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It is even probable that gravity from our own universe may transfer into this parallel universe, If we do detect mini black holes at this energy, then we are going to know that additional dimensions are correct.[v]. A white hole is a region of space-time that cannot be entered from the outside, but from which matter and light may escape. The project has been a work in progress for three years. The Jura Mountains loom over the CERN campus like ancient judges who oversee the construction and implementation of the new Babylon Portal. The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it's a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet . Could CERN, the creator and birthplace of the World Wide Web, be involved and even be behind the most ultimate conspiracy in all of history with their science, symmetry, Satanism, paganism, and rituals? Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes | CERN Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? Basically, what the researchers are saying is that particles can travel across the universe, including a fifth dimension. These heavier versions of particles called Kaluza-Klein states would have exactly the same properties as standard particles (and so be visible to our detectors) but with a greater mass. I completely get the curiosity and trying to understand the Mandela Effectspeople have a strong memory of what they think something was, and then to see a contrast with that memory can be quite jarring I think we should [to some extent] be honored and happy that were capturing the imagination of people because were at the forefront of science. The laboratory we know as CERN was born in 1952, not long after World War II and the emergence of the nuclear bomb. Secret dimensions . This theory is particularly popular on TikTok, where a supposed whistleblower account called cernopeningparalleldimen has repeatedly gone viral, claiming to millions of people that, for example, the particle collider is changing the weather around the planet, or that CERN is opening parallel dimensions that causes the change in the climate. Dozens of other accounts, with millions upon millions of views, have posted conspiracy theories about how the Large Hadron Collider was set to open wormholes, portals, mirror dimensions, alternate dimensions, and so-on and so-forth. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. High-energy experiments could prise open the inconspicuous dimensions just enough to allow . Other theories accuse CERN of causing earthquakes by sending plasma from Switzerland to Italy at high speeds, opening portals into hell or other dimensions, and shifting the world into an alternate timeline. In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds to better understand global warming. They immediately shut everything down. Finding more on any of these subjects would open the door to yet unknown possibilities. Will CERN's Large Hadron Collider Open a Portal to Another Dimension The European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, already has the largest, most powerful particle accelerator in the world, called the Large Hadron Collider, but today it published a report. The University of Chicago paper, published as a preprint in PsyArXiv, attempts to find an explanation for the Mandela Effect that doesnt involve the ripping of the fabric of spacetime or alternate dimensions. According to The Aviation Herald, the plane was meant to perform a flight from Madrid Barajas, Spain to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, but somehow wound up in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. What CERN can actually do with its beams doesn't even come close to what is needed. It is unclear what the German, French and Italian leaders, who were all present, made of the ceremony. And CERN may be the stargate that will open this unholy portal very soon. What CERN is doing is tiny in comparison. "Everything is fine." Another user agrees that CERN are on schedule to rip open a portal in space-time, adding: "They began getting it ready when the planets aligned on June 24th." In 2015, Yahoo News reported on footage of an alleged vortex forming over Geneva, what they referred to as a UFO gateway. In the footage, clouds swirl into a point, as if it were a black hole, and a number of small bright orbs can be seen entering it. The vortex then vanishes. NEW images of bizarre cloud formations above the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could be shock proof the world's biggest experiment is about to tear open a portal to another dimension. A physicist working at the CERN (the European Organization for nuclear research) has been sucked into a mini black hole created by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located a few kilometres from Geneva in Switzerland, astride the Franco-Swiss border. People hear interesting theories about multiple dimensions and timelines and there are misconceptionsin science, the language we use can be confusing, like, we talk about links between particles and looking for extraspatial dimensions and portals, and people hear these words and they think that thats whats being developed [at CERN]., IMEC clearly sees this as a scientific problem to be solved. On July 4th 2012, a packed CERN Auditorium watched the ATLAS and CMS collaborations present compelling evidence for the discovery of the Higgs boson, thus confirming the existence of the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, first predicted by theorists in the 1960s. In my opinion, some of the things being misremembered make more sense as what they should have been, she said. The video is taken from the point-of-view of an unsuspecting onlooker, who decides to run for it after realizing whats about to go down. But Im a physicist talking about our research.. Why