Plant a cool season crop (e.g. A rough rule of thumb might be around 2 months after planting the seed. I saw them for sale for the first time last weekend and I knew nothing about them. var currentdate = new Date(); May I have a copy of the spreadsheet too? Very much appreciate your guidance! It is around twice as strong as normal fertilisers. As fruity things, cucurbits (cucumbers, etc) and solanums (tomatoes, etc) are heavy feeders. Combine some things: so, for example, combine alliums and umbellifers as ‘roots’. This poster has been developed with the expertise of passionate local gardeners, to help your veggie patch flourish! Is there a planting guide for south east melbourne? Or straight into the garden? This is my first year gardening, with fallow soil would you recommend a green crop that I dig in later or horse manure, the latter I am not sure as we have a new puppy with penchant for eating anything . My favourite onions to grow, however, are tree/walking onions (Allium cepa x fistulosum), which are effectively self-seedling and perennial. I’m just unsure as to how to go about it. Ozecb. Beans (in summer) and broccoli (in winter) in the fourth bed. To make it shorter, you have to do one or more of three things: You also have to decide whether the annual rotation should take place in Spring or in Autumn. Now, the “Big Question”: does it work? What do tree walking onions taste like? Oregano: any time from Sep to May. Thanks in advance. Any advice or experience would be much appreciated. Once it warms up a bit beans are great as they come up quickly and grow fast. I think that they are edible up until the time that the flowers appear. To ease your watering tasks, use pots with water wells. You can grow spinach, coriander and parsley anywhere. Now in its 43rd edition, it was I just prepared four raised garden beds and want to grow my own vegetables in them. I’m a complete novice to gardening and about to dip my toes in – very excited (and scared). I also want to grow micro-greens and trying to find info for this. I am in Melbourne, Eastern suburbs. The pdf version ( should scale up nicely. Thank you for fantastic information. image[4] = '05.jpg'; Can I plant them whenever? But, since you ask, here is my best go at responding to your request for harvest times. Potatoes grow best over summer, and therefore the best time to plant them is in Spring. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge and expertise. I’d also like to be able to filter/sort it by planting group/family, month, and lunar guide. How far does brocolli radiate soil problems around the root/other rows? Summer is a great time in the garden with plenty of produce to pick in the garden and obviously keeping plants watered and fed keeps us all busy! Covering all matters food in North East Melbourne. Garlic and Peas are two that are suited to winter planting. Not as fine texture as the bagged stuff (Any tips? I’ve had a chat with Gembrook Potatoes. If they are runners from other plants, plant them now. FRUIT & VEGETABLE - plant artichoke, asparagus, broad bean, carrot, English spinach, lettuce, onion, pea and radish. Here is a list of things that grow well in pots: garlic, leeks, lettuce, pak choy, radish, rocket, silverbeet, spinach and strawberry. Also, I have a problem with slaters eating my capsicum and millipedes curling up in the top of my sweetcorn. I also went to the Dingo Discovery Centre and purchased some dingo ‘poo/wee mix’ and painted that around the perimeter of my property. Thanks! Tomato seedlings of ‘Oregon Spring’. image[2] = '03.jpg'; Try planting your capsicums and tomato plants later. Herbs generally are not in the table because they are perennial and usually planted as seedlings rather than seeds. This guide is so good thank you! Feb 28, 2017 - #Australia has many #temperate zones, here are all the fabulous things that will grow in your Australian #garden NOW depending on were you live. The problem with compost is that it disappears over time so each year you have to add more. If you can not provide floating bar showing the months, at least please make thicker vertical lines after every 3 months, so one does not have to count the months from the beginning, once the top of the chart disappears. I am very new at growing veggies. I have about 30 50mm pots to grow my vegetables in due to not much yard but a few decks. Legumes (beans, etc) are non-feeders (they can fix their own nitrogen). For a comprehensive discussion of crop rotation, read Angelo Eliades’ article. Planting calendar for Victoria, British Columbia. Also, I am an optimist and my predicted harvest times are usually shorter, and sometimes much shorter, than actually happens. Thank you and stay safe. Eggplant, tomato and capsicum are all good to grow over the summer. Aussie mushroom supplies are quite reputable and have a wide range of types available. Baby spinach Great site! Spring onions If you have a big pot you can grow several herbs together. I am a novice at growing vegetables/ fruits. Thanks for this great information. i have been using ‘Richgro 25L All Purpose Organic Compost’ (I’m not affiliated with them) for about 2 years now and have little complaints about it. Thank you. Parsley, coriander and mint are good together as they like a bit more water. I live in SW Victoria. Should i protect the plants from frost? I’ve got Dutch cream, kipler and kestrel. I like the following herbs and veggies. Thanks for your kind words, Brian. We’ve moved house so I’m starting the whole garden from scratch and planning rather than haphazardly throwing anything in anywhere at anytime (albeit with reasonable success :o), Hi Guy, I totally agree with Kim that this is a fabulous chart and I’d love an excel copy too. Thank you for your hard work with this though! Well, yes and no. So we’ve come up with a guide to the planting requirements of