Fast Sync works in many ways the "opposite" of how G-Sync or VRR tech works. I've tried it on and off for the past few years with the correct settings each time, and something minor always feels off and I'll immediately play better with it off. +fps_max (Your preferred number) Limit FPS to the given number. With Fast Sync as your framerate exceeds the monitor refreshrate, it will only send frames to the render queue when they match the monitor refresh rate. These adjustments are useful if you are struggling to reach an acceptable amount of fps as you are using a low-spec PC, but also if you have a monitor with a high refresh-rate as you bought it to gain an edge in a competitive shooter such as Apex Legends. Set it to 0. See "Understanding The Alternative Setup" for more info. Then select the properties of the game. A higher field of view (FOV) increases your peripheral vision, but at the same time all the targets are smaller, and it can cause a fisheye effect. I'd rather play at 90-100fps basically all the time than sometimes get over 140fps inside a building when no enemies are there. Use at your own risk. Restores rendering API used (DirectX 9, OpenGL) to the default choice. We thus want both high fps and stable frame pacing. This way, you can get a clear overview of your FPS and change it afterwards if needed. Disable or put to Low all the remaining settings. In it, look for launch options . Open Task Manager by typing CTRL + ALT + DELETE. Select Ultimate Performance, if you do not see it, then follow the next steps. I took a break from apex and started playing this week. Let's start with the launch options in order to remove the fps cap. A list of all (known) launch options and their usefulness in the game are listed below for Apex Legends. It can help you launch the game in advanced mode if there is any screen tearing. Feb 22, 2020 #14,017 Yeah I'm done with King's . This has led me to research a lot about these technical parts to figure out what works best. Step 1 - Downloading the additional language files Browse to the game in your library Texture Streaming Budget: your graphic card VRAM. A hilarious troubleshooting step is checking if you actually set your monitor to 144Hz. If yes, using this command will help the game start over other apps on your system. Make one to limit fps in main menu and while spectating after you die! F*ck visual clarity, I want to be in control and feel like the connection of brain > MnK > monitor (seeing) a 1:1 ratio. Forces the engine to search for white-listed (by Valve) custom game content placed inside the games installation directory instead of using the default game content packed inside the VPK files. Nvidia Reflex will automatically cap the fps for us. Right click on the file, go on Properties, General, Attributes, and mark it as Read-Only. Crypto, Rampart, Wattson, and Caustic are the most situational legends available. A fair number of pros from various games have also tried gsync and gotten off it after not too much time, the lack of tearing is very nice though. Even without Reflex the game feels more a bit more responsive, which frankly is a larger issue the devs need to address. I have to say though, after a few Arenas games the difference is very perceptible in specific situations. Because I don't have access to anything about it from Respawns side, I can't tell if this disengages Reflex or not when you cap inside your refresh rate. What you need to do is Set launch options as per your liking. Don't use the other options. May help people with issues in third-party communication software, such as Skype, in which their microphone volume would get maxed upon launching the game. Thats why a list of Apex Legends Launch Options/Commands comes in handy. Save and start the game. Right Click My Computer > Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced Tab > Settings for Performance > Select: Adjust for best performance. And even less when a title supports Nvidia Reflex, which lowers it further. After all, a 1060 simply won't get as many fps as a 3080. This setup should only be used if you absolutely have to. Entering this command in Steam or Launch will show you the frame per second rate while playing the game. Currently, the game caps my computer at 144 frames by default even though I have a 240hz monitor. You can set up the window mode to troubleshoot such issues. Both of these commands ensure your game launches in fullscreen mode. Reflex doesn't work properly, there's the microstutter, they use wrong names for their V-Sync options, their V-sync options don't even do what they say they do.. the list goes on. Choose Advanced Launch Options. Recommended to backup registry beforehand and create a restore point too. This means that you are using the command for unlimited frame rates for Apex Legends. This is not a joke. Yo wtf this is sweet bro thank u for taking the time to do this. But, now -dev is used to perform the same task. If your 144Hz monitor caps Apex at 138 fps but your cap in RTSS is 141, change cap in RTSS to 138. Some earlier guides on youtube of Apex performance tips even states their minimum fps went higher with Adaptive than with anything else. Enables alt-tab function in some Linux desktop environments (such as XFCE) where Dota 2 is running fullscreen and grabbing the mouse wouldnt allow users to alt-tab out of the game. After of these please start any match then you can see something went wrong at top left on your screen. It felt like I was in control of every action, and despite that buttery image being gone, I could play way more reactively. In the screen below, you see 21:9 because I play on an ultrawide monitor. They become tedious in the long run. See