is gravity so much weaker than the other fundamental forces? The UFO portal had allegedly erupted directly over the Large Hadron Collider. "CERN is opening a multi-dimensional portal on July 5 and will be using dark matter!" writes one Twitter user. Based on our research, we rate FALSE the claim that scientists at CERN are communicating with demonic entities and opening a portal to hell. The Large Hadron Collider: Inside CERN's atom smasher - Space They found that people consistently had the same false memory, meaning that people consistently selected the wrong image as the one they remembered.. The questions that theoretical physicists are trying to answer are in some ways related to the questions that conspiracy theorists and hobby researchers are trying to answer, though they are obviously going about it in wildly different ways. It did not help that the LHC was named after the Hindu destroyer of worlds Shiva, a fact that prompted a teenage girl in India, Madhya Pradesh, to commit suicide. WHY IS DEFENDER INVESTIGATIVE FILMS AND SKYWATCH TV RELEASING A MULTI-EPISODE DOCU-SERIES TITLED RESCUE US THIS SUMMER? 20, No. Again, from Zenith 2016 we read: According to key Bible prophecies, the Antichrist will be the progeny or incarnation of the ancient spirit, Apollo. The Large Hadron Collider is apparently opening a portal to hell Are scientists intentionally trying to open portals to other worlds? Scientists relaunchedthe machine in Aprilto study dark matter, which is "widely believed to make up a significant part of the universe," the Washington Post reported. Thus, a black hole serves as the entry portal and a white hole marks the exit portal. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, The images were apparently taken on June 24, the same day CERN scientists began a new Awake experiment, They have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists and led to suggestions of "new portals", In the past, CERN has carried out experiments to create artificial clouds but have not affected the weather, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). According to this theory, scientists at CERN had accidentally produced some kind of time warp during one of the LHCs startups. We would need to carefully study the properties of the missing object to work out whether it is a graviton escaping to another dimension or something else. But to understand why such a fanciful prophecy about Apollo, son of Jupiter, returning to Earth should be important to you: In ancient literature, Jupiter was the Roman replacement of Yahweh as the greatest of the godsa counter-Yahweh. His son Apollo is a replacement of Jesus, a counter-Jesus. This Apollo comes to rule the final New World Order, when Justice returns, returns old Saturns [Satans] reign. The ancient goddess Justice, who returns Satans reign (Saturnia regna, the pagan golden age), was known to the Egyptians as Maat and to the Greeks as Themis, while to the Romans she was Lustitia. There is no actual evidence that CERN has anything to do with the Mandela Effect, of course. In this telling of the story,. The narrator asks viewers: "How much energy did CERN pull into itself? THESE incrediblephotos taken above CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have provoked dramatic conspiracy theories and stoked fears that "new portals" are being opened. The director of CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, said: "The Large Hadron Collider at CERN could open a door to an extra dimension, and out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it". CERN's true intention was to open portals to other dimensions and make contact with other dimensional entities. This intertwined and sometimes antagonistic relationship is similar to that of Shiva and Kalian important point to make because it is Shivas statue that welcomes visitors to CERNs headquarters in Geneva. While CERN's proton beams do carry as much energy as a freight train, that energy is spread out around 15 miles (27 km) of the circular tubes that make up the Large Hadron Collider. Second Thessalonians 2:3 warns: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition [Apoleia; Apollyon, Apollo] (emphasis added). [iii]Richard Bullivant, Beyond Time TravelExploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books, 2014) Kindle Edition, 781785. CERNlooking for God particle, or opening portals of hell? 2019 West Coast Mandela Effect Conference in Ketchum, Idaho. He opened the shaft of the bottomless pit, and from the shaftrose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, andthe sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft. Scientists at CERN restarted the Large Hadron Collider in April, but this machine cannot open up portals to other dimensions as some online claim. The time warp, story explains that it was caused by the LHC distorting Earths magnetic field, creating a time wave that reverberated through the planets core. By Carolyn Cox Sep 8th, 2014, 1:32 pm. I can promise you were not going around changing the labels on your food.. Fact check: Scientists at CERN are not opening a 'portal to - USA TODAY ", People who experience the Mandela Effect tend to obsess over it (this is well-demonstrated in an episode of How to By John Wilson, which focused on IMEC's 2019 West Coast Mandela Effect Conference in Ketchum, Idaho). Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel close to the speed of light before they are forced to collide. As Ive said many times in my previous books, the lowest-level members of these mystery religions and secret societies rarely know the truths reserved for the few who actually run the show. Yet, prior to the discovery of spinning Kerr black holes, traversing the magic sphere meant being obliterated down to the atomic level by the enormous gravitational force. Shiva has been compared to Dionysus,[ix] another fertility god associated with vegetation, forest, streams, and dancingpowers also attributed to Cernunnos. A small fridge magnet is enough to create an electromagnetic force greater than the gravitational pull exerted by planet Earth. These photos opened a pandoras box of conspiracy theories which claimed that the LHC had generated a portal above Geneva.. Exploring the secrets of the Universe. One of the recurring accusations is that the LHC is opening portals to other dimensions. CERN's Nellist says she understands where people are coming from. "What portals are doors being opened in this cloud?". WATCH TOM HORN & JOSH PECK DESCRIBE WHATS HAPPENING AT CERN CONNECTED TO OCCULT RITUALS MEANT TO OPEN END-TIMES GATEWAYS! Nimrod most likely was a product of a profane mating of fallen angel (god) and human. A British military analyst later quipped: Were looking here at an imminent visit from a race of carnivorous dinosaur-men, the superhuman clone hive-legions of some evil genetic queen-empress, infinite polypantheons of dark mega-deities imprisoned for aeons and hungering to feast upon human souls, a parallel-history victorious Nazi globo-Reich or something of that type.[ii]. CERN Collider opening the gates of Hell? - Exposing Satanism and Witchcraft 1/2, Twentieth Anniversary Issue (Aug.Nov., 1980), 81111, (University of Chicago Press) available online via JSTOR, (accessed January 20, 2015). Cern's Portal To Another Dimension & Other Unbelievable Facts He is Apollo, Cernunnos, Abaddon, Osiris, and Horus, and he is returning as king of the locusts (hybrid fallen angels) from the pit! Where things get difficult is when people suggest that CERNan organization that studies physics phenomenais cast as potentially causing those phenomena. CERN wants to build the biggest, baddest particle collider ever Since that time, some of the research at CERN has entered the public lexicon and nearly become a household word. [viii]The Nataraja Dance of Shiva, Wikipedia, (accessed January 20, 2015). CERN) was just a prank gone too far. This sounds eerily similar to what the Watchers did during the creation of the nephilim and to what scientists are doing this century through genetic engineering of human-animal chimeras. With its name and by placing a bronze Shiva sculpture prominently in front of its headquarters, CERN is indicating to those with eyes to see that the colliders true purpose is to open a portal to the underworldto create a stargate or god-gate, which would serve as a doorway between worlds. The particle was consistent with the Higgs boson, and in 2013 Franois Englert and Peter Higgs received the Nobel prize in physics for the discovery. The Large Hadron Collider: Inside CERN's atom smasher By Daisy Dobrijevic, Andrew May published 27 June 2022 The Large Hadron Collider is the world's biggest particle accelerator. 666. "What is in the cloud - some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy. Another possible portal appeared over Geneva on July 5, 2016, this one appeared in the form of clouds that created a ring when looked at on radar. [vii] Oddly enough, when the official name changed, the acronym should have changed as wellafter all, the earlier committee had been a temporary entity that had helped birth a major research laboratory; the CERN acronym and the French designation Conseil Europen pour la Recherche Nuclairehadnt yet propagated enough that renaming it would have proven problematic. Its believed by some to be a stargate, or a portal to other worlds. Purveyors of the Airbus theory believe the strange event may have happened during the preparations for the LHCs relaunch in early November. They were allowed to torment themfor five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. It's not squeezed, or squeezable, into an atom-sized box. I can see how more people remember the spelling of something in a certain way because its more intuitive. This is a popular theory for why people remember Berenstein Bears vs Berenstain Bearsit just makes more sense as Berenstein, because Berenstein is a somewhat common name. The wave passed through the Gate of the Sun, an ancient megalithic stone arch in Bolivia. Frustratingly, they do not have a solid theory for why this is happening, though they hypothesize that peoples minds are filling in the blanks from what they expect an image to look like, or perhaps have been exposed to the wrong version somewhere and have remembered this. This is why there have been some strange things taking place in Switzerland. Is CERN Really Opening Portals? A number of conspiracy theories feature CERN, accusing the organization of partaking in occult rituals and secret experiments involving opening portals into Hell or other dimensions, shifting the world into an alternative timeline and causing earthquakes. But, more to the point, if this CERNunnos Illuminati experiment succeeds, it will open the gateway to a beast. Reportedly, the crew had confused the two, though the story certainly leaves a lot of questions.). It lies on the border with Switzerland, nestled into the foothills of the Jura Mountains and Lake Geneva (Lac du Leman to the French)and, because of its unique location, it is governed by the cross-border area of Geneva.The ALICE, ATLAS, and MERYN experiments lie within this region. Though it may sound like science fiction, if extra dimensions exist, they could explain why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature. The current leading theory among a subset of true believers is that Mandela Effects are evidence of multiple timelines, universes, ripping of spacetime, or another physics phenomenon. The CERN headquarters are located in Geneva, close to the Swiss-French border. If CMS or ATLAS were to find a Z- or W-like particle (the Z and W bosons being carriers of the electroweak force) with a mass 100 times larger for instance, this might suggest the