If an association is removed from a resource and that pairing is set as the default, that default is not removed. Want to learn about upcoming enhancements? Configure automatic ticket creation for Workplace Manager - Datto These are referred to as Reference fields. Open the Kaseya Helpdesk. . [CDATA[*/ Autotask Customer Satisfaction Surveys, One-Click CSAT or CES Ticket TicketCategory default values will be applied unless another value is passed in. To obtain complete field information specific to your Autotask implementation, use theGETAPIcalls described in the resource and child collection access URLs section of this document. This entity manages the tags associated with tickets in Autotask. NOTE The Autotask REST API stores and returns all entity time data in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The AllocationCodeID field must reference a Work Type allocation code. This entity describes notes created by an Autotask user and associated with a Product entity. You may also update UDFs for entity types that allow update and create. This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. If selected, the text entered into the Summary Notes or Description field will be added to the end of the Resolution field of the ticket. This entity describes an Autotask resource assigned to a task that is assigned to a service call. This selection opens a page that contains a subset of the fields documented above. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? This entity describes a ticket category applied to tickets in Autotask to specify features and fields that appear on the ticket detail. Have an idea for a new feature? Integrating with Autotask - IT Glue Create an API account in Autotask - Partner Docs The name of the user who is filling the role is added to the role name. Need troubleshooting help? Integration vendors The purchase approval option is available through Autotask procurement. On ticket grids, you can select the Add Note to Selected Tickets option from the bulk menu. Zapier's automation tools make it easy to connect Autotask and Microsoft Excel. If it is selected, the note is created with the Internal & Co-managed publish type. Autotask Service Bundles group multiple Services for purchase. You'll need to ensure that you configure the security level of the impersonated resource to allow impersonation. These accounts are free of charge, but they do not provide access to the Autotask UI. If setting equals 'Always', the API will always require the QueueID value. This entity describes an Autotask Time Entry. For detailed information, refer to The task or ticket stopwatch. Autotask is a one solution ticketing system for managing your IT business that integrates with N-able N-central enabling you to map customers between both systems and share asset information for ticket creation, configure automatic ticket creation and bundle accounts in Autotask for billing. This entity's purpose is to describe a billing Role that has been excluded from a Contract. https://www.autotask.com/, Press J to jump to the feed. , This field is editable for tickets whose ticket category is 'RMA.'. When updating a field that has Rich Text, the APIwill return the text-only version of the field. This entity describes an Autotask Payment Term. The function of this entity is to describe the Webhook error log where errors are kept by the application for 30 days. Please open the solution (the C# one) in Visual Studio and work with the sample code there. This entity describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Service Bundle that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. The Autotask REST API presents selected Autotask resources as programming objects that allow the client to perform actions on them. Visit the Ideas forum! This entity describes an Autotask project task assigned to a service call. Refer to Autotask Integration and Monitors. Billing milestones define tangible work or measured progress that must be completed before billing can take place. The REST API permits you to retrieve values for all entity UDFs via the query method. PowerShell Gallery | Dynamic/New-AtwsTicketCost.ps1 4. IMPORTANT If the New/Edit Time Entry or New/Edit Note dialog is saved on the Edit Task or Edit Ticket page, both the details panel and main canvas will be updated. Also create Note/Attachment on # incident(s) (tickets only). This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. This entity describes an adjustment to the quantity of units of a Contract Service entity that are added to a Recurring Service Contract. When you enable the Organizational Structure feature in Autotask, this object describes an organizational structure Line of Business. When you use the APIto update this field, the RESTAPIwill return the text-only version of its content. If the ticket does not have a value for a role, the check box for that recipient will still be enabled, because they can still be selected on the Notification panel. You cannot create a ticket with TicketType = Problem and specify a ProblemTicket ID or specify ProblemTicketID for an existing Ticket with TicketType=Problem; that is, a ticket that is already a problem ticket cannot become an incident to another problem ticket. When a SubIssueType value is provided, the associated IssueType value must also be provided. It represents any organization with which you do business. The id value is set by the system and cannot be changed by the user; for example, if you attempt to specify a value for the id field when using the POSTAPI call, the create will fail. Action. In the Quick Notification (Notify via "To") section, you can use check boxes to quickly add common role-based notification recipients to the note or time entry notification email. Step 1: Creating an API User and Getting API Keys from Autotask (REST API) Why are we doing this? The ChangeManagement module must be enabled to create a new ticket with TicketType = Change Request. That InstalledProduct must also reference a Product that is EligibleForRma. window.open(uri); This entity describes an Autotask Ticket. