There is another classifier that is more casual and easier to use than 件[gin6/gin2]. The most common one you will see is 個[go3]. Possessive Adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our and their. Put in the correct personal pronouns or possessive determiners. friend. There are dependent and independent possessive pronouns in German grammar, both types have to be declined. . Check my answers: Email my answers to my teacher . We will be able to use my, your, his/her, our and their in sentences after this lesson. **the proper unit classifier is 一[yat1]間[gaan1]學[hok6]校[haau6], although if you were to say 一[yat1]個[go3]學[hok6]校[haau6] (Dummy PY: Yat Gor Hawk How) a school, it is not wrong. I will try to give examples using both vocabulary and grammar.That way it will be easy for you to see the words when they are separate and when they are in a sentence. HK Vocab; HK Grammar; How to Learn HKese; Everyday Hong Kongese; About; Resources; Contact; Exercises; Services; Click here for exercise. Learn about dependent and independent possessive pronouns online with Lingolia. Possessive pronouns indicate possession. Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone. These are some examples of the possessive pronoun in a sentence. live in Bristol. Unit classifiers for a pair or group of items or animated or non animated objects. You can wear mine, if you like. Then put your knowledge to the test in the free exercises. to ask questions. For clothings, the classifier = 件[gin6/gin2], For hats, specifically, classifier = 頂[ding2/deng2]. These are examples to demonstrate how the subject pronoun is used in a sentence. ’ ‘ It's mine. Possessive Pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs. However, for groups of people, you can also use the classifier 班[baan1]. Something goes with for example. Here is a worksheet that includes only third person possessive pronouns. Schau dir unser Beispiel hierzu an: Beispiel. This page contained a lot of useful information about the pronouns in Cantonese. Examples: "my, our, their ...". Possessivpronomen (besitzanzeigendes Fürwort) verwenden wir, wenn wir Besitz/Zugehörigkeit ausdrücken wollen (mein Hut). is . Note that 本[bun2] is used as a classifier for each and every book. If the book belongs to her, then it is hers. We use possessive pronouns to talk about things that belong to somebody. Individual classifiers measuring just several objects or animated objects, - Two apples - 兩[leung5]個[go3]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2], 2. 你[nei5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]條[tiu4]繩[sing4/sing2]. Copyright 2015, Polymath - Language Lessons. Plural pronouns in Cantonese: we, they, you, us, them, you. Pronomen ersetzen Nomen. Wenn sie substantivisch benutzt werden, nehmen sie auf ein vorangehendes Substantiv Bezug und stehen allein am Anfang oder Ende eines Satzes. Possessive Pronouns vs Possessive Adjectives. A possessive adjective is not used alone. Das bedeutet, dass es mit einem Nomen dahinter ein Possessivartikel (also ein Begleiter) ist und nur alleinstehend, also ohne Nomen, ein Possessivpronomen ist. Was sind Possessivpronomen? The Swedish possessive pronouns depend o n a gender of a noun and its number (except for the third person in singular). Instead of saying "It is my dog" you can say "It is mine". : 啲 di1 is a very versatile word in Cantonese, besides pluralizing certain phrases, it can also mean "a little/few", e.g. For sheet-like, like a piece of paper, or like bedsheets, even the bed, classifier = 張[jeung1]. Possessive pronouns include my, mine, our, ours, its, his, her, hers, their, theirs, your and yours. Pronouns, possessives & unit classifiers. Possessive pronouns. For a group of items, for example, a group or a bunch of items. Or for living organisms, such as fruits, although when we get the fruit in groceries stores they are usually non-living, but they were living at one point, 一[yat1]隻[jek3]香[heung1]蕉[jiu1]/ 一[yat1]隻[jek3]蕉[jiu1]. Cancel: Text box style: Font: Size: px. number is between the 2 gors, just like when you will say his one apple, 佢[keui5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]個[go3]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2], For describing small little things, classifier = 粒[lap1], 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]粒[lap1]米[mai5], 你[nei5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]粒[lap1]豆[dau6], 佢[keui5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]粒[lap1]提[tai4]子[ji2], 佢[keui5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]粒[lap1]提[tai4]子[ji2], If you want to say a whole bunch of grapes, items where you will need to grip onto something to carry the item, classifier = 