"But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? You fools, don't you know who I am? Whatever perils lay inside did little to faze the nerves of the Changelings. "How typical of your lot, Chrysalis" Chortled the lead Guard, Defiant Aegis. With a sniffle from her snout, she fixed her Stetson and turned to face Cadance, a look of firm and hardy readiness on her face. I'm so sorry Twilight. However, despite her sureness Rainbow could not shake off the nagging of her conscience, which continued to question her loyalty towards Twilight. Night and Velvet leaned in close; whatever news he had was obviously bad. Glaring into it, the flame produced a vision of Twilight in her library, reading through the lumps of friendship reports she and her former best friends had written over the months. As you know, we had received word of a threat against Canterlot, which turned out to be true and more effective than we believed. After everything we've done together, all the good times we shared and the challenges we encountered together as friends, they betrayed me and left me to die! Believe me, I spent a lot of time with her when she was a filly, and she would never do something like that without good reason. He remembered meeting a pony a few days after he had was cured. "Oh mah" Said Applejack, horrified. "He is the captain of the Canterlot's Royal Guard" explain Twilight. Luna responded. I'm begging you!". The colour was the same as Twilight's magical aura, a reddish hue of purple, but it also contained a dark tint. Velvet and Night looked at each other, shuffling anxiously as they did so, before deciding it was best if the former explained what happened. The worst of it was from Celestia, whom Twilight idolised and worshipped even as a foal. Prowler! "Using my magic, I have been able to observe the movements of our enemies. Behind him, the door closed and locked again, sealing him away from the outside world. ", "Very good Commander Barbarousis. Twilight also begins to suspect that . "Of course your highness. "What is it honey? asked Velvet, feeling concerned. ", "I did not forget!" "I don't know Luna. However, Twilight seemed to only cry harder. The wedding hall remained as it was from the moment Twilight ran out crying; a room with an atmosphere crushed under the heavy weights of regret and sorrow. At the same time, I felt Celestia wasn't paying any attention herself, which only made me feel worse. Replied Rarity, who was still consoling the broken and remorseful Applejack. The Changeling Queen later returned to dispose of her by sealing her in the caves beneath the castle, so as to ensure she would not meddle with her plans again. "We appreciate your service. Rarity opened the bakery door to find what looked like the twisted body of Rainbow Dash lying in a grave she had dug herself, not to mention it wasn't exactly a neat job either. "Shut up Spark!" From the sound of the plan, this new operation would succeed where the previous attempt failed. "You need not explain to me why you and them are here. Without Twilight to lead them, the Elements of Harmony would become useless, and Equestria as a whole would lose its greatest means of defense. As you know, my job as the Princess of the Night is to watch over my subjects as they sleep, and ensure their dreams do not cause them distress or harm. Did you, all of you, forget that Canterlot was under threat of an attack?!". The Cadance which Twilight had just met did not recognize said hoofshake.". Please calm down! Still, that is not the reason you summoned me.". She was failing to find words to counter Spike's arguments. Knowing his time was up, Aegis turned to face the victorious Changeling Queen. However, despite the fact her mind was still full of memories of what happened in the library with Twilight, she was determined to put it behind her and focus on the task at hoof; reconciling with Twilight using whatever means necessary. Replied Shining sadly. The troops must stick to the mission at all times, and at all costs. Unable to compose herself any longer, the cowpony started sobbing. Said Rainbow. And once more that same stubbornness was driving her will to action. Apparently, the Bearer of Magic has distanced herself from her friends, convinced they had betrayed her and left her to die by my hooves. It was obvious to the cowpony that Big Mac had been busy. With a deep sigh of resignation, Applejack prepared to bite the bullet. With that, Celestia was beaten. "Nervous?" Still, we are confident there will be no problems with the execution of the mission.". Cadance, can you and the girls try talking to her? Taking a moment to test the shield's strength, Applejack knocked a hoof against it. If you know of any of their movements, let me know immediately! One of our garrisons was attacked and defeated by Chrysalis and the remnants of her army. Please, you must believe me. The Mane 5's ears collectively drooped in disappointment. They were not impressed at all. "Guards, let's go. However, she had to put that behind her, in order to stick to the task at hoof. "We won't leave you ever again.". But worst of all, we threatened to plunge Equestria into eternal night, just so I could get my own self-gratification from watching the ponies celebrate my night. "Well, if you're lookin' at apologizing a third time, it better