Example sentences for: rota How can you use “rota” in a sentence? Look it up now! If the picket line takes it in turns as official pickets then this rota should also be recorded. Wait, currit rota, the Spirit of Paris, that demon which creates the children of chance and There are 3 example sentences for rota, and this page shows no. According to the ' on-call ' rota the SHO was scheduled to cover the gastroenterology wards from 5.00 pm.) : 2. 0. If what you want is "broken" and you anwant to say that you/he/she etc. ‘The post was found hours later by a dog owner and police traced the temporary worker from staff rotas at the sorting office.’. The tribunal of the Rota consists of ten judges called auditors (uditori), of whom the most senior is president with the title of dean. roto (uncountable) 1. rotogravure 2. 1 to no. The tea is prepared on a rota basis by the lady members. 5. My friend rotat-desks in an oversubscribed office which solves the oversubscription problem with a work-from-rotame-day rota. 3. ns rota in a sentence - Use "ns rota" in a sentence 1. In Vologsky's squadron, each individual pilot fell due for such a flight every twelve days on the, 19. The result was that the SHOs on that rota were a very downhearted bunch! An English translation of most of the "law section" of this case can also be found in Canon Law Digest IV: 332-334. In " Root rot ," as the name implies, the roots are attacked, the fungus being a species of Ozonium, which envelops the roots in a white covering of mould or mycelium. Definition of rota noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. (2) The court of the Rota (Sacra Rota Romana) used to be the supreme ecclesiastical tribunal for civil affairs, and its decisions had great authority. rota in a sentence and translation of rota in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by dictionarist.com Sentence with the word Rota. rota system through which young people support the opening of the office. The practice shares an " on-call " duty rota with a large group of local General Practitioners. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. A Chilean, especially a common manor lower-class Chilean. Finally, many thanks to the parents and all the other folk who helped us by being part of the duty, 23. 2. auditor of the Rota in 1511, and sent to Maximilian and to Vienna as nuncio. 2. The position requires an individual who is flexible with hours and able to participate in a shift rota if required. Use "rota" in a sentence. Y D R O P O N I C S There is a rota of volunteers that take care of growing fresh vegetables. The constitution Sapienti restored the Rota to existence and activity: it is now once more the ecclesiastical court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. As would be expected, own solicitors are less available than duty solicitors and, 25. He became a notary of the papal court of the rota at Avignon, and in 1376 went with the Curia to Rome. Many speculators have suggested that the Latin word rota ` wheel 'is the Tarot's origin.. Four years later, the tournament formerly known as the Westchester Classic but now called The Barclays has settled on what the British Open calls a rota: a regular slate of courses, in this case four, that will stage the event in successive years. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. Rota (plural rotas) ( music ) A kind of zither , played like a guitar , used in the Middle Ages in church music . 2004, Mark St. Amant, Committed: confession of a fantasy football junkie 3.1.1. His further promotion was rapid; at the instance of Pope Pius, who thought his talents would be best employed at the bar, he became votante di segnatura, and, on the first vacancy, auditor of the Rota for Rome. Many miracles have been ascribed to him; an official list of these, said to have been attested by eyewitnesses, was drawn up by the auditors of the Rota when the processes for his canonization were formed, and is preserved in manuscript in the Vatican library. When there is a schedule on the door of your … Under the jurisdiction of the Rota, in addition to cases of first instance submitted to it by the pope, are such judgments of episcopal courts as are strictly speaking subject to appeal; for petitions against non-judicial decisions are referred to the Congregations. rota sentence in English. Many miracles have been ascribed to him; an official list of these, said to have been attested by eyewitnesses, was drawn up by the auditors of the Rota when the processes for his canonization were formed, and is preserved in manuscript in the Vatican library. 1. ‘The rota was a print out of the weekly schedule fastened to a clipboard.’ ‘The review will look at the different ways in which the public can access services, including GP cooperatives, commercial services, and practice rotas.’ Larger practices with a less onerous duty rota might be less inclined to help smaller practices and thereby make their lives easier. Ustedes han roto / rompieron. 3. Assuming this is spanish, "rota" means either "broken" or "turn it". Be aware of the departmental rota and to always be on time for duty. He took no active share in the political troubles of the time, but from his description of a meeting of the Rota Club, founded by James Harrington. Algo que resulta imposible si la Presidencia del Consejo rota cada semestre. 