揪[jau1], Long rod-like, stick-like objects, usually hard in texture, the unit classifier = 枝[ji1], 我[ngo5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]三[saam1]枝[ji1]樹[syu6]枝[ji1], Long string or stick like object, classifier = 條[tiu4], 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]條[tiu4]頭[tau4]髮[faat3]. Exercises on Subject&object pronouns-Possessive adjectives. ‘ Whose pens are these? I am Robert and . Personal pronouns. For example. Cantonese uses pronouns that apply the same meaning to function as both subjective (English: I, he, we) and objective (me, him, us) just like many other Sinitic languages. There is no grammatical gender neither. Let’s take a look at an example. Die possessive adjectives entsprechen den besitzanzeigenden Fürwörtern, auch Possessivbegleiter genannt. There is no difference between subject pronouns and object pronouns in Cantonese. 啲[di1] can be understood in English as some or the article the. Possessive pronouns worksheets and online activities. Or choose your own topic from the menu above. Die Person (ich, du, er, sie, es, wir, ihr, sie, Sie) wird durch den Besitzer bestimmt. These are used on a daily basis, so don't skip this lesson. Hopefully you can view all the characters on this page but the Cantonese specific characters may not appear. 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]條[tiu4]牛[ngau4]仔[jai2]褲[fu3]. Possessive pronouns (i.e. Englisch Arbeitsblätter für Possessivpronomen (Possessivbegleiter) mit einfachen Beispielen zum Online-Lernen mit Erklärungen. Personal Pronouns. For food, to say a set of a certain food, the classifier 份[fan6]. If the book belongs to me, then it is mine. Classifiers for measuring time & distance, - Play once - 玩[waan2/wun6]一[yat1]次[chi3]. We reach now the possessive adjective part, used to refer to thing we possess. the classifier 炸[ja3] is quite all encompassing but more casual for groups and bunches of things. For animals, living organisms, as well as distinguishing the singular from a pair or multiple, classifier = 隻[jek3]. 牛[ngau4]仔[jai2] literally means cowboy, so jeans in Cantonese is cowboy pants. We are going to talk about possessive pronouns in Swedish today. That is all that is needed to be done in most sentences, as Chinese grammar does not require subject-verb agreement. 一啲 jat1 di1 "a little", or 早啲 zou2 di1 "earlier" (literally: early + (intensifier)). HOME; Learn HKese. 你[nei5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]張[jeung1]床[chong4]單[daan1]. Hong Kong Cantonese Learning with an English approach. Now we look into the subject pronoun such as "me, him, us, them ...". For example, "I believe in God" and "I believe in gods" could be said in the same way. Let´s go! but for more than 1 item, when you still want to include the quantity like his or her 2 apples, you will have to say, 佢[keui5]嗰[go2]兩[leung5]個[go3]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2]. A possessive adjective describes the noun, so it comes with the noun, not alone. They rely on context to note whether one or more than one is intended. These are my books and those are yours. 係佢嘅呀! Unit classifiers for uncountable for unfixed amounts. **Remember to refer to one out of a pair, you will use 隻[jek3]. This is a list of pronouns in Cantonese. 佢[keui5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]隻[jek3]筷[faai3]子[ji2], 佢[keui5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]隻[jek3]筷[faai3]子[ji2], For vegetables or plants or flowers, classifier = 棵[(Dummy PY: Paul). Possessive pronouns. Cantonese Pronoun is relatively easy to learn, it doesn't have gender, only "我、你、佢" and simply add "哋" if it's in plural form. The possessive pronouns are my, our, your, his, her, its, and their.There’s also an “independent” form of each of these pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes. Englisch Übungen für Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) mit Regeln, Beispielen und Lösungen. 套(Dummy PY: Toll) is also the classifier for a set of clothing. Questions: interrogative pronouns (what, … It’s my book. Pronouns in Cantonese are less numerous than their Indo-European languages counterparts. Pronouns. We start with the object pronouns such as "I, you, her ...". Therefore 個[go3] (Dummy PY: Gor) can be seen as the all embracing unit classifier. This includes subject, object, and the possessive. For example. For example. Most of the objects or items can be paired with the classifier 個[go3]. For a pair of something, the classifier = 對[deui3]/ 雙[seung1] (less common). Possessive Pronouns. Explanation. Possessive pronouns exercise - fill in mine, yours, his, hers, ours or theirs. A possessive pronoun can be used alone. These are some examples of the possessive pronoun in a sentence. The 8th lesson contains the Cantonese pronouns including the subject, object and possessive forms. Next up, we have the plural pronouns. 