In the early 1980s, she also landed a recurring role, as Willis' girlfriend Charlene, on Different Strokes. Here are some examples. According to him, the myths arose from definite local (especially atmospheric and aquatic) phenomena, and represented the annually recurring processes of nature as the acts of gods and heroes; thus, in Achill (1853), the Trojan War is the winter conflict of the elements in that district. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Recurring in a sentence 1. recurrent vs. recurring Children who have this disorder are subject to recurring infections and may not respond appropriately to immunization. The second case illustrates a feature of the recurring continued fraction which represents a complete quadratic surd. The base-notion is that the spirits, if they are given their due, will make a return to man: the object of the recurring annual festivals is to propitiate them and forestall any hostile intention by putting them, as it were, in debt to man - more rarely to express gratitude for benefits received. Nothing came of the proposed engagement, but the wrongs of Honoria, his affianced wife, served as a convenient pretext for some of the constantly recurring embassies with which Attila, fond of trampling on the fallen majesty of Rome, worried and bullied the two courts of Constantinople and Ravenna. Carefully check into the details of any Internet companies that advertise a free list to make sure there are no hidden fees or recurring monthly subscriptions. Unlike glasses, contacts are a recurring expense and must be purchased multiple times throughout the year. This includes virtual terminal, merchant accounts, echeck services, point of sale swipers, recurring billing options and other features. What is the definition of recurring? Many people have recurring dreams, nightmares, or dreams that potentially have deep meaning. These items always cause symptoms (difficulty swallowing and spitting up saliva, for instance) and may elude detection for some time while the child is being treated for asthma or recurring pneumonia. Recurring dreams revisit your dreamscape regularly, and they probably have special significance. happening or occurring frequently, with repetition, The woman was happy that her recurring cancer was in remission for a third time. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. 3. The increasing warmth of each recurring spring finds the bee awake, and full of eagerness to be up and doing; its sole mission being apparently to accomplish as much work as possible while life lasts. recurring income in a sentence - Use "recurring income" in a sentence 1. Non-Operations: The non-operations section deals with the additional revenue sources that are not primary, additional expenses that are not primary or recurring, finance costs and income tax expenses. So..... to stop back pain recurring, keep fit and stay active. All Rights Reserved. The social and political implications of freer information-sharing in the region was a recurring theme at the seminar: 30. Recurring definition is - occurring repeatedly : happening or appearing multiple times. The cost is $24.95 for the first month and $14.95 for each recurring month. , Recurring sinus infections plagued the man every winter. This verb comes from the Latin word recurrere, “to run back.”Here’s how it looks when used in a sentence: They include poor growth recurrent chest infections chronic diarrhoea and skin infections: 24. consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme. You can establish weekly recurring orders automatically sent to you or your designated delivery address at a specified time. In 1996, she landed a recurring role on The Larry Sanders Show. There is also a section listing hiring events, one of which is a recurring Virtual Hiring event. There are, of course, other cast members of Days of Our Lives, but most of those are recurring roles that don't receive nearly as much screen time as the above mentioned cast members. You will find the following recurring characters on the show. One of the recurring themes in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, is that Frank, Greg's father, thinks that Greg is too "wimpy.". How to use recurrent in a sentence. The importance of their heliacal risings, or first visible appearances at dawn, for the purposes both of practical life and of ritual observance, caused them to be systematically noted; the length of the year was accurately fixed in connexion with the annually recurring Nile-flood; while the curiously precise orientation of the Pyramids affords a lasting demonstration of the high degree of technical skill in watching the heavens attained in the third millennium B.C. ba zi shows up the recurring cycles of events in our lives. was already sighing for the easy life of Touraine, and recurring to that policy of truce which was so strongly urged by his counsellors, and so keenly irritating to the clear-sighted Joan of Arc. The constellational system in vogue among the Egyptians appears to have been essentially of native origin; but they contributed little or nothing to the genuine progress of astronomy. See more. Nevertheless, it is taking a cautious approach and plans to generate recurring income. These cost a bit more to set up and come with various usage fees, but if it's a commonly recurring gift situation, it can be significantly more convenient -- and cheaper -- than hauling boxes to the local UPS store. This is Dream Syndicate