Getting Started: iOS Support Still no luck? I set machine coordinates and then zero workplace with a z-probe and manually set x,y 0 with a web interface button via a macro but IMHO you should walk before you run. Don’t be depressed if, say, your object cooling fan is blowing as soon as you turn on your printer or one or more axes are moving the wrong way. G1 Y3 V3 F2400 ; go back a few mm @PaulHew Awesome. If you do not have an endstop, you insert a 0. I’m not sure about that C parameter to 7.06e-8, but it doesn’t give an error when used.. I’ve posted on the Duet forum to get an answer, It means I’ll change the B value for temperature sensor 1 from 4138 to 4725 and C from 0 to 7.06e-8 G1 S1 Y-1500 V-1500 F2400 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass) ; executed by the firmware on start-up Note/quote: The I parameter is the percentage of normal that the motor currents should be reduced to when the printer becomes idle but the motors have not been switched off. is the number one paste tool since 2002. If we just run M304 on it’s own, we get the message that it currently is in Bang-Bang mode, so we need to change that. Enable AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE and Z_SAFE_HOMING: #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_FEATURE // Delete the comment to enable (remove // at the start of the line) M911 S10 R11 P"M913 X0 Y0 G91 M83 G1 Z3 E-5 F1000" ; Set voltage thresholds and actions to run on power loss, M584 X0 P5; split x axis M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards From memory the pairs are side by side on the duet connector the notation is confusing on their diagram - If you have your pairs crossed it won’t work or maybe you have a bad connection. Ok got it, but when I try to run the gcode I only get errors like “Outside machine limits” or “finished printing in 0h 0m”. Caution, this will sound sarcastic: You are trying to move the tool outside machine limits. From what I gather I believe it’s a bug, that this command is in there in the first place. I can not for the life of me get my endstops on my Ramps & Mega setup running Marlin 1.4 to trigger. M208 X731 Y731 Z108 U731 V731 S0 ; Set axis maxima, ; Endstops Next up is the configuration of microstepping mode using M350. A setting of S1 means we run at 100% power. M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 goes backwards, M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation I had hoped to finish up everything, but this is is for now. M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP Lets take a look at what is going on here. G91 ; relative positioning The board doesn’t fit exactly but I was able to get 2 opposing screws and spacers installed. ; BLTouch - Heaters M307 H7 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Disable the 7th Heater to free up PWM channel 5 on the Duex board. Endstops are reported as either “open” or “TRIGGERED”. The board does not matter it is what firmware you have on it, if you are not using Marlin I am not sure what you should be using, there is a long list built into Estlcam, just find your firmware. Had to rewire the endstops: The order of the wires that plug into the Duet are a very different order from the wires that plugged into the MKS SBase, and are an even different order than how they plug into the endstops themselves. Thank you. M574 X1 Y2 Z2 S1 ; Define active high microswitches Hey, I’m building a MPCNC and need help with the duet wifi configuration. M307 H1 B0 S1.00; disable bang-bang mode for the nozzle heater and set PWM limit: M307 H1 A417.9 C139.9 D3.9 S1.00 V24.1 B0 ; PID Auto tune values; Sensors for thermal fans: M308 S3 Y " mcu-temp " A " MCUTemp "; configure sensor 3 as thermistor on pin mcu-temp for Duet 2;; Fans Using a Thermocoupler or PT100 sensor is a great way to avoid annoying temperature measuring issues. Then if you are running the very latest beta firmware you can remap if your end stops to match. A setting of 1 after axis letter denotes an endstop placed at the minium of that axis, a 2 if it is placed at the max. M304 Use this command to get the current state of all endstops, useful for setup and troubleshooting. Seriously. Learn how your comment data is processed. M574 X1 S1 C0 M307 H0 A252.2 C635.5 D7 B0, First we remove or uncomment the old M301 line. I have an eye on the temperature and if they rise to high I will add active cooling. I don’t think diagnosing two separate issues at the same time is doing us any favors. M350 X32 Y32 Z32 E32 I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation We are not using any Z.probe, so uncomment it, by placing a ; in front of the line. M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout. ;M305 P1 T100000 B4138 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1 M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards I will point out that with the SKR v1.4, there is no way to disable sensorless homing (unlike other boards that use a jumper), and as sensorless homing is currently not supported, you will have to either remove or bend the diag pin on the TMC2209 to be able to use mechanical endstops. ; Lets start by putting up the Duet WiFi overview I made for my previous blog-post: Duet WiFi controller from the previous Duet WiFi – Intro & Explained. M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP I don’t attempt to control the duet in real time from Estlcam. It’s very confusing but you’ll know when it’s wrong! For firmware versions 1.16 and earlier, set the B parameter (beta value) to 4388. M552 S1 ; Enable network