個[go3] can be seen as the all embracing unit classifier. The way to form plural pronouns is super easy. What do you want to do? 20,731 Downloads . 3117. 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]啲[di1]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2]. Note: his and its can be possessive determiners or possessive pronouns.Look at the complete sentences to find out which function the pronoun has. Personal pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 2. In addition, you will find a vocabulary list about travel and finally some general common phrases. Das Possessivpronomen drückt einen Besitz oder allgemein eine Zugehörigkeit aus. Quite vague, but just remember unless that item has a specific classifier, 件[gin6/gin2] is used for miscellaneous shaped items or objects. Possessivpronomen werden dekliniert und passen ihre Endung an das Nomen an (siehe Deklination). Each other, one another Everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere It No one, nobody, nothing, nowhere One One and one’s Pronouns Pronouns: indefinite (-body, -one, -thing, -where) Pronouns: one, you, we, they Pronouns: personal (I, me, you, him, it, they, etc.) Beispiel. - Cantonese unit classifiers can be understood just like the unit classifiers for English uncountable nouns but for all nouns. If you have to say it in a possessive form, for example, omitting the number 1 because it is implied, 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]個[go3]電[din6]視[si6] - my tv, 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]個[go3]電[din6]視[si6] my one tv. For doors specifically, classifier = 度[dou6], For lights specifically, classifier = 盞[jaan2], For vehicles & machineries, classifier = 部[bou6]/ 架[ga3], *Note that for machineries and vehicles you can also choose to use the classifier 架[ga3] , for example, For movies or TV shows or a series of books, classifier = 套[tou3] / 齣[cheut1]/ 部[bou6]. We have already learnt that there are the ett and the en nouns in Swedish. Der Unterschied ist wichtig, da die Deklination im Nominativ und Akkusativ unterschiedlich ist. The following examples use prepositions in different ways and places to demonstrate how they behave in a sentence. Choose from the drop down menu. Possessive Pronouns exercises - Übungen. Bildung . although if you were to say 一[yat1]個[go3]電[din6]視[si6] it isn’t wrong either. There are still many more. A pair or group of items or animated or non animated objects, - A pair of earrings - 一[yat1]對[deui3]耳[yi5]環[waan2], - a group of students - 一[yat1]班[baan1]學[hok6]生[saang1], 4. Sometimes people say 等[dang2] instead of 棟[dung6] but it still means the same thing. 舊[gau6](Dummy PY: Gow) is quite all encompassing when it comes to shaped items, usually rounded or 3D objects not flat or long nor should it be tiny, not people nor animals nor buildings nor clothes though. Task No. Possessivpronomen (possessive pronouns) können nicht nur adjektivisch, also vor einem Nomen benutzt werden, sondern auch substantivisch. Adding " men" directly to the end of the pronoun makes it plural. 佢[keui5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]四[sei3]條[tiu4]蕉[jiu1]. We use Whose …? Your coat isn't very warm. Let's move on to the next subject below. Instead of saying "It is my dog" you can say "It is mine". These are all words that demonstrate ownership. 我、你、他、她、它们、的. When you want to just point to a single one of the item out of a pair or a multiple, you can use 隻[jek3]as well. 佢[keui5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]隻[jek3]耳[yi5]環[waan2]. Pronouns are a great way to clarify the meaning. " Do you need help? This included the subject, object, and the possessive forms. By Goga Simple explanation of Possessives with some exercises 19,392 Downloads . It’s mine. PDF exercises. 我[ngo5]副[fu3]太[taai3]陽[yeung4]眼[ngaan5]鏡[geng2]. A great way to understand this part of speech is to see them in action. This classifier is 舊[gau6], 舊[gau6] is simpler because it applies to most shaped items, but unlike 件[gin6/gin2] you don’t use it with clothes, because clothes has no super concrete shape. - 兩[leung5]個[go3]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2] - two apples, However, there are some objects that come with specific classifiers, for example, - 一[yat1]個[go3]學[hok6]校[haau6] - a school, 一[yat1]間[gaan1]學[hok6]校[haau6] - a school, although if you were to say 一[yat1]個[go3]學[hok6]校[haau6] a school, it is not wrong. You can basically pair 個[go3] with any object, it is not wrong entirely. For tall buildings, the classifier = 棟[dung6], 棟[dung6] is for objects that are pillar like, 一[yat1]棟[dung6]辦[baan6]公[gung1]室[sat1]大[daai6]樓[lau1]. N.B. To refer to a group of items or people or animals, the classifier = 炸[ja3], it is a very colloquial unit classifier which I believe is not taught in textbooks. Welches Possessivpronomen gewählt wird, hängt von der Person, dem Numerus und - in der dritten Person Singular - auch vom Genus ab. This is the possessive pronoun. 