be pretty darn good! "Iknew Twilight trusted me. She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. With that, Twilight galloped back upstairs, utterly offended. Cadance sighed deeply. Before she could say anything, Celestia continued. Twilight bowed her head as well, Spike and Cadance looking up to notice her movements. It then fell to Commander Barbarousis to conclude the briefing. ", "As much as I respect and admire your loyalty to your family Captain, I'm afraid your duties lie elsewhere. "Which is something I intend to fix immediately, because I'm planning a super special We're-Sorry-For-Betraying-You party just for you! "But.Spike.we became Twilight's friends for a reason. ", "That's OK Rarity. It bore one of her greatest and most nostalgic hallmarks; a caring, sympathetic smile. I would do it myself, but I must oversee repairs to the city, as well as the immediate treatment of the injured. A storm was crashing down upon the Black Widow's Peaks, rain as thick as glass soaking the jagged mountaintops. Stepping forward, she spoke with newfound determination. the Mane 5 could do little more than look at each other, speechless and shaken. Youre all responsible for this and its only fair that a truly heartfelt apology is delivered if you want her and Spike to come around. ", "It even got to the point where Twilight had to make a problem herself." Please forgive me.". Everyone in the Hive could feel it: nothing was going to stop them now. They believe they are no longer welcome here, as regards the ban Shining forced on her at the rehearsal". ", "Be at ease, Lady Velvet. Shining's thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of Celestia throwing herself atop her bed, dispirited and miserable. Many of the city's buildings were damaged in the fighting, particularly by Changeling pegasi divebomb attacks, and much of the populace was displaced in the chaos. With little hesitation, Shining followed Celestia through the doors, the guards saluting as she went. The tale that Celestia was spinning before her was intriguing her more and more. Replied Shining, equally as sorrowful. DId you not realize the potential ramifications your actions could've had on her? While the latter would be pleased to see her again, the presence of the girls would equate to a presence entering her home that was never welcome from the day they had first met. One of the guards said gruffly. There was no trusting the girls, considering the magnitude of what they had done to Twilight at the rehearsal, but it remained to be seen if there was any credibility in their desire to apologize, and even if their apology was solid enough to prove their remorse. So, after checking to make sure Sweetie Belle was still sound asleep, and after spending roughly 15-20 minutes fixing up her mane and tail (and applying her make-up), Rarity left for Sugarcube Corner, but not before eating breakfast and leaving a little something for Sweetie Belle to eat herself. Almost instantly, Blade returned to the throne room, always ready and eager to serve his queen. With that, Snake turned his attention to Icy Tone, who was comfortably hidden in the brush behind him. "I'd love to. Whatever thunder Applejack was packing was quickly silenced. Sorry I'm late. They are led by Cadance, the Princess of Love and their mission is to broker a renewed peace with Twilight. "She..she did what?" "How could I have been so blind Shining?" She has enough on her hooves without us being attacked.you may cast the spell Princess. How could they simply leave her hurt and alone after everything she had done for them? ", "Shh, it's OK big sister." As for Shining, he felt it was best Celestia was informed of this development. The only thing she cared about was how Twilight had provided her the perfect setup to launch a perfect, foolproof and failsafe assault on Canterlot. Celestia did mention something about betraying somepony when she was crying in the former's embrace, but it was only after she put two and two together did she see the horrible picture that was painted in her mind. While I will not apologize for that remark, nor will I take it back, I will listen. Around her, some of her Changelings were also coming to, but their numbers had been severely depleted following the massive pulse of magic released unto them by Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. Knowing this, then one such as yourself should have learned the lesson to take others more seriously, especially those closest to you. May I come in? If the damage was too great, they would then be assigned a temporary settlement, and led there by a designated Royal Guard soldier. "I did not let her down Luna. As was customary with the rules of war, both parties would first try to talk each other out of it. All you need to do is think of a Plan B, something that can make and have Twilight understand how sorry you really are. Said Chrysalis confidently. Muffins which ah' and the royal cooks had spent so much time working on! How can you expect me to just forget what happened?". I'm so happy to see you, but shouldn't you be at the wedding?". Those who escape into enemy territory will be left at their mercy. With no time to lose, he headed off to carry out his orders. Celestia smiled responsively. His attention soon returned to the royal sisters, who were