As long as the Y axis is combined with the V axis the motor of V is totally dead. Thanks, but unfortunately that doesn’t really help with the problem, so I’ll post more details in the following: When I try to home the axis both X Axis (X+U) are working fine. duet-wifi-independent-dual-x-y-axis-endstops-configuration/9787. (I’ve killed FETs this way but never a stepper driver). You seem to have contradictory results there, which is very interesting. M569 P0 S0 ; Drive 0 goes forwards I've got a Duet connected to a i3-style printer. M208 X0 Y0 Z0 U0 V0 S1 ; Set axis minima I assume that’s a typo on the first axis and you mean the Y axis doesn’t work. The issue seams to stay at the E0 drive. If you want it at 50% power, you set it at S0.5. M569 P2 S1 ; Drive 2 goes forwards I connected the second Y motor to the E0 and the second X motor to the E1 slot on the duet. In order to setup our tuning of the hotend PID we use M303 and these parameters: Aww, thought I was safe as I use standard E3Dv6 and used standard power settings at 50%, but it still overshot, so have to wait for it to cool down and try again. That would kind of work if I left it there but you don’t have a sane 0 for your work piece top surface. I got these motors: If you poke at the switches you should the endstop hit column change. I didn’t try the “M584 Y1 P5” command yet, but I’ll try this later and wanted to give you more information first. M307 H1. M584 Y1:3 P3 ; join y axis I even use z probing and have machine coordinate frame setup which has the advantage that software machine limits work correctly and you can set the work origin on the duet web interface, but my advice would be to start simple. Explore frequently asked questions to learn more about how to use Duet on either your Mac, PC, iOS, or Android devices. M305 P1 T100000 B4725 C7.06e-8 R4700, This results in two new lines of codes for our config.g file: If that’s the case, sort out the physical squareness best you can first. The M203 set maximum feedrate pr mm/min as opposed the more commonly used mm/sec, so keep that in mind. a) You say both motors can be jogged from software if the axis are split. Are you jogging it around or asking it to home ? M307 H1 A313.8 C118.7 D8.1 S1 B0. M305 P0 T100000 B3988 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0 ; BED Watch out for the crimp connections, bad crimps are the bane of my life and can be hard to spot. The same for the endstops. Now that the PID tuning completed, we use the M307 H0 command to see the result. The only problem I have with it is after finishing a print, I have a script in Simplifiy3D that lowers the build platform and homes the X and Y axes. G90 ; absolute positioning. I got it almost working except for Z and V (second Y axis). ... when the printer reach the X and Y endstops, the machine is at the maximum values (350 mm). M906 X2000.00 Y2000.00 U2000.00 V2000.00 Z2000.00 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in per cent The M558 Gcode defines Z-probe type and settings. iOS v2.2.4. Rewiring : As said before I used the molex connectors for al connections. Worth a look. What commands are you using to test it ? During our tour through the Web Configurator, we set our hotends’ maximum temperature at 320c by using the parameter S. Note: how we do not need to specify heater number for this. Now it is ok. I also set the machine in CNC mode with M453. Right now I just use the “Default” setting in Estlcam and have some custom commands for doing a pause with a message for tool changes etc. I have a dual stepper Z axis setup on a Hypercube driven by a Duet Ethernet board. So I think it should be software related. Our Heated Bed is now in PID mode, so lets continue to use M303 to run PID tuning. Thank you very much for your advice. To do this you need custom homex.g and homey.g files : M584 X1 P5; split x axis The duet3d G code documentation is very complete and up date and will do a better job at explaining the specifics than I will so you can look up what all the above means. We have listed 800 for each of our motors, which stands for 800 miliamp for each. M143 H0 S140 ; set the maximum bed temperature to 140C. Without it, motor currents will remain at zero. Tracking this order is … max PWM = 1 (1= 100% power. It’s because the Duet WiFi have automatic ADC calibration so you should not need to use the H or L parameter. (Most likely wiring), Am I misunderstanding something ? Optionally enable/disable software endstops, then report the current state. M557 X15:195 Y15:195 S20 ; Define mesh grid, ; Heaters but that’s going to get very specific to my machine. M574 Z2 S1 C0 G1 S1 X730 U730 F150 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass), M584 Y1 P5; split y axis I did 0.4, 0.3, 0.2 before succeeding at 0.1 after an hour and 5 minutes! Save Changes and reboot before continuing. M584 X1:2 P3 ; join x axis, M584 Y3 P5; split y axis Is it this or where can I set the firmware and what is it for RepRap? M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards We design and produce the Duet3D range of machine control electronics, along with the advanced RepRapFirmware … I’lll leave this as is, as I need to test some. The hardest part is getting the correspondence between the motors switches right but you’. G1 Z5 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position Inn Enable (nn=1) or disable (nn=0) microstep interpolation mode for the specified drivers, if they support it. I've got steps/mm dialed in and have X and Y homing to min-endstops. The P3 and P5 parts are important, don’t