四[sei3]條[tiu4]香[heung1]蕉[jiu1]/ 四[sei3]條[tiu4]蕉[jiu1], *With 香[heung1]蕉[jiu1]/ 蕉[jiu1] - banana, you can also choose to use the unit classifier 隻[jek3]. Here are samples to demonstrate how the possessive adjective is used. You → You 你 → 你地 … Used as an alternative to the possessive adjectives above. ’ The form is the same for singular and plural. The materials and directions for a fifteen minute beginner activity and one additional activity are included. This is Jack. You can use the classifier 份[fan6] for documents and newspapers as well. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Currently 119 possessive pronouns worksheets are posted in this section. Sie werden verwendet um zu zeigen, dass eine Sache einer Person oder mehreren Personen gehört oder dass Personen eine Beziehung zueinander haben. 佢[keui5]嗰[go2]一[yat1]隻[jek3]香[heung1]蕉[jiu1]. For eyeglasses or sunglasses specifically, classifier = 副[fu3]. Click on any Chinese word with a beige background to hear an audio sample. To learn all the basic Chinese personal and possessive pronouns, we only need to know 7 characters. Of course all of those examples you can use the classifier 炸[ja3] instead that is no problem. 你[nei5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]條[tiu4]繩[sing4/sing2]. - A piece of paper - 一[yat1]張[jeung1]紙[ji2] For sheet-like, wide in size, flat, but more rigid in texture, like a piece of land, or a piece of carpet, or a piece of pork chop, classifier = 塊[faai3], For houses, rooms or structures, classifier = 間[gaan1]. For pants, dresses, you will also use 條[tiu4] as classifier because they are also long, for example. By swissprof very easy worksheet BUT always difficult for my students 20,146 Downloads . If you are having problems please post to the Technical Forum. "mine", "his", "hers") are formed by adding 嘅 ge3 after the pronoun. Possessive adjectives können nicht alleine sondern nur mit einem Nomen verwendet werden. Chinese nouns are generally not marked for being either singular or plural. Possessivpronomen (englisch: possessive pronouns) zeigen den Besitz von etwas an. Used as an alternative to the possessive adjectives above. Cantonese oral or vernacular words provide additional difficulty for computer input. All you have to do is to pop in 地 (dei6) after the pronoun, like so: I / me → We / Us 我 → 我地 ngo5 → ngo5 dei6. Very much like the numbers, there are not too many things to memorize as long as we get the rule right. Main content: Possessive pronouns Other contents: outdoor things Add to my workbooks (5) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp: Link to this worksheet: Copy: mvc Finish!! ’ ‘ They're mine. 我[ngo5]嗰[go2]條[tiu4]牛[ngau4]仔[jai2]褲[fu3]. Hier klicken zum Ausklappen. Pronouns: reflexive (myself, themselves, etc.) - A cup of water - 一[yat1]杯[bui1]水[seui2], - Cantonese nouns are not specified to singular or plural, you have to add in numbers and unit classifiers to determine the quantity you are talking about, 1. For example, 比[bei2]一[yat1]啲[di1]時[si4]間[gaan3]我[ngo5]/, give me some apples or give me the apples, 比[bei2]一[yat1]啲[di1]蘋[ping4]果[gwo2]我[ngo5]/. This page contained a lot of useful information about the pronouns in Cantonese. Here are samples to demonstrate how the object pronoun is used in a sentence. Pronouns: possessive (my, mine, your, yours, etc.) wo3 ", " ni3 ", and " ta1 " are all singular. **like maybe they have 7 books in one series, that when you will use 一[yat1]部[bou6]書[syu1]. Not all unit classifiers are mentioned here! ‘ Whose pen is this? 你[nei5]哋[dei6]嗰[go2]一[yat1]張[jeung1]床[chong4]. ’ They're mines. You can also use 件[gin6/gin2] with objects that are cubic or objects with shapes, but not a specific shape necessarily, it’s quite ambiguous, for example. `` hers '' ) are formed by adding 嘅 ge3 after the pronoun contains... In gods '' could be said in the same for singular and plural an! Hopefully you can view all the basic Chinese personal and possessive pronouns in Cantonese, them... '' one! [ deui3 ] / 雙 [ seung1 ] ( less common ) ``, `` I, you,.... Von der Person, dem Numerus und - in der dritten Person singular - vom. His and its can be understood in English as some or the article.... The way to clarify the meaning. this section mine, your, his/her our... 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