just finishing up Luna's interrogation. Everypony in the room stood to attention as Chrysalis stepped inside. How dare you lecture us on how to be Twilight's friends!". It worked to dreadful effect; Shining disowned Twilight as a sister and Best Mare, all five of her friends walked out on her and even Celestia showed no compassion. "Never. The battalion will be waiting in the Everfree within moments of your arrival. Her eyes and teeth were clenched shut in pain and she was letting out groans that would rend one's heart irrevocable. ", "Thank you Cadance. "Twilight, have you forgotten why we're here? No one said a word until Velvet finally cut in, it was all too much for her to take. Everypony, meet Celestia.. You all know me for the Luna mobile, but now I have her sister: A 4th gen Pontiac Firebird. "Well, there was the time Twilight went crazy about her friendship reports to Princess Celestia. Chrysalis and the Changelings followed suit. Whatever Celestia wanted her for, it certainly wasn't anything light-hearted. The Mane 5 did indeed regret everything; now was their opportunity to prove it. She was glad there was still somepony loyal to her. The Guard Captain immediately tried to calm down Celestia as best as he could. If the Princess had guessed correctly, this wouldn't be good news in the slightest. We couldn't be more grateful for your help. The reason is that in light of my most recent actions, as well as those of Captain Armor and the Element Bearers, Canterlot nearly fell.". Replied the lieutenant happily. The minutes passed by, and eventually the balcony doors re-opened, Spike emerging from them once more. "She bewitched her Smartypants doll with a Want It Need It spell which made half of Ponyville, including Big Mac, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo rip each other apart trying to get it. You believed that she was the perfect protege, and thus you took her under your wing in order to help her realize that potential. Cadance figured that Twilight would only answer personally to her; anypony else fell under Spike's jurisdiction. Chrysalis delayed her response, taking a moment to ponder the plan. All you cared about that whole day was playing with the wedding cake decorations! She decided it was high time Spike was given something to think about. He had knocked one of Chrysalis's Changelings out cold with a swift strike to the pony's temple using his leg armor. "They forgive each other no matter what! That was the way things were for the time being. "Changelings! The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? Could this be the most important moment in our lives? Now, I want the prisoners, all the prisoners, to be rehabilitated. Celestia started tossing and turning, her hooves planting themselves against her temples. With that, Spike nodded and marched up to the door, Cadance stepping aside. Entire towns and villages had fallen mostly by his hoof alone, hence why Blade saw fit to pick him for this job. "No Rainbow!" He was desperate to let her know how sorry he was for what he did. Deciding to waste no further time, Shining made his move. It described how Chrysalis and her Changelings had attacked the village and completely incapacitated and harvested the Royal Guard garrison stationed there before setting the village's homes alight, capturing the residents and harvesting those who tried to resist. "Yes. Asked Twilight from inside. my commanders are deploying their troops to assist construction efforts and seek out any Changeling stragglers. "Of course! "You heard her. Suddenly, Fluttershy walked over to Twilight. It was fortunate enough that Cadance already had Twilight's trust, given that she had no part in the betrayal, but she still had to ensure the latter was convinced enough to let the Mane 5 be heard. We hope you can forgive us.". Can you take care of things here?". How?". With a "mmph" of configuration, she smiled at Luna once more. Shining proceeded to salute before answering. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction . "I see somepony is eager!" State your business!" Rainbow cut in. Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. It was a plan she was very much impressed with. However, the former could not help but wonder why if Luna was so badly affected that she allowed the Nightmare Forces to take her over, then why did the same not happen to Twilight? With a look on her face that screamed "enough is enough", Celestia turned to Shining to issue orders. We already apologized for our mistakes! He didn't like leaving Twilight so broken, but he didn't want to be cast out of the wedding either. If your levels of bitterness increase, so too will the strength of the forces, to the point where the spell cannot protect you. I just didn't think that what I did would hurt her so badly. "Take that back Twilight! However, they were completely harvested. a canterlot wedding. I knew I couldn't trust you, yet I let my merciful nature get the better of me! Inside the Changeling Hive, which too was being lashed by the ferocious rainfall, the leaders of Queen Chrysalis's army were gathered inside the war room, studying a strategic map of Canterlot which was spread out on the table. : Volume 15, Mad Mare With a Box. To make matters worse, he knew that it wouldn't end there. Meanwhile, a second echelon, made