2. The tree is found in limestone forests in Rota … European operations revolve around facilities in Italy ( NS Rota in Spain and NSA Souda Bay in Greece. Rota in a sentence. La muñeca rota de la cama. 3. 35+1 sentence examples: 1. The Inquisition maintained no rota or religious court in Puerto Rico. (= rasgado) [tela, papel] torn. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun But the covid-19 world is one where hairdressers sterilise their scissors between cuts and offices allocate desks on a rota to maintain social distancing. 2. A circle is basically a group of parents who share out babysitting duties between them, on a, 20. The last meal is scheduled early because of the shift, 22. Ray Hepburn Cleaning News There are a couple of vacancies on our church cleaning rota. No smoking upstairs, no pets, no visitors, and there was a cleaning, 28. Instead, they want three anaesthetists who live nearer Llandudno Hospital to be put on a local cover, 26. 4. (repeating schedule of assigned tasks) lista de tareas nf + loc adj : lista de turnos nf + loc adj : Having a rota can help you get through the housework a bit each day rather than doing it all in one go. We have a rota which makes it clear who tidies the room on which day. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Are you on the rota for cooking?sentencedict.com/rota.html. Arrange a rota for staffing the stalls during the lunchtime session. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. 27. The rota of judges for g the trial of election petitions is also supplied by the king's bench division. If your bureau does this it is no bad idea to volunteer to be included on the, 30. That said, we are pleased to welcome 2 new members to our team who should shortly be joining the rota. The name rotavirus comes from the Latin word "rota" for wheel and is given because the viruses have a distinct wheel-like shape. Definition of 'rota'. Duty is usually performed for a week on a rota basis. The Rota, however, was restored to its functions as supreme court of appeal by Pope Pius X. la bolsa está rota the bag is torn. Nostros hemos roto / rompimos. 2. Noun a rota of housekeeping duties. 27 examples: By using residents, some public institutions are able to function with a… Rota definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. We will have a guest homilist at the opening Mass. 3. tengo la pierna rota I’ve broken my leg ⧫ I’ve got a broken leg. READERS ROTA The new rota will be in the Church porch next weekend. Here are many translated example sentences containing "TODA ROTA" - spanish-english translations and … 1. In larger towns chemists operate a rota to provide 24-hour cover - details are posted on chemist's windows. 1. This is impossible when the Council Presidency rotates biannually. The system operates on a two-year rota: one-year urban areas with metropolitan councils, the next county councils. These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. It's difficult to see rota in a sentence . The Roman Rota: a Sample Case (coram Filipiak, 1956) ... 23 mar 1956, SRRD 48 (1956) 255-258. In this constitution he declared that the competency of these various organs was not always clear, and that their functions were badly arranged; that certain of them had only a small amount of business to deal with, while others were overworked; that strictly judicial affairs, with which the Congregations had not to deal originally, had developed to an excessive extent, while the tribunals, the Rota and the Signatura, had nothing to do. I've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota. Examples of skeleton staff in a sentence, how to use it. 3. Hounds also parade on a rota basis at the Royal Welsh Show. Tú has roto / rompiste. Context examples for "rota" in English (!) In larger towns chemists operate a rota to provide 24-hour cover - details are posted on chemist 's windows. Sentence pairs containing romper translated in English and Spanish. And, best proof of all, numerous decisions as to what is or is not simony are to be found in the reported decisions of the Roman rota. The trial now takes place before two judges instead of one; and, when necessary, the number of judges on the rota may be increased. rota of volunteers that take care of growing fresh vegetables. Angelini Rota, Spoleto e Dintorn2 (Spoleto, 1905); and various articles by G. The rota of judges for g the trial of election petitions is also supplied by the king's bench division. Ellos/ellas han roto / rompieron Most of the sentences presented include audio of the sentence in Spanish, which allows you … He consequently withdrew all judicial affairs from the Congregations, and handed them over to the two tribunals, now revived, of the Rota and the papal Signatura; all affairs concerning the discipline of the sacraments were entrusted to a new Congregation of that name; the competency of the remaining Congregations was modified, according to the nature of the affairs with which they deal, and certain of them were amalgamated with others; general rules were laid down for the expedition of business and regarding personnel; in short, the work of Sixtus V. Proceedings for annulling marriages, which used to be reserved to it, were transferred to the tribunal of the Rota; reports on the condition of the dioceses were henceforth to be addressed to the Consistorial Congregation, which involved the suppression of the commission which had hitherto dealt with them. Sa Rota's restaurant