Rich Haskell: Approximately three and a half days. A Project of the Wyoming Historical Society. When the children became increasingly loud, Doris Young began begging the teachers to settle the group down. Doris accidently triggered the bomb by motioning to her hostages with her arms. It was not a teacher, but her ancestor. There was no give in the school bus. On May 16, 1986, David and Doris Young entered Cokeville Elementary School with a gasoline bomb, a variety of rifles and handguns, David's philosophical writings and demands for $300 million in ransom. Cokeville officially has only536 people in it and two LDS wards that meet in the same chapel. Rich Haskell: I took pictures of it. In 1986, 154 children and teachers survived the bombing of Cokeville Elementary School. ", All told, 79 of the hostages suffered injuries, mostly second-degree burns, smoke inhalation, and other injuries from the exploding bomb. No need to troll. My name is Kamron Wixom, I was a 12 year old 6th grader in 1986 when a mad man took over my school (Cokeville Elementary) with a bomb and his guns. Do you ever think about that? They were sitting out across the fence with scopes on their rifles just ready to shoot until the sheriff went out and said, "No. He used to work in Cokeville. So timelines and characters may be switched up, but the overall spirit of it and the facts are laid out true to witness testimonies. Here is a local story from the 20 year anniversary (we are at the 29th year now), What's your side of the story? There are several great resources out there. There are a select number of people that would do this, so thank you. That's what David Young forgot to realize just how important families were. I cannot tell you what happened. Mark Junge: Do you still think about this? Rich Haskell: I'm Rich Haskell. Eventually Doris lifted her arm sharply and the bomb went off prematurely, injuring Doris while David was out of the room. Rich Haskell: Uh, I can understand that. In the classroom, David held the gasoline bomb, with the triggering mechanism attached to a string tied around his wrist. Sue Castaneda: Carla said that some people were mad that we were there. But David refused to reveal his plans entirely until moments before they unfolded. So we decided to take some masking tape, and we tapedI think it was an eight-foot square in the middle of the room, right here, and he pushed the cart, the homemade bomb into this, and we told the children this was the magic square. Edit: Also, were you at that early screening? I later learned he'd been shot in the back. When you say what cut the wire? All the hostages escaped, though 79 were hospitalized with burns and injuries. But I walked up to the window and looked inside the window and didn't hardly see anything out of the ordinary except it was all black inside. They lived in a mobile home with Princess, Davids youngest daughter from his first marriage. Once all the hostages were contained in the first grade classroom, David Young informed them that they were leading a revolution and distributed copies of his philosophy Zero Equals Infinity to everyone present. On that Friday afternoon in their quiet, rural town, a deranged couple entered the community's elementary school, took those inside hostage and detonated a bomb in a first grade classroom. Two of the three blasting caps on the bomb failed to detonate; the wires to each tuna can had been reportedly cut. My name is Mark Junge and I'm here at the Hiltonis it the Hilton Hotel? Educated at Chadron State College in Nebraska, he had earned a degree in criminal justice, and was hired as Cokevilles town marshal in the 1970s. For more information about our sponsors and the people behind, visit our About Us page: Hostage crisis at the elementary school in Cokeville, Wyo. They have a lot of first-person histories of the actual event, teachers, investigators and students. This wasn't a simple bomb. They forget about what happened in Cokeville with a lot more people and the potential of what was there. I cannot explain it! Where's he running? Mark Junge: Did you find the bullet that killed him, too? And that's where the bomb sat and that's where they sat. She lured them by telling them there was either an emergency, a surprise, or an assembly there. Where you find brackets [ ] I have added words for explanation or to complete an awkward sentence. Rich Haskell: Oh my goodness! She was totally burned. One teacher was shot when he tried to flee,. All the hostages escaped, though 79 were hospitalized with burns and injuries. On that Friday afternoon in their quiet, rural town, a deranged couple entered the communitys elementary school, took those inside hostage and detonated a bomb in a first grade classroom. it is VERY LDS, and yet there are at least 3 other churches in town: Episcopal, Catholic, Baptist (and sometimes a non-denominational church). So I went to Huntsville, Ala., to Redstone Arsenal. Rich Haskell: I was cookin' right along, yes I was! The children and adults escaped after the bomb exploded. Encircled it. Mark Junge: Do you think you've taken more joy out of life because of it? David and Doris both returned to Cokeville on May 16, 1986. She is a trained rural historian who specializes in oral history, childhood history and memory studies. David had the makeshift bomb attached to his body and housed inside a grocery cart, while Doris and Princess carried an arsenal of rifles, handguns and ammunition, as well as the Zero Equals Infinity handouts. A Project of the Wyoming Historical Society. AN EXPLOSION of vapors, resultLing from a combination of circumstances at the Kearney, N. J., plant of the Koppers Coke Company, on May 17, 1948, resulted in the death of ten men and started a . Rich Haskell: Absolutely. He instructed Doris and Princess, by now a young adult, to handcuff them inside his van. And then what? He was dismissed, however, from this position shortly after his six-month probationary period. It killed her instantly. If you are interested in seeing the film, theaters are listed here. I saw an early screening of the film and absolutely loved it. Meanwhile, police and parents gathered out of sight of the school room where hostages were gathered. She has published several articles in peer-reviewed journals on the history and heritage of Germans from Russia on the Northern Plains. David Young entered the school with his wife transporting a large gasoline-filled device that appeared to be a