going through a recurring nightmare. This is dream syndicate going through a recurring nightmare. She also appeared in one episode of the comedy Malcolm in the Middle, and had a recurring role on television's 7th Heaven. Some people have them recurring continually, but others have just one or two ulcers every year. The main benefits are nearly the same, except for every one month of playing time-a recurring month; you don't have to have one month of gaming time-you receive 100 Pogo gems. Our pricing tools enable fast calculation of all set-up fees and annually recurring costs based on any number of locations and the bandwidth required. Gaming magazines have recurring cheat sections that publish cheats for popular games. only time deposits with min. Sign up for recurring payments for mortgage payments, utility costs or other payments to be made each month. They are not conceived of in any anthropomorphic form, their sex even may often be indeterminate ("sive mas, sive femina" is the constantly recurring formula of prayer), but the sphere of action of each is clearly marked and an appeal to a spirit outside his own special sphere would never even be thought of. The history, therefore, falls into recurring cycles, each of which begins with religious corruption, followed by chastisement, which continues until Yahweh, in answer to the groans of his oppressed people, raises up a "judge" to deliver Israel, and recall them to the true faith. The many recurring themes in Aztec art, such as the Aztec calendar, make excellent designs for tattoos. Most prepaid debit cards cannot be used for recurring scheduled payments. Perhaps we may best explain this by recurring to the original application of the Socratic method to human affairs. When two notes are not quite in unison the resulting sound is found to alternate between a maximum and minimum of loudness recurring periodically. Some companies offer the option of setting up a recurring monthly payment while others will require you to visit the site each month to pay your bill online. 3. Patau syndrome affected individuals may be born either partially or totally deaf, and many are subject to recurring ear infections. Where recurrent disease is responsible for blockage of lymphatic collaterals, chemotherapy may be tried to palliate the symptomatology. What are synonyms for recurring? However, going with a company that offers a direct stock purchase plan can be easier because the company will set up recurring funding for you. Memory - Recurring thoughts of the gift, the giver and the gift-giving occasion. How to use recurrent in a sentence. If not treated, recurring outbreaks may last longer. If b 2 /a 2, 3 /a 3 ..., the component fractions, as they are called, recur, either from the commencement or from some fixed term, the continued fraction is said to be recurring or periodic. The insensitivity of the male protagonist and his consequent inability to satisfy the basic needs of the female is thus a recurring theme. frequently recurring or too insignificant to be worth the trouble of affixing the common seal. They held it for over two hundred years, to their own inestimable advantage in every recurring war. She began her tenure as Nancy on April 2, 1956 and although she left the show briefly and has been dropped to recurring status once in the early 80s, she's played Nancy Hughes for more than 50 years. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is always possible to find the value of the n th convergent to a recurring continued fraction. : Horses are one of the recurring motifs in Yeats's art, symbolic of loyalty, intelligence and the unbridled freedom of his early childhood. A child with recurring middle ear infections may well have large adenoids. Peterson has worked in independent features and landed a recurring role on Burn Notice in 2007 as burned spy Michael Westen's bad at being a bad boy younger brother Nate. one year maturity Can take current, recurring, savings and time deposits 12. Once a main character, Kiriakis remains on the show as a recurring character. The husbands also help to make the show interesting, as do other recurring characters such as Lisa's house guest who appears to have no exit date from enjoying Lisa's hospitality. Under the general heading "Analysis" occur the subheadings "Foundations of Analysis," with the topics theory of functions of real variables, series and other infinite processes, principles and elements of the differential and of the integral calculus, definite integrals, and calculus of variations; "Theory of Functions of Complex Variables," with the topics functions of one variable and of several variables; "Algebraic Functions and their Integrals," with the topics algebraic functions of one and of several variables, elliptic functions and single theta functions, Abelian integrals; "Other Special Functions," with the topics Euler's, Legendre's, Bessel's and automorphic functions; "Differential Equations," with the topics existence theorems, methods of solution, general theory; "Differential Forms and Differential Invariants," with the topics differential forms, including Pfaffians, transformation of differential forms, including tangential (or contact) transformations, differential invariants; "Analytical Methods connected with Physical Subjects," with the topics harmonic analysis, Fourier's series, the differential equations of applied mathematics, Dirichlet's problem; "Difference Equations and Functional Equations," with the topics recurring series, solution of equations of finite differences and functional equations. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The Incas had an elaborate system of state-worship, with a ritual, and frequently recurring festivals. The decision to test a child for cystic fibrosis may be triggered by concerns about recurring gastrointestinal or respiratory symptoms or salty sweat. Also, dreams usually tell a very large amount about the state of a person's psyche, and recurring dreams are particularly telling. Melena generally keeps recurring and worsens with time. A chronic upset stomach or recurring headache may actually be a sign of depression. For this reason, patients need to be aware of the symptoms of recurring depression and may require long-term maintenance treatment of antidepressants and/or therapy. From there, the fair-haired tot jumped to the soaps with recurring roles in Guiding Light and One Life to Live. Most of these roles have been single episode appearances or short-lived recurring roles. Payments can be made online as a one-time payments or recurring payments can be scheduled. A check before Paris allowed the jealousy of La Trmoille to waste the heroine for eight months on operations of secondary importance, until the day when she was captured by the Burgundians under the walls of Compigne, and sold by them to the English. These painful, swollen abscesses keep recurring. Even though the payment is recurring, it is still important to check statements regularly to safeguard against mistakes. This is a recurring headache with using mpich; the library interface names have to match the conventions used by the compiler. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. , Stopping the recurring nightmares proved harder than expected. This vast region is the poorest in Brazil and suffers from severe and recurring drought. Putting our mail in the neighbor’s mailbox was a recurrent incident with our postman. One of these technologies is recurrent calculations. is of the simplest, consisting only in the arrangement of the discourse in lines of uniform length - usually heptasyllabic (Ephraim's favourite metre) or pentasyllabic. These cookies do not store any personal information. 2. To this day, the Spartan cheerleaders remain two of the most popular recurring characters on Saturday Night Live. Recurrent definition is - running or turning back in a direction opposite to a former course —used of various nerves and branches of vessels in the arms and legs. This process allows you to schedule payments in the future or to set up recurring payments so you avoid late fees. 4. This means that borrowers cannot exceed a certain percentage for income dedicated to paying recurring debt. I feel there is a recurring theme to my tests. Persistent, unexplained, or recurring nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of a variety of serious illnesses. The Logans have resurged since 2005 with actor Patrick Duffy joining the cast on a recurring basis as Stephen Logan, Brooke's estranged father. By recurring revenue I mean. They were recurring pleasures. Of this we have recurring examples in pre-exilian Hebrew history. Another recurring feature of the Twitter Tracker voice is the use of clever (or not-so-clever) wordplay to continue to build up the hype. For example, an athlete recovering from tennis elbow will need to strengthen the wrist extensor muscles to prevent the injury recurring. Recurring nightmares may indicate an ongoing problem that the child is having difficulty resolving. In 1959, she got a recurring role on The Perry Como Show, a 15-minute program that aired three days a week. Even in carefully controlled treatment programs, bipolar patients may experience recurring episodes of the disorder. Cancel all recurring charges, such as insurance policies, service contracts, subscriptions and other expenses. Austin Butler returned as a recurring character for season two of the series. He lives in a condition of recurrent alarm. One person may take the information and have a recurring dream while another person might process the information differently and have a nightmare. synonyms. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. A recurring theme in her work is the romance of the inexplicable. The rivalry between Spike and Angel was a recurring theme that carried over from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Angel and Company did battle with episodic vampires and demons, but their most long-running recurring foes were... lawyers. Plus size trends in general to vary, however, western plus size jeans are among the hottest recurring trends. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Vain were the recurring entreaties not to depart on his errand. one year maturity Can take current, recurring, savings and time deposits 12. Food allergies are often the culprits for recurring ear infections, as well as tonsillitis and adenoiditis. The two recurring melodies twine around each other in an elegant dance that adds to the depth of emotion. This action decreases the risk of infection, especially if the child has recurring styes. In the system adopted in 1905 and since maintained, recurring and non-recurring expenditure were shown separately, the non-recurring expenditure being termed special. The most ancient form these exercises took is recorded in the often recurring paragraphs translated in Rhys Davids' Dialogues of the Buddha (i. For instance, a client