with dinners served by candlelight with ingredients produced in Sa Rota's own ecological vegetable garden. A rota is a type of vocal round of the 13th and 14th centuries, probably only in England. The Rota was the supreme court of Christendom. Another well-known wine district in the south of Spain is that of Rota, where a sweet red wine, known in England as tent (tinto), chiefly used for ecclesiastical purposes, is produced. There is also a 24-hour shift rota, which students will experience in their 2nd & 3 rd years. to include in a sentence 24h Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 1, 2020. rota n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. I've been asked to draw up the cleaning, 15. A rota is a list which gives details of the order in which different people have to do a particular job . From Rota, she headed to Malaga and then continued eastward. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. broke it, you say it like this: Yo he roto / rompí. This accomplishes the same goal as rotoscoping, which involves manually drawing bezier curves to create a mask. It judges cases in which auditors of the Rota are concerned, such as personal objections, but especially objections (querelae) lodged against sentences of the Rota, with a view to their being annulled or revised (restitutio in integrum). 4. Learn more. COURT OF ROTA, one of the departments of the medieval papal organization, existing alongside the Dataria, the Poenitentiaria, the two Signaturas (S. The Center staff are qualified instructors, but there are no domestic staff, and students do the tasks on a rota basis. (= partido, destrozado) [juguete, mueble, cristal, puerta] broken. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Miss Lodsworth, who organized the flower, 16. The roto Brush, when used in difficult footage, may require frequent selection edits. The rota is one of the symbols used in the papal signature, found on papal bulls, composed of a cross inscribed in two concentric circles, first used by Pope Paschal II. Rota sentence examples. The Young People 's Office has a rota system through which young people support the opening of the office. "But that's just not an exciting quote, so they put on that roto baseball gu… Pick the right tool. Most instruction is given during school hours on a, 29. Need to translate "TODA ROTA" from spanish and use correctly in a sentence? Rota is fluent in French, Spanish, Italian and English. El/ella ha roto / rompió. Examples of rota in a Sentence. All Rights Reserved. And why not use the standard Shepard/Metzler test, in which one is actually mentally rotating two objects and seeing if they correspond? 0. truncatulus harbours the Cercaria of Fasciola hepatica, the liver-fluke, which causes rot in sheep. A group of mums working on a one day per week, 24. In January 1960, the squadron was transferred to NS Rota, Spain. He said she " was not a deputy matron nor on the rota " . Instead, they substituted for the music of the past an entirely original composition by, 17. 0. rota definition: 1. a list of things that have to be done and of the people who will do them: 2. a list of things…. It is not essentially about getting a job done or filling a rota. Part or all of this entry has been imported from the 1913 edition of Webster’s Dictionary , which is now free of copyright and hence in the public domain. Vas a irte con la cara rota. rota. auditor of the Rota in 1511, and sent to Maximilian and to Vienna as nuncio. On-Call and Out-of-Hours The GP registrar will take a full part in the acute on-call rota within the practice. Sentence pairs containing roto translated in English and Spanish. onerous duty rota might be less inclined to help smaller practices and thereby make their lives easier. A requirement of this position is the ability to partake in an on-call out-of-hours rota. ‘The rota was a print out of the weekly … Home Babi - Rota [LETRA] Babi - Rota [LETRA] Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp. How to use Rota in a sentence as a noun. More example sentences. 2. (US, informal) Rotisserie League Baseball.quotations ▼ 3.1. tienes rota la manga del vestido the sleeve of your dress is ripped or torn. We share the babysitting duties on a rota basis. Angelini Rota, Spoleto e Dintorn2 (Spoleto, 1905); and various articles by G. 7. At this time women were employed in duties in the fire station on a full time, 27. The tea is prepared on a rota basis by the lady members. A slightly longer version of this sentence appeared in Monitor Ecclesiasticus 81 (1956) 438-442. The tribunals are three in number: one for the forum internum, the Penitentiary; the other two for judicial matters in foro externo, the Rota and the papal Signatura. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: East of here lies the fledgling resort of Manta Rota, a former fishing village, and the high-rise canyons of Monte Gordo.. How many words do you know? Appeal is sometimes allowed from one "turn" to another; if the second sentence of the Rota confirms the first, it is definitive; if not, a third may be obtained. Job done or filling a rota is a rota is a type of vocal round the! The picket line takes it in rota in a sentence as official pickets then this rota should also be.! Support the opening of the past an entirely original composition by, 17 to get example sentences grammar. Probably only in England Definition of 'rota ' own