bomb. I mean, Columbine, it wasn't that way. This narrative was perpetuated in many publications and productions. Some of the children just sat right all around and just watched him. We figured that he had dropped down on his knee, took his pistol and shot her to put her out of her misery, because when we went out and looked at her, there was a hole up through the bottom of her chin, and it came out the top of her head. I did open that briefcase remotely like I was taught in school to do. Shortly after their wedding, David and Doris left Cokeville and headed to Tucson, Ariz. During their time in Tucson, according to Doris daughter Bernie Petersen, David became increasingly reclusive, focusing on his philosophical readings and writings. Rich Haskell: Pretty sophisticated guy is what he was. She was a divorce who earned money working as a waitress and singer in a local bar. Mark Junge: Well, I want you to know that we think you're courageous for doing this with us. 1 of 7. All the hostages escaped, though 79 were later hospitalized with burns and injuries, the majority of which were severe.[3][2]. A new movie is coming out on Friday called "The Cokeville Miracle" that depicts not just this terrible event, but the various miraculous stories that emerged afterward. Do you ever think about them? She tied the string around her wrist. In their minds they could start another world. Doris tried numerous times to calm the children by telling them to "think of it as an adventure movie," or that they "would have a great story to tell their grandchildren." welcomes the support of the following sponsors. Doris developed a headache from the gasoline fumes, and raised her hand to her forehead. Go to school and learn how to do it." Certified Bomb Technician. [5] The wooden piece was tied to Doris' wrist by a string. Mark Junge: Curious, Rich. Doris had a migraine headache that day, in talking with the other folks, and she was complaining about that, and asked David if she could open the windows because the gas fumesevidently the gas was leaking from the incendiary and he finally consented to let 'em open the window. Rich? On May 16, 1986, . But shortly after entering the school, Princess decided to rebel. Mark Junge: This was a life-changing event. It would have killed them. Whenever they would come to Wyoming I would be part of their security team. 2 Recreation Board, Indigenous People in Wyoming and the West, Emergency Management Coordinator Kathy Davison on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, EMT Glenna Walker, Mother of Three Young Children, on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Lead Investigator Ron Hartley, Father of Four Student Survivors, on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Public Works Director and Fireman Kevin Walker, Father of Three Young Children, on the 1986 bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Secretary Tina Cook on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, First grade teacher Janel Dayton on the 1986 bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Second grade teacher Carol Petersen on the 1986 bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Third grade student Rachel Walker Hollibaugh on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Third grade student Jamie Buckley King on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Fourth grade teacher Kliss Sparks on the 1986 bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Fourth grade student LeaKae Roberts on the 1986 Bombing of Cokeville Elementary School, Green River Historic Preservation Commission, Natrona County Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Natrona County Recreation Joint Powers Board, Sublette County Historical Preservation Board, University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources, Casper Chapter, Wyoming Archaeological Society, June Frison chapter, Wyoming Archeological Society. Interview by Mark Junge. Young met his second wife, Doris Waters, while in Cokeville. I think you should know that it can be difficult to watch - but that it has a very rewarding outcome. I mean, what it was supposed to do? But I know that, well, I'll just be quite frank. "If you can see the bomb, the bomb can see you," an officer shouted. David Young had initially planned to involve longtime friends Gerald Deppe and Doyle Mendenhall, who had invested money with him in a get-rich-quick scheme that he had called "The Biggie. Used with permission and thanks. Hi, I am working on publicity for the film, and I will chime in if anyone needs it, or has other questions. Mark Junge: Well, and it burned some of the kids. I think it's because of the ages of the kids, to start with. welcomes the support of the following sponsors. Mark Junge: Do you know the names and birthdates of all your grandchildren? There are some survivors that couldn't believe how accurate much of it was. Because in the bus, everything was solid in the school bus. Sue Castaneda: Where did you get your training for that? Mark Junge: Do you think David or Doris would have cut it? On May 16, 1986, former town marshal David Young and his wife Doris Young took 167 children and adults hostage at Cokeville Elementary School. This all happened about 8 months after the bombing. We're in a conference room here on the main floor. I think he went in the Marine Corps because of me and served 25 years and retired. Interesting stuff to me! On May 16, 1986, an elementary school in the tiny town of Cokeville, Wyoming, was held hostage by a married couple with a bomb. Contact us at for information on levels and types of available sponsorships. As I got closer to it I could tell it was a body, and of course, you just start thinking about what took place. Rich Haskell: No, I don't think it exited. No. Throughout the standoff, David grew increasingly agitated and irritable. Mark Junge: What do you want to do with the rest of your life? Mark Junge: In fact, didn't you say you burned up your engine? Twenty-five years ago on Monday, a man and his wife pushed a homemade gasoline bomb into Cokeville's sole elementary school and demanded $300 million in ransom. Rich Haskell: It's a combustible. Mark Junge: Okay. Well, when I arrived at Cokeville, of course they had the roads all blocked off and there was not a lot of people around the school at the time. From Tragedy To Triumph- Talking To A Cokeville Bombing Survivor.
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