had recurring dreams about the actor Alan Alder. If your child has had to deal with repeated infestations, cutting the hair and having the youngster adopt a short hair style may help to decrease the chances of the problem recurring. Biot, who assisted in the correction of its proof sheets, remarked that it would have extended, had the demonstrations been fully developed, to eight or ten instead of five volumes; and he saw at times the author himself obliged to devote an hour's labour to recovering the dropped links in the chain of reasoning covered by the recurring formula. + 1/n+ 271+ ., where, after the n th partial quotient, the cycle of partial quotients b 1, b2, ..., b n recur in the same order, is the type of a recurring simple continued fraction. Under domestication the same thing occurs by what C. Darwin has termed "unconscious selection.". The Kish story line garnered national attention when recurring One Life to Live actress Patricia Mauceri (Carlotta Vega) reportedly lost her job because she voiced religious objections to her character's involvement with the couple. The following years were marked by recurring attempts at revolution, but on the whole Venezuela during the period1830-1846was less disturbed than the neighbouring republic owing to the dominating influence of General Paez, who during the whole of that time exercised practically dictatorial power. They are usually found in an examination for the cause of recurring urinary infections. The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its absence by emergency decree. Merrick had recurrent problems with bronchitis and had. In the years 1760-1776 Boston was the most frequently recurring and most important name in British colonial history. One of my recurring nightmares to get on a bus where all the trees have the same expression. Example sentences for: recurrent How can you use “recurrent” in a sentence? It has three entrances on the Plaza, and over its main gateway hangs the " liberty bell " of Mexico, first rung by the humble parish priest Hidalgo, on the night of the 16th of September 1810, to call the people of Dolores to arms, and now rung at midnight on each recurring anniversary by the president himself. It is important to note that you do not have to purchase a monthly account or report unless you choose to; you can purchase a one-time report and score without signing up for a recurring service from Equifax. Some popular characters only appeared in guest spots such as Admiral Helena Cain (Michelle Forbes) and others such as Kat, Hot Dog, Racetrack and Skulls are recurring characters rather than regular ones. More than 60 percent of recurring costs were attributable directly to materials, products, and services purchased from external suppliers. I’ve had a very disturbing, recurrent nightmare since I lost my job. Hines also had recurring roles on TV, both in his own series for CBS and also as the character Ben Doucette on Will and Grace. The Branding Needle, or The Monastery of Charolles Eugne Sue It is a dreadful thing for the general strength of Government, to have these sort of doubtful days recurring so often. She went off contract in 2005, appearing in a recurring status in 2006. Menu. The two great recurring " necessities of State," the budget and the authorization of the contingents of army recruits, regularly occupied a large part of the sittings; the budget was generally passed only in instalments in three or six monthly grants, and the Government was forced to adopt the practice of adjourning the obstructive House of Deputies and of providing for indispensable requirements in its … American Express Bill Pay - You can use your Plum Card to pay recurring expenses like your insurance payments or wireless phone bills. Sores that do not heal or recurring or long-lasting skin irritations may also be signs of reduced immune system functioning. definitions. Recurring definition, occurring or appearing again. : This has been a recurring and favorite topic among business management gurus for at least the past two decades. Frequently recurring deficits are, in themselves, a condemnation of the methods under which they are found. What are the symptoms of recurrent ear infections? The definition of recurring is happening time and again, or returning. Current illnesses may be considered riskier than ones in the past, and the likelihood of the illness recurring will be assessed. knackered by the end of it, and we came ninth, a recurring theme for our team! especially the recurring formula " This is the law of ... Again, in the old registers of the Parlement at this period, the first Olin books, we see the names of the same councillors recurring from session to session. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 31. 2. Why would a recurrent frustration the more depress him? Need to translate "RECURRING" from english and use correctly in a sentence? MARMOT, the vernacular name of a large, thickly built, burrowing Alpine rodent mammal, allied to the squirrels, and typifying the genus Arctomys, of which there are numerous species ranging from the Alps through Asia north of (but including the inner ranges of) the Himalaya, and recurring in North America. 5. Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an inherited disorder characterized by an inflammatory response recurring with attacks of fever accompanied by intense pain in the abdomen, chest, or joints. recurring continually, but others have just one or two ulcers every year. For example, using the card to pay recurring bills (such as utility bills) may not work even if their is enough available balance on the card. For almost every recurring purchase, there is an appropriate prepaid card. A common concern among parents has been whether recurring episodes of otitis media will cause impairments in their child's development. recurring example sentences. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. You play as a recurring Resident Evil character, Leon Kennedy, a government agent who has seen his fair share of paranormal action. 3. Spaces recurring at regular intervals but shifting to the right on each subsequent line create an intricate, jacquardlike weave. In 1999, Singer appeared on the soap opera The Young and the Restless as a recurring character Chet. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Another recurring theme is parental approval. antonyms. Disputes had been constantly recurring between Dutch and English traders in the East Indies and elsewhere, and the seeds were already sown of that stern rivalry which was to issue in a series of fiercely contested wars. By recurring to a report made by Mr. Here are many translated example sentences containing "RECURRING" - english-italian … His concluding years were mainly spent at Chislehurst, where he had taken up his residence in 1609, and in spite of recurring illnesses he continued to work at material for the improvement of the Britannia and kindred subjects. Oliver Fish, a recurring character, was a police officer who served as John McBain's right hand man and Antonio Vega's partner. Use "recurrent" in a sentence. In a state of nature, every recurring severe winter or otherwise unfavourable season weeds out those individuals of tender constitution or imperfect structure which may have got on very well during favourable years, and it is thus that the adaptation of the species to the climate in which it has to exist is kept up. Meantime, while recurring again and again, as was his custom, to this cardinal difficulty, Mill worked indefatigably in other directions where he saw his way clear. Both Staphylococcus blepharitis and recurring styes can cause scarring of the eyelid. His administration was embarrassed by constantly recurring disputes with the neighbouring Dutch settlements,especially after Stamford(Conn.) and Southold (Long Island) had entered the New Haven Jurisdiction, but his prudence and diplomacy prevented an actual outbreak of hostilities. For much of his life he suffered from recurring bouts … Those who carry the virus may or may not experience recurring infections of sores on or around the mouth area. The words, " rates, taxes, assessments " point to payments of a periodical or recurring character. Set up recurring payments using the card and receive double the points for each recurring payment made. The Mayans' knowledge about the cosmos was so profound that the calendar ending date of December 21, 2012 is believed to hold a secret message and signifies a 26,000 year old, recurring event. burgeoning of mission studies around the world certainly means that these questions will keep recurring. Understanding iron metabolism and the ways to ensure that iron deficiency anemia in infants and children can be successfully treated and prevented from recurring may be concerns of parents. Further, the royal apotheosis, so common among them and recurring under the Sassanids, is probably not so much of Greek origin as a development of Iranian views. Massive numbers of hits on a website can cause real problems, but the Facebook application is relatively reliable and does not encounter recurring issues on a regular basis. Voltaire, Montesquieu, the Encyclopaedists and the Physiocrats (recurring to the tradition of Bayle and Fontenelle), by dissolving in their analytical crucible all consecrated beliefs and all fixed institutions, brought back into the human society of the 18th century that humanity which had been so rudely eliminated. Problems can arise when the customer writes to the merchant to cancel the recurring transaction but the request is ignored. There are no membership fees and no recurring billing. For example, in the Shining a young women in the bathtub turns into an old decaying woman, and Zelda, the elderly sister in Pet Cemetery died of spina bifida - the elderly, sickness and death became a recurring theme. - The increase of plants, so far as the production of new individuals of particular kinds is concerned, is one of the most important and constantly recurring of gardening operations. Infected individuals with weakened immune systems may require lifetime drug treatment to keep the infection from recurring. Recurring sinus infections plagued the man every winter. recurrent. Recurring quotes from YourDictionary: A backlash against women's rights is nothing new. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. White made some small appearances, including a recurring role on the soap opera The Bold and the Beautiful, which brought her back into the limelight. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Flooding is the major and most frequently recurring natural disaster in Britain. This is because there is a high instance of seizures recurring when drugs are stopped. Only time deposits with min. This recurring dream is usually startling, often to the point of being frightening or nightmarish. What are synonyms for recurring? 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