the most popular fruit and vegetables within your greenhouse. When the moon, sun and Earth align, that’s when we see the biggest tides, and that’s at the new and full moon. Any solution? You could plant any of the veggies that have a red circle in the February column or, even better given the current weather, wait a month or so and then choose from those that have a red circle in the March column. They will die over Winter anyway. They are all related (solanums) and it would be good for you to grow them all in the same bed. P = 5.9% South East Melbourne has a similar climate to North East Melbourne so the same planting guide applies. Most Australians love the sun and longer daylight hours of summer to play outdoors. Hi Guy, i have just stumbled across your site and glad i did. What about herbs in general? Re slaters eating your capsicum and millipedes curling up in the top of your sweetcorn: my philosophy is that this is all part of how nature works and you just live with it. Hello Guy, This is a fabulous chart, such a great tool for the garden. I suggest that you avoid all brassicas. The table below shows the best months to plant each of a wide variety of vegetables and some herbs. Can you please recommend where to start. Umbellifers (carrots etc). Brussels sprouts are really difficult to grow successfully in Melbourne and they usually do develop properly. I know Bunnings but I would like to have more choices, especially heirloom and organic.. Lots of us buy our seeds and seedlings at Bulleen Art & Garden nursery ( document.write('

'); Does “sow direct” mean sow the seeds or seedings? Hi this is an awesome resource! Seeing as there is so much time at the moment and I am outside in the garden a lot and we are whacking them with a fly swat and I’m picking the eggs off the seedlings every morning. There’s quite a bit of information on Youtube. Keeping your plants warm during autumn in Melbourne is the trickiest part about gardening in the cooler season. Can you please share on what I should use to fill by raised garden bed to grow organically?. We are leaving planting until early October this year. As we all know, Spring is one of the busiest times of the year in the garden and a great time for the planting of a whole range of vegetables that don't cope with Winter frosts; like tomatoes, capsicum, and cucumber. As rooty things, alliums (onions, etc) and umbellifers (carrots, etc) are light feeders. I have started all via your guide, they are so healthy and happy :). Please keep in mind that this list has been developed for Melbourne’s climate. Broccoli, snow peas, bok choy and lots of herbs. Potatoes elsewhere, preferably in containers (once you plant them, they are really difficult to get rid of). Based on frost dates and planting … I’m in Taradale Victoria when is the best time to plant strawberry seedlings? Sieve?). I have a question about these darned cabbage moths. If you are creating a new bed, use lots of compost (say, 50% compost and 50% soil) and you won’t need any fertiliser in the first year. Asparagus is a long-lived perennial and is best planted on its own. Yes, you should be using a mixture of soil and compost. As a general principle, I would not use more than 1/3 compost in pots. Wonderful website. Lettuce and silverbeet wherever you have space in any of the beds. But I also think that they taste better, the younger they are. My cats keep going to the bathroom in my veggie garden. Planting Guide – Greenhouse Growing Some of our customers when starting out can feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to deciding what to grow and how to grow it. Hi Sumi, The cooler weather means it time plant a variety of herbs, spinach and bok choy. I have been learning from your guide for most of the year.. thank you so much. It does not show much of a growth. Leaf Parsley Hi, great planting guide, but a pain in the proverbial to use (please no offense). Beetroot, carrot, celery leek, onion and parsnip in another bed. Use a high quality potting mix but also add some fertiliser (or buy a mix which includes fertiliser) as most veggies are heavy feeders. The Mushrrom Shed, who are based in Montmorency, sell their seedlings at Eltham Farmers’ Market and other farmers’ markets. Cucurbits (cucumber, pumpkin, etc). Remember that, no matter how hard you have tried, you are bound to get some potatoes re-growing so I would avoid flimsy plants, such as carrots, which might inadvertently get destroyed as you pull out the potato re-growths. Collecting spore is something I haven’t any direct experience in but I know that you need a controlled environment, completely sterile and closed off from all the millions of competing fungi spores floating around in the air. } image[0] = '01.jpg'; Good easy guide and love my homegrown produce. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. I keep cleaning it up but will this affect my vegetables? Well, for starters, companion planting is a northern hemisphere concept that works a treat up there, but not as well down here in Australia. Thank you for sharing this valuable information. Then add a liquid fertiliser periodically. I will print it and stick on my fridge? The current month is highlighted within a green rectangle. I’ll be starting a brand new vegetable garden soon, and this chart gives so much useful information – especially to a new arrival to Australia from the Northern Hemisphere! The cucurbits bed. In addition, for each vegetable, it shows: how it should be planted (direct, seed trays, etc); how far apart to plant it; its lifecycle (annual, perennial, etc); its crop rotation group (for those doing crop rotation ); and its moon phase planting quarter (for those doing moon phase planting ). solanums or cucurbits) into a single bed over the course of a year. Just wondering whether the guide for tomatoes applies to cherry tomato/ grape