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Tracks updates to any field except changes to the LastActivityDate, LastCustomerNotificationDateTime, LastCustomerVisibleActivityDateTime. The date/time stamp indicates the date and time the status was last refreshed from the task or ticket. 2. The allowed actions are specific to the object. It describes whether a Product on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency for a Product Tier, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. /*Incoming email processing - Autotask This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with an Autotask Project. /*Ticket - Autotask This entity's purpose is to describe a note associated with an Autotask Contract. /*]]>*/Want to tell us more? It mirrors the fields found on the. The Deleted Ticket Activity log provides a list of ticket time entries, notes, and attachments that were deleted from your system. The ticket SLA is defaulted in using the following logic: Check the asset. NOTE If Knowledgebase is enabled and the ticket is used to create a Knowledgebase article, the contents of the Resolution field appear in the article. They can click New Ticket on the Autotask interface sub-navigation menu to open the New Ticket window. Form templates follow the limitations of the currently applied category and the user's security settings. Logon to the Datto (AutoTask) PSA. This entity describes results and information for a survey generated by Autotask. The Autotask REST API If no TicketCategory is passed in, the API will use the logged in resource's default category; if the resource does not have a default category, the API will use the Company's system default ticket category. Refer to Creating Knowledgebase articles from tickets. This entity contains the attachments for the TimeEntries entity. The ticket category controls which fields appear here and in what order. If a ticket is created with the 'RMA' ticket category via the API and no value is supplied for this field, the ticket category default value for the field will be used. Want to talk about it? It allows you to configure tiered or volume pricing for the billing product. This entity's purpose is to describe a cost associated with a Change Order to an Autotask Project. This entity describes an Autotask Opportunity. I am using CyberDrain PowerShell module but I am clearly missing something. Only form templates that are available to all selected tickets categories can be selected. This entity represents aliases for ticket and article tags in Autotask. This entity contains tag associations for documents in Autotask. This entity describes an Autotask Subscription. To make calls to the entities of the AutotaskRESTAPI, you will need to use their resource access URLs or child collection access URLs. The integration uses the Autotask Web Services API for automatic ticket creation in Autotask. A ticket workflow rule with a Create Ticket Note . The assets associated with Knowledgebase articles are recorded in this entity. function SendLinkByMail(href) { All active note types of the category Task are available, plus the current selection even if it is inactive. For example, when updating an entity, you may not be able to update all fields within the entity. var uri = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdw1y-_z7_O1tSWNFkiDliribqAz5IrqAiJJ6u2KsbEvICTqw/viewform?usp=pp_url&entry.876121135=' + document.location.href; Associates a Skill with a Resource to provide information about the skills or abilities of the resource. You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo() SOAPAPIcall. Contact Groups are an association of contacts, from one or more companies, that allow PSA users to send bulk email and create notes and/or to-dos simultaneously for all included contacts. This entity's purpose is to describe a Type, for example, printer, server, or workstation, assigned to a Asset in Autotask. A Contract Rate is associated with a Role and is specific to a contract. They can click New Ticket on the Autotask interface sub-navigation menu to open the New Ticket window. The entity provides an efficient way to access the details, via the API, to assist with the customer's Autotask implementation. On update, a TicketCategory cannot be updated to another TicketCategory that is inactive. } and not visible to the API user when inspecting the Extension Callout on edit and when creating a new Extension Callout. Although the data will remain intact and will be reportable, it will not be viewable in the ticket in Autotask. When you enable the Organizational Structure feature in Autotask, this object describes the association between an organizational structure Branch and Line of Business. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. This entity describes a cost associated with an Autotask Ticket. IMPORTANT Selecting a form template is the equivalent of manually populating the form. function SendLinkByMail(href) { Refer to Note Titles. Automatically Close Ticket using the API Extension Callout - N-able This object associates a Product entity with a PurchaseOrder entity. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. This entity's purpose is to describe a transaction where a specified quantity of a Purchase Order Item is 'received,' that is, debited from the Quantity value of the associated Purchase Order Item and added to the Quantity On Hand value of the Inventory Item. It describes whether an Allocation Code of type Material Code on the Price List uses the internal currency or an external currency, and if it is external, lets you set the price in that currency. The function of this entity is to describe the values for custom Additional Invoice Fields that users can add to Autotask for use with Autotask Invoice Templates. If TicketType = Problem and incidents are associated with the ticket, TicketType cannot be changed to Incident or Service Request until the incidents are disassociated from the ticket. The function of this entity is to describe the tax rate charged to a customer for specific goods or services purchased in a specified tax region. Some resources contain additional objects in child collections; these resources have an additional Child collection access URLs field in their Online Help articles. It can be a separate physical location or a division or agency operating in the same physical location as the company. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. function SendLinkByMail(href) { Create Quote. Thanks for your feedback. Saves the note or time entry and opens a new dialog box. } This entity is only used by multi-currency databases. Phases allow users to break projects into sub-groups of project tasks. This entity describes an Autotask Task. Provide feedback for the Documentation team. This object describes list items added to a check list on an Autotask ticket. This check box will only appear if the ticket to which the note or time entry is being added is a problem ticket with at least one incident. Here is the code I tried (after authenticating). Create Tickets in autotask using REST api in python Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. This entity contains attachments for documents in Autotask. This entity's purpose is to describe a Vendor type Company with an association to an Autotask Product. If there is no Asset SLA, then check the Contract Service or Bundle SLA. This entity contains ticket associations for documents in Autotask. A payment term specifies conditions and requirements for payment due on an Autotask invoice; for example, Net 30 days. Access to version 1.6 will deactivate in Q4 2024. Refer to WebhookUdfFields (RESTAPI). If it does not exist, the ContractIDwill be set to null. Refer to. This entity describes an Autotask Notification, as listed in the Notification History page. Entity details You can also retrieve this information with the Web Services API call The getEntityInfo () SOAP API call. Namely the VS solutions are here. What video game is Charlie playing in Poker Face S01E07? Some fields on Entities require an id to a parent Entity. A SubscriptionPeriod stores the information for an individual billing period item associated with an Autotask Subscription. An attempt to create a Ticket using a Resource + Role combination with an inactive Role will trigger an error. Tickets with no TicketType specified are set automatically to Service Request. The InventoryProducts entity is the container where you define inventory location, minimum and maximum stocking levels, and can see the summary of the product (Available, Reserved, etc.). This entity describes an individual business unit that has an association with a company in Autotask. The Entities list provides a link to additional information about the entity and its standard Autotask fields. window.open(uri); Do new devs get fired if they can't solve a certain bug? Autotask users manage Tickets through a number of modules including Service Desk, Home, CRM, and Contracts. They are also not exposed in the API or LiveReports. This entity's purpose is to describe a predecessor/successor arrangement between two project schedule items. IMPORTANT Except in the case of certain entities, when the APIreceives a request to update a field that contains Rich Text, the APIwill update the text-only version of the field and overwrite the data in the Rich Text field with plain text. Ticket cannot be created with an inactive TicketCategory. You might want to work with Autotask API's own Visual Studio solutions which are linked on their web services page. A Resource + Role combination assigned to a ticket must be associated with at least one Service Desk Queue. This entity's purpose is to describe a multi-level approval record for an Autotask time entry. The function of this entity is to describe the associations between Change Request tickets and both Incidents and Problems. The following results have been performed on the sandbox of Autotask, to which I have a RTT of about 150-180MS. [CDATA[*/ This entity's purpose is to describe a modular component that can be added to any ticket or task. This entity describes an instance of hardware, software, or a material item in Autotask that a company sells or supports for customers. If a value is not provided for ChangeApprovalType: For the ContactID field, Contact.AccountID must = Ticket.AccountID or the ParentAccountID of Ticket.AccountID. Tickets define service requests within the Autotask system. This entity describes the refund or credit charge that generates when the RMA is set as Authorized on a ticket with the RMA ticket category. This entity describes an Autotask Project. IMPORTANT When this feature is released, we will change the Publish settings of ticket and task notes and attachments to Internal &Co-managed for all tickets and tasks where the Co-managed Visibility is set to Visible. Autotask currently provides five contract types: Time and Materials, Fixed Price, Block Hours, Retainer, and Recurring Service. This entity's purpose is to describe a Resource - Role - Department relationship. Ticket User-Defined Field: When you select a User-Defined Field, the extension call will be triggered only for tickets that . Using notes in Autotask
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