities she missed out on secondary to watching her mouth fall apart. I believed this would be a start of a better life. The medication comes in a tablet and film form. It saved my life. In fact, none of us knew that we weren't supposed to be on it for longer than A certain amount of time yet we also all know that these doctors push it and push it and when you're done with the opioid addiction they push it some more with "pain control." I believed this would be a start of a better life. So much that my dentist said as along as I keep taking care of them I may never need major dental work. My dentist has been totally stumped about my mouth!! There are also buprenorphine products for pain and OUD delivered by other routes such as a skin patch and injection, but FDA has not identified a concern for dental health related to these other forms. I has perfect teeth! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But hell I also think they should of told me that these things are harder to come off of than what I was originally addicted to but they didn't. I'm in my 40's and I have been on Subutex for about 4yrs. Had I known this maybe I would've chose a different front medication or just make sure I could afford having more dental checkups, Suboxone completely ruined my teeth after 12 years of being on it I currently have no back/cracked teeth & my oral surgeon has quoted me 20k to repair/replace Because my teeth are either missing or broken I also struggle with digestive issues from not being able to chew my food properly I suffer with pain every single day I had good teeth before being prescribed Suboxone (I have proof) I also cu, Suboxone completely ruined my teeth after 12 years of being on it I currently have no back/cracked teeth & my oral surgeon has quoted me 20k to repair/replace Because my teeth are either missing or broken I also struggle with digestive issues from not being able to chew my food properly I suffer with pain every single day I had good teeth before being prescribed Suboxone (I have proof) I also currently go to get my teeth deep cleaned now every 3 months just to save what teeth I have left bc I cant afford 20k to replace The pain is unbearable My self esteem has been destroyed Im on a fixed income which is a struggle just to pay for my teeth cleanings every 3 months I would have never taken Suboxone if I would have known abt the dental issues it causes for there are other options out there & unfortunately now its too late for me, I started on Subutex in 2017 and after about a year was switched to suboxone. Someone needs to be held accountable because most insurance won't cover the repair of the extensive damage that has been done and I don't have the money to pay for the oral surgery and implants! I'm down to soft food only, and eve. 2.5 million people in the U.S. taking Suboxone. Someone should be responsible for the damage, bc we can not afford to fix our teeth properly. I find it very coincidental that the FDA puts out a warning against suboxone and now everyone seems to be coming out of the woodwork, stating they have problems with their teeth..? Lawyers reject these cases, saying they are "unwinnable" So where do we turn? Likely [Show More]I had a full set of X-rays taken about 6 months apart (changed dentists and insurance) and started Suboxone (Belbuca) right around the first set of X-rays. Im only 37 and am completely toothless and have paid over $3000 for dental work and still have lots more to go. I'm SOOOOOO embarrassed now that I can't smile without feeling so self conscious about my teeth that I have to cover my mouth! I used to have such a pretty smile and I'm so insecure about it now yet I'm terrified to get them all pulled. People complimented me on my teeth, and it became a source of pride. This Noti ce is only for purposes of advising you of certain rights in litigation. I could not figure out why in the world I was losing my teeth! I am low income mother of 3 and I am not able to or have never been able to afford proper dental care as most people in my situation cant. Settlement benefits may be available. Now it finally makes sense. These companies, including the FDA care nothing about us. While a This medication that was supposed to help me get off painkillers due to car accidents, has done nothing but ruin my life and take the one thing that was most important to me, my teeth. I decided I wanted to stop around 2010 and looked for a doctor. My husband and I both started taking Suboxone in 2015. I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. Can I sue the makers of suboxone for total teeth decay? Should I still be worried about tooth decay cause the whole reason I switched to sublocade is because suboxone, any other film, and zubzolv all hurt my teeth the second I took them after a couple years taking 1 or the other. Very quickly did we learn that it was a lie. She trusted her provider to have her best interest at heart and was lied to. If you have questions, please call the refund administrator at 1-877-545-0238. In 2019 and 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reached settlements with the companies responsible for Suboxone, a prescription drug used to treat opioid addiction. I have never had a Dr warn me about any dental issues when prescribed Suboxone. Before suboxone I had beautiful healthy teeth that I got a lot of compliments on. Buprenorphine-containing medicines that are dissolved in the mouth are approved to treat opioid use disorder (OUD), and one product is approved to treat pain. Same here been on subtext and Suboxone all my teeth are falling out or decaying very bad. My mother didnt ask for any of this. Ive had to have 5 teeth removed and I have a partial that comes in and out. I am 45 years old and due to the Suboxone strips I've been taking, I recently just had to have all my teeth pulled and get dentures. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I now have had to have all top teeth pulled and now I have a denture in place. The cherry on top of all this is dealin, Never in my life did i even have a cavity my smile was my pride. End the stigma. Consecutively for the last 5 years. Ive been on suboxone 4 years and have had to get all my teeth removed, 2 dental surgeries, and am in the process of getting dentures or denture implants. This is criminal. Im afraid by the time im 35 its gonna be horrible. Are you still on Suboxone ? I have been on suboxone since 2016, Im in the process of being tapered off of it. That is probably a lot of us, including me. I am not 31 years old and am having horrible dental problems. 4 years later here I sit I had chalked it up to putting my body thru too much over the years never a medication that was meant to save my life- my teeth are rottting. Whoever made the Suboxone needs to pay for them. Maybe if you can prove somehow that it eats away at your teeth within hours or some shit rofl. Then fill out their form, which they won't respond to, but it is the only way they track these "adverse effect" Then report if you are clinically depressed from losing your teeth and your looks. I wish they would have told me about this when I first started the medicine 6 years ago and before it destroyed almost every Toth in my mouth. I cant for the life of me understand why no one will take this case. I lost all of my teeth 3 to 4 years after starting suboxone. That is probably a lot of us, including me. Medical Malpractice Attorney in Las Vegas, NV. Likely 4 root canals still coming. Im a 37 year old mother of 2 thats been on suboxone for 10 years. This is ridicules and the manufactures needs to be held accountable for this. One broke off at the gum line, I just went to the dentist this week and they referred me to an oral suergon , the tooth next to that has a chunk that fell out & they are trying to do a root canal (if my insurance approves it) & I have other issues that they will work on after but those are the most 2 serious right now. This is criminal. 2012 after being dependent on the pills the strips came out after just my first year 2013-2014 my first front tooth fell out. You sound stupid , jUsT BrUsH yOuR tEeTh, sorry bud,.. the shit effects the roots, you aint brushing that shit. Provide some details about your potential case, which will be submitted for review by a lawyer. By the time I was 25yrs old (3 years on Suboxone) I was having to get teeth removed. Now I have gaps where my teeth used to be, and also broken teeth that fall out in chunks. Suboxone has decayed my teeth so bad the dentist wants to put crowns on many of them, I want to sue them. I had beautiful teeth before I started this medication and I never had any dental issues either until I started suboxone. Started taking Suboxone in 2009 (orange octagons) when they were first released in Alabama for 2-3yrs its was an "all natural" with ZERO side effects. I never had a single cavity until age 39, and Im only 45. Im a single mom to a child with autism on a fixed income so to say it has been hard is an understatement. But tooth decay can be prevented with a few simple adjustments. On Suboxone, in EXCRUCIATING PAIN, Dentist doesn't know what suboxone is. There is no basis for a lawsuit, and frankly, it is not the solution to your predicament. Just in a few years I have been taking this medication I've had multiple teeth pulled my front tooth crack and almost every tooth has decay in it. When compared to methadone, Suboxone (buprenorphine and naloxone) has a different kind of chemical makeup. If you were prescribed Suboxone film, you may be eligible to get money I was always complimented when I was younger about how straight and white my teeth were. I been off suboxone for a 17months with no teeth left no sex drive and problems with focusing or memory problems! I need help. I need justice! this whole story is made of lies and deception. Been on Suboxone since 2007, 15 yrs Five or six years ago notice that my teeth were shrinking losing a little by little now I have a little Chiclets in the front of my mouth I have trouble with smiling I cover my teeth in my top lip and a smile now looking for a lawsuit to get my teeth fixed dont get me wrong its a box and save my life but back then I didnt know my teeth were gonna be destroye[Show More]Been on Suboxone since 2007, 15 yrs Five or six years ago notice that my teeth were shrinking losing a little by little now I have a little Chiclets in the front of my mouth I have trouble with smiling I cover my teeth in my top lip and a smile now looking for a lawsuit to get my teeth fixed dont get me wrong its a box and save my life but back then I didnt know my teeth were gonna be destroyed because of it please help, Legitimate Suboxone Rx since 2006. After the medication has fully dissolved in the oral mucosa, patients should gently rinse their teeth and gums with water and then swallow. It was a very upsetting time since I could not find the culprit, thus I made sure to pay even more attention to my teeth and followed an excellent oral health regimenwithout success. Someone needs to be held accountable in this because my dentist bills itself have cost me so much. I look forward to hearing back from you, thanks for your time. I have been using suboxone since 2008. Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit Overview Suboxone Tooth Decay Lawsuit There are many causes of gum disease. 2. Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for de[Show More]Like the other comments I to have been on this medication for a couple of years know before my teeth were ok and now I have only four teeth left my doctor brought this to my attention about this medication causing tooth decay and rotting teeth it blew me away to here this I can't afford dentures if I would of knew this I may not have started using it I think there should be compensation for dental cost and are lively hood I can't eat anything with out hurting. After getting on subs with in the first 2 years my teeth literally was starting to crumble. One by one, my teeth started falling out. But hell I also think they should of told me that these things are harder to come off of than what I was originally addicted to but they didn't. I am ashamed to smile or even kiss my girlfriend anymore. I just assumed it was because of my past life style and it's just finally catching up to me which maybe that is part of it.