tomato too? But you would need to read up about it before planting it. Planting vegetables that grow under the soil ensures that they are toasty even during a possible frost. The table below lists which vegetable seeds can be planted this month in North East Melbourne. Given that it is actually quite difficult to store potatoes successfully in Melbourne for long periods of time without them sprouting, succession planting throughout the year is a good approach. I have no open space but room for pots. Gardenate is not a farming or commercial advisory service. We welcome you to Contact Us online or phone Greg on 0431 382 230 with your enquiry today. Would you be able to send an XL version of this file? I wouldn’t recommend using horse manure because it contains weed seeds which will grow into weeds. After thinking about all this, I have amended the guide to extend the planting period for potatoes. Tomato for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { Moon phases are caused by illumination of the moon’s surface. Re crop rotation, which is required so as to add and/replace nutrients to the soil, if you plant the same thing they will draw the nutrients out of the soil and nothing is replaced…therefore you will not have a good crop in a year or two and possibly some soil disease. } Firstly, thanks for your wealth of knowledge and prompt responses. Autumn Vegetable Planting Guide for Melbourne Winter is a great time for growing some vegetables and you plant them out in Autumn Autumn Planting Guide For Melbourne 77 This entry was posted in What to plant on March 2, 2015 by Leaf, Root & Fruit Here’s our autumn planting guide for Melbourne. Does the guide for capsicums apply to the yellow capsicum? 1. Sadly doesn’t seem to work. Would I be able to receive an excel version of the table? Hi Guy, This planting guide is a general reference intended for home gardeners. Am i supposed to cut them out now, or let them continue? Hi, could this planting guide be used for the Wimmera / Horsham? Regards, Anne. Love the spreadsheet! You ask an interesting question. Thank you for uploading this planting guide, its visually appealing to use. Thanks Guy. So, either make, or buy, some decoys – just white butterfly shapes on sticks. //-->. Yummy Gardens have a vegetable garden planting guide for each season, especially for those in Melbourne, Australia To make it easier for you to plant out your garden each season, we have created a vegetable garden planting guide for each of the seasons, specifically for Melbourne and surrounding areas, which are known as Temperate or Cool in terms of their climate. I can recommend Urban Kultures workshops on mushroom cultivation, they travel around the country and have a facebook community where people share ideas and seek help.. But if you want to, grow them with other alliums (onions, garlic, chives) and/or with other roots (carrots, beetroot, etc). I don’t think that whether your tomatoes will produce mature fruit. Hello there, I have just dug up some potatoes. have created a vegetable garden planting guide for each of the seasons, specifically for Melbourne and Most root vegetables can be planted directly into the soil as well. I have been struggling to find the dosage rates for a plltet fertilizer i was gifted. Yes, I have two suggestions. Zucchini is good when space is limited. How would you recommend we start with a 10 year old child who wants to grow veggies and do most of it on their own, but like most kids would get overwhelmed and lose interest if there is too much to do? My reason is that I would like to add my own notes to it, things like companion plants, time to harvest from seed/seedlings, soil preferences etc. As for companion planting, I normally grow red/orange marigolds with the tomatoes – seems to help keep pests at bay. Best wishes Vanessa. Planting calendar for Melbourne, Florida. See the revised version above which will now automatically highlight the current month. This guide is suitable for Tasmanian and cool-climate conditions. I am a beginner gardener and don’t know where to start. In Canberra many gardeners do not plant out frost sensitive seedlings until after the Melbourne cup. I’m new to gardening and want to grow herbs and vegetables (spinach, coriander, spring onion, mint, beetroot, radish, etc). We then planted a 2nd lot in early October and they thrived. What’s wrong? They need a humid, well-ventilated environment to produce the mushrooms, but when the mycellium is first colonising the substrate, it can be in a cupboard or under the couch etc. image[11] = '12.jpg'; They are now everywhere in my garden and holes are appearing on the foliage, so I assume these cabbage moths are causing this? Broccoli and kale are closely related, are heavy feeders, and need protection from both cabbage moth and aphids. They need warmth. You don’t want the netting to rest on the plants, because the moths can then lay their eggs through it, so use some sort of wooden or plastic structure upon which to rest the netting. Or purchase mushroom compost all vegetable planting guide melbourne the minimum i would not use than. Are easy to look after and will produce well so the same year. Ground since October 2019 and have had cherry tomatoes for months can for better.. Sydney as well this device is a long-lived perennial and usually planted as seeds account your local in! Thanks, Sarah, that ’ s surface Figs, kaffir lime and capsicum... Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, snow peas, bok choy are cool season but some can... Melbourne so the same family ( solanums ) and solanums ( tomatoes, etc ) are light feeders but insists... Good soil and not clear what to plant in pots click anywhere in the weather! Hill reasonably well or Red onions broccoli and bok choy and lots of high fertiliser... 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