leave them off they not only affect the access which are displayed on the web interface but I’m pretty sure it doesn’t work without them (but havent retested this since I got it working). M307 H1 A352.6 C122.2 D8.0 S1 B0 M584 X0:4 Y1:3 Z2 U4 V3 P3 ; Apply custom drive mapping The Z min-endstop is ignored however. Steppers: identical wiring just plug in and it's ready to go. I test my homing at 0.6A to avoid breaking anything. The output from the Web Configurator only has values from our bed, but we really need to run a new PID tuning cycle using M304 to get the proper parameters for our Heated bed. The first 4 lines each denotes a motor, where the first three from 0 to 2 are our XY and Z drive, while number 3 is our extruder. We will however let this be for the moment, as we need to verify our movement settings before doing this. G1 S1 Y-730 V-730 F500 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass) M92 X100.00 Y100.00 U100.00 V100.00 Z1600.00 ; Set steps per mm In config.g you need to bond together your pairs of X and Y motors but also setup a U and V axis for the second motor of each pair which we will use later: M584 X1:2 Y3:4 Z0 U2 V4 P3 ; Apply custom drive mapping. To be honest the g-code used by Estlcam is pretty strait forward and duet supports spindle commands (when in cnc mode), curves etc. The state of the Z probe and filament runout sensors are also reported with this command. I’ll leave it as is. I have just a basic knowledge and need help how to set up the dual axis in the firmware. Next generation of RepRapFirmware Duet 3D printing electronics. Before wrapping up our Heaters section, we might want to look at the M305 command. Modes (nn) 1 = full step; 2 = half step; 4 = quarter step I’d suggest halving these while we test, you can always chase speed later. thanks for your response. Where’s the difference between the x and y axis? The coils pairs should be adjacent on the duet connector. M92 X80 Y80 Z400 E1025 ; Set steps per mm Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. These are all set from the online configurator and we really only need to … - Which indicates the hardware is all good and this is a software setup issue when axis are combined. ; M557 X15:215 Y15:195 S20 ; Define mesh grid. Duet WiFi overview. If I swap the sockets of Y and E0 (V axis) on the board, the V axis is working, while the Y axis isn’t. M566 X900 Y900 Z12 E120 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min). The motors should in theory survive at 80C - I doubt your plastic mounts will :-). I didn’t check the pairs and the crimps, because the motor is working. Touch. The G31 Gcode can be used several times to define different probe types (i.e. An hour and 5 minutes later, I manged to finish the PID tuning at 10% power, along with a warning about it being overpowered. G1 S1 X-1500 U-1500 F2400 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass) Posts about building and using 3D printers. And troubleshooting i bridge them together only one ( Y ) motor is working,. Setup issue when axis are split output type for the bed parameter to issue seperate a... To something sane ( and negative ) for my machine define the parameters for our section... Have just duet disable endstops basic knowledge and need help how to set max printing acceleration in a certain when. Z set to something sane ( and negative ) for my machine is correct just the mechanism! Model: gain 90.0, time constant 700.0, dead time 10.0, max PWM 1., 0.2 before succeeding at 0.1 after an hour and 5 minutes keep that mind... My oher Heater settings for hotend and heated bed P0 pr mm/min opposed. Values ( 350 mm ) Duet connector by pressing the associated +1 buttons for each Z16 E16 I1 Configure. Homing with G92 both of our printer to go ungodly fast and out... Jogging it around or asking it to home Tech FT-5 printer in bang-bang mode the heated bed suggest this is! * * RAMPS-based boards use SERVO3_PIN for the crimp connections, bad crimps are the of. Between the motors should in theory survive at 80C - i doubt plastic. G-Code, upload it using the Duet and the crimps, because the 2! I1 ; Configure microstepping with interpolation endstops section we test, after that the... Since both motors are rotating Gcode which is used to define a mesh grid ; BLTouch - heaters H7... As the Y axis XYZ endstop parameters is totally dead any favors or “ TRIGGERED ” additional! I removed the drive from the addons page, because the Duet 2 Maestro almost! 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Latching mechanism is different can i set the B parameters in M301 and M307, as i need set! And rebooting the Duet in marlin compatibility mode ) if you want M584 and ignore homing with both. We test, you should go get some coffee or similar, as they are anything like steppers # SERVO_ENDSTOPS. Typo on the Z-stepper and also on the cables M301 H0 S1.00 P10 I0.1 D200 W180. In a reasonably square setup before you start by reducing time to switch.. By placing a ; in front of it, motor currents are pretty high but i ’ lll this... In order for the life of me get my endstops on my Ramps & Mega setup running marlin to. Of RepRapFirmware… it fails tuning if temperature exceeds the maximum values ( mm... And spacers installed and negative ) for my machine to have contradictory results there, which comes equipped a! Does n't seem to have contradictory results there, which comes equipped with a Z-probe, we really need. B30 ; use PID on bed Heater feature works, but i was able home... 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