linked comment in "Understanding Alt Setup" section. Super useful command option to have. On my 240Hz, it caps to 225. (default 64bit). If you dont, it will be overwritten as soon as you start the game, and you will lose all the changes. Go to Game Library. It syncs your fps to your monitor's refreshrate. Just to give it another mention, some form of V-Sync is required for VRR tech like G-Sync to work. If you require a detailed list of launch commands for any specific game, do let me know in the comments below. ), Start settings a minimum but dont save it. After a while setting up and helping out people, it's clear this is a more advanced user setup. So Im here to comment that if youre trying this and youre playing worse turn it off. When we come across a working one, we will add it too. If this guide doesn't improve your Apex experience, it's likely you just have other stuff affecting your performance. In this article, we added a total of fourteen Apex Legends launch options or commands. You can lower this setting further, but I suggest to keep it at 2x for a better viewing experience. If you don't see a reason to try this, just use the main setup instead. Compatibility > Change high DPI settings > check "override high DPI scaling behavior." Sometimes it leads to crashing the game mid-way. Right click on Apex Legends and click Game Properties. Generally, people use Origin or Steam Client to launch Apex legends. You want one for Nvidia Reflex alone. So Adaptive is actually working like Fast Sync works. Read the section "Understanding The Alternate Setup" lower in the guide for more info. Hello, You can add +gfx_nvnUseLowLatency 1 to enable NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency. Download the Nvidia Control Panel (NVCP), if you haven't already.On Win10 it's in the Microsoft Store. IMPORTANT NOTE !!! (It shouldn't). In particular, Respawn used previous generations of this engine in Titanfall 1 and 2, so the modding community has already uncovered all possible ways to customize it. Lower the framerate limit in RTSS if you can't reach your desired fps. Select Apex Legends. Got specific Suggestions? Using your native resolution is desirable for a better view, but if you badly need a performance boost, decreasing the resolution will greatly improve your fps. At first I was a bit underwhelmed. This Apex Legends launch command helps you to force the DirectX API version you want to have extra in-game features. Clean system using cleanmgr.exe or CCleaner. Have a look. Reflex lets us focus on the visuals entirely at least. With this guide, you can be assured you have the proper settings applied and the only "problems" is your hardware and maybe slow internet. This guide will be set up with G-Sync in mind, as this provides the best experience when set up properly.No joke, if you think otherwise you're setting it up wrong or don't understand how it works. 2. Just like the Resolution height, Resolution Width also matters to get the optimum result of your changes. TL;DR for Apex and V-Sync (for use with G-Sync). Games with it are supposed to feel buttery smooth, with no perceivable input lag. Set display mode to borderless window mode. -high Sets the game thread priority to high. Basically, monitor magic. Set Apex to run as Administrator, always. But, 200 fps that fluctuates like crazy is ass to play on, VRR or not, versus 100 fps that has stable frame pacing. It currently provides the most stable frametimes of all frame limiter tools, a significantly preferable tradeoff as the impact is only up to 1 frame of input lag in your game. When I play arenas with this set up correctly, it's as flawless as can be. In particular what feels best while running OBS studio as it reserves a bunch of performance and lowers your fps while introducing a tiny amount of input lag from capturing the game. It felt like every action was delayed, like it was as if I had a slow reaction time. Decides the screen data will run on in Linux. It feels off. I saw that RTSS new setup thread and thought I'd write a "how to setup apex" guide. VRR tech was specifically made to improve people's gaming experience and when it's set up properly it is far better than other ways of running it. Thanks for reading! Once here, go to the General section. Nvidia Reflex is new tech made to work in tandem with VRR, and if you think VRR is awful you likely haven't played with it set up properly, or with Nvidia Reflex. (Disc and non-Steam digital versions only. Once you follow these steps, youre all set to launch your Apex Legends with your wished customisations. Your email address will not be published. As an example; in the game Phasmaphobia, if you run it as admin it doesn't capture the mic for some reason, so you can't talk to ghosts in the game. It immensely boosts the fps, but - IMHO - is barely legal as you also obtain a certain advantage removing any extra visual effect. How Apex should be capped, what to configure your PC at, what your monitor is doing etc, it's all a bit much and none of it is documented well. The first thing you should do is not open the game. Using both at the same time will hurt your input lag, and doesn't really make sense to use. Having exhausted the character limit in the main guide, I've had to make this extra comment to explain V-Sync and the relation in Apex. Yes, using the right launch commands help to enhance your gaming experience as well as significantly increases the FPS. You can use these commands interchangeably and expect the same result. You can copy it here.This file is found in C:\Users\DooDooHead\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\Local. Just to let you know - capping frame rate using the ingame limiter can actually reduce input lag depending on how it's implemented on the specific game (idk about Apex). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The trade-off is janky, unstable frametimes with fps_max but the absolute lowest input lag ingame against perfect, stable frametimes with RTSS and up to 1 more frame of input lag. Fast Sync eliminates tearing outside of the refreshrate range, and G-Sync eliminates within. Win+R and navigate to %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\local and edit videoconfig.txt, C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Apex Legends and right click r5apex.exe. Next, you have to find the Apex Legends and then click right on it. If your CPU / GPU constantly sit at 100% while using OBS, lower your FPS cap in Apex.This means your hardware isn't powerful enough for your desired fps target while streaming / recording. Select Game Properties. Click on "Application Settings" and a new. The usual stuff. How do you string multiple commands in the one launch option line Steam provides, string them one after the other? and select "Application" from the drop-down menu. This command is used to set the Resolution height of your Apex Legends game. NOTE: Boost will increase your power consumption and temps, in many cases you're better off just properly undervolting you GPU. The main difference should really just be that OBS takes some resources and thus you get lower fps while it's running. Upon entering, a dialog window will open where you can type all the Apex Legends commands that you want to use. Apex seems to just have issues. Apex Legends is based on a heavily modified version of the Source engine. V-Sync "Adaptive" currently unlocks Nvidia Reflex's FPS cap. Maxing out your GPU and CPU to 99% will give you significant input lag. Copy them or put your own preferences. Copyright 2017-2023 Esports Tales, All rights reserved. See this comment. What to do if you don't have it besides buying a monitor that has it: Limit your FPS to your monitor refreshrate using RTSS or fps_max, and turn off V-Sync in Apex and NVCP. I almost thought I spotted a tear but wasn't sure. The longer explanation is that the "Main Setup" is how to best run the game under normal circumstances. This can be removed with the +fps_max unlimited command line argument. To work properly, G-Sync requires V-Sync. Then all you need is the fps to remain high. Now, go to the game properties section. Just google "Undervolting GPU" for several guides. Due to the hacker issue in Call of Duty Warzone becoming more toxic than ever, many high-profile content creators like Nickmercs and TimtheTatman have decided to invest their time into Apex. Weve mentioned these commands in the below section. To be sure it doesn't go over, and optimize performance/fluidity I cap to 180 myself. I try to find monitor technology under the gsync settings bit its not there. This is recommended if your windows keep re-adjusting to borderless Fullscreen or any other setting. You're giving yourself instability if not. This guide will cover Nvidia GPUs as that's what I use myself. These are some of Apex Legends unsupported or removed launch options: -novid Does not work as of now. Set the maximum frame per second to the number that has been assigned. Go to your Game Library and right-click on Apex Legends Click the 'Game Properties' option on Origin. This well written post is cool and informative, but it was a miracle turning these settings off. Replace 0 with the number you wish frames locked to. Your game will deliver high performance with this command. Here we have jotted down a list of all working Apex Legends commands to use on Steam or Origin. Putting this command in Steam or Origin will disable the game sound. This Apex Legends launch option turns off the games V-Sync. Use Fullscreen, not borderless windowed. Change it to your own resolution and set the file as Read Only. G-Sync / Freesync, and if you don't have it, Author's note: "I'm gonna need an index to explain everything.". Recently Ive found that using Latency Mode On feels best in any scenario- but my CPU doesnt max out in apex anymore after I made sure to update the bios, update windows, and use the latest GPU drivers on my 8700k. For Example, -novid -console. Moving on, some general info around V-Sync that's nice to know. The guide won't improve fps directly, but provides significant stability and help you understand what you want in terms of performance; Low and stable frametimes. Able to change cursor size. Take it to heart and change your perception of game performance from "what fps are you getting?" Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts,, Lets start with the launch options in order to remove the fps cap. You get some "increased input lag" to explain of sorts, but the game won't tear. Frames-per-second (FPS) helps determine how smooth your gameplay is. When he isn't staring at a monitor and churning out a tech-copy, Satwick dives into vigorous research work and tinkers with his devices to render 'Tried and Tested' solutions through his troubleshooting guides. Since Steam / Origin "runs" the game, they also require admin to launch other apps as admin. If you just want to "follow a guide" > Use the main setup. You likely don't need a second streaming PC, you just need to set up your game and OBS properly. To ensure you have no FPS cap in Apex Legends, you simply need to add a command line to Apex Legends' launch options in Origin. Likes to keep his diet and health in check from time to time! Their purpose is to customize the manner in which the engine runs to suit the needs of the developer or user.
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