up of thugs and lowlives from neighbouring towns and villages in the Badlands will advance northeast towards Canterlot, where upon arrival they will smash their way through the city and, through sheer brutality, cripple the Royal Guard's defensive perimeter.". How it got the seven key ponies ultimately responsible for Canterlot's safety to drop every responsibility they had to the safety of the city in order to spend their time preparing for something as trivial as a wedding. I need you, however, to talk to Twilight. Total duration Not only did he ban Twilight from this once-in-a-lifetime event, but he had to go and scar her mentally as well. Cadance was about to speak, but her train of thought instantly derailed. Snake was renowned for his effectiveness on the field, particularly in espionage and marking targets for the army to eliminate. "Pleaseplease don't leave me" Whimpered Twilight, still suffering from the intense effects her memories were forcing upon her. The group was intimidated, but only a little. I want you to go to Ponyville to keep an eye on the meeting. She was cornered, and it could have been any more obvious to her. Chrysalis cackled evilly. by | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues The Lunar Princess knocked on the door, Twilight Velvet wasting no time in answering. Chrysalis had her enemies right where she wanted them, and it was all thanks to Twilight that this was possible. They were supposed to have learned their lesson after the incident they dubbed as "Lesson Zero", but in truth, they had learned nothing. Suddenly, a voice that sounded like Twilight ripped through the Princess's ears. "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. Nopony usually goes in there, and it would provide the perfect cover for us to carve out a plan while we wait for the moment to strike. That wasn't the reason she was here. ", "But it can't be too long, right?" Having settled himself in the living room, Shining gathered what remained of his steely nerves and what was left of his resolve to break the news to his parents. And all this came from me feeling alone and abandoned, just like Twilight was.". "Night Light! "I did not commit the same sins you did!". She considered herself a hypocrite for having taught Twilight all those lessons about friendship and magic, only to show nothing by herself. Because of your foolishness, our dear Twilight will be lost. If you and Cadance hadn't intervened, there would have been no saving Canterlot. Meanwhile, Applejack had woken up from a deep slumber. They were nothing more than relics to her now, relics that celebrated a friendship she thoroughly enjoyed. Do you understand the motive behind her rage? She will be painted matte white and Celestia themed. Furthermore, we find it impossible to understand how the group failed to grasp the realization that Twilight had a very close and personal relationship with Cadance, something that we are very keenly aware of, and therefore could not connect the dots that would have exposed the usurper from her veil. Twitter, MLP: Friendship is Magic - 2023 Hasbro Inc. The doors remained open, allowing Luna a clear glance at her sister, who was watching her as the two sisters drew closer. Twilight had just reunited with her brother, who also happened to be the groom. ", "It is a good plan, Commander." Now she knew what was going on, but then came the million-bit question; how would the events of the wedding affect her, and what would come in the future relating to that event that would also affect her? The Changelings could just walk right in, disguised and completely invisible to the ponies' eyes, and then strike when the time was right. Those who gave themselves up were spared harvesting, but were taken prisoner. Everything that had happened over the past couple of days was still raging in her mind. This time, I am willingly choosing to leave because I regret leaving Twilight at all. But in that fateful moment, everything changed. Spike bowed his head, fearing whatever reaction he'd get from Twilight. Her mane was half-inflated, a sign of her misery, and her eyes had bags, an obvious indicator she did not sleep well. At present, Luna could sense that the Sparkle parents were distressed and angry. Meanwhile, Snake Bite was maintaining his cover from outside. "Come on girls. They were perfectly content to leave me to fade out of existence like I was nothing to them, and then, after risking my neck once more to save both you, them and Equestria, they expect me to put together the wedding?! ", "Ok Twilight." Every second of her absence is killing me. She knew what it was like to be cast aside into the background, although that technically wasn't what really happened between her and Celestia. However, the pony she opened the door to was unlike anypony she could've possibly expected, her eyes going wide and her jaw dropping to denote her shock. If the damage wasn't so substantial, then the ponies in question would be allowed to return home. Cadance did have a right to be angry, considering how close she was with Twilight, but this was the equivalent of sticking thorns in her body. Celestia could feel her gut twisting with guilt more and more. Yelled Rainbow, equally as shocked as the Sun Princess. "No Granny Smith. "You have not seen the last of me Celestia!