presence of extra dimensions. His worshippers celebrated Cernunnos birth in December during the winter solstice. CERN would like you to know its not their particle collider. THE TOWER OF BABEL, CERN, AND THE GATES OF HELL OPENED - Deal Toronto Homes Lets start archiving possible changes in our new reality.. Scientists FINALLY Found A Way To Open A Portal To Another Dimension! CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world's largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Apparently, this was true a weasel did hop the fence, and was electrocuted by a transformer. But misinformation continually goes viral on TikTok and elsewhere, while TikToks debunking misinformation coming from the scientists themselves doesnt necessarily go as viral. So far, scientistsdiscovered three new subatomic particles,Reuters reported. The film in question - What Portal did CERN open now? It also seems fair to examine indigenous spiral petroglyphs (described elsewhere in this book) that very often feature horned humanoid figures in close proximity to a vortex. It was built between 1998 and 2008 and allows physicists to test various theories. You can also join our daily guided tours, upon availability. Liquid helium vented into the colliders tunnel, damaging 53 superconducting magnets. ", Joshua Ruderman, associate professor of physics at New York University, told USA TODAY in an email the collider is essentially "a particle creation machineand a particle discover machine.". [v] Scientists Have Found A Particle That Could Open Portal Into Fifth Off Guided tours Larson told Motherboard that quantum mechanics keeps blowing our minds with such matter-of-fact truths of quantum physics as:entanglement (what Einstein called spooky action at a distance); quantum teleportation; quantum superposition of states; quantum retrocausality (influencing current events with decisions made in the future); and quantum tunneling, and added that it seems fair to agree that quantum mechanics alone may not explain theMandelaEffect and the nature of reality, in much the same way that quantum physics does not provide the foundational best basis to understand the building blocks of spacetime. IMEC is an organization that researches the Mandela Effect, but also calls it the Quantum Effect., The search for an answer has led at least some people to dark places, as often happens with conspiracy theories. As pointed out by Dr. Thomas Horn and Into the Multiverse host Josh Peck in the internationally-acclaimed books On The Path Of The Immortals (FREE IN OFFER HERE) and Abaddon Ascending, whenthe Large Hadron Collider (LHC) first started up on September 10, 2008, director for research and scientific computing at CERN, Sergio Bertolucci, provoked a whirlwind of speculation with his enigmatic remark that the LHC might open a door to another dimension. Thecollider cannot open up portals to other dimensions. Subscribe to our Rumble Channel For all of our new videos! So far Ive not yet noticed large-scale reports of new Mandela Effects in the past day or so, though it does seem there is a large and growing interest in the Mandela Effect.. A surprising number of conspiracy theorists are concerned that the LHC might open a portal to another dimension and allow demons to run rampant over our world. Similar posts have amassed hundreds of interactions on Facebook and Twitter. "Some people reported seeing faces in it. Will CERN Open The Portal to "The Bottomless Pit"? - Salvation And Survival We have looked at a variety of possible causes including the CERN theory. CERN's Large Hadron Collider fires up for third time to uncover more The Awake experiment hopes to accelerate particle speed, but results are not expected until 2018. It lies in a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference, as deep as 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, Switzerland. The plane was then reported to reappear roughly 5,500 miles away at Tenerife North Airport on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. When the LHC first began operation, it reached a combined energy level of 7 teraelectronvolts, or TeV. They would decay into Standard Model or supersymmetric particles, creating events containing an exceptional number of tracks in our detectors, which we would easily spot. December 2011. No, CERN Didn't Open a Portal to Another Dimension in July - This book is designed as a brief introduction into how CERN is deeply and darkly connected to man On the surface, it looks horrifying: A human sacrifice taking place on the grounds of one of the world's most famous science labs. . Nellist said that, while the science CERN is doing at the LHC is groundbreaking, they are simply recreating collisions that happen in our atmosphere all the time in a controlled environment. This is when the son of promise arrives on earthApollo incarnatea pagan savior born of a new breed of men sent down from heaven when heroes and gods are blended together. CERN: WE ARE CONFIDENT OF MAKING CONTACT WITH A PARALLEL - SkyWatchTV Cynthia Sue Larson has been on the lookout since July 5, when CERN turned the worlds most powerful particle collider back on for a third time. Stephen Hawking Warns ''God'' Particle Could Kill Us All - The Mary Sue Revelation 9:1-4 - "Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him. The research programme at CERN covers topics from kaons to cosmic rays, and from the Standard Model to supersymmetry, Steering and focusing: magnets and superconductivity. I've had the great good fortune to witness thousands of reality shifts and Mandela Effects, including some that have flip-flopped, or gone first one way, and then anotherwhich has led me to contemplate that as physicists Leonard Susskind and Raphael Bousso suggested, the many-worlds interpretation and the multiverse of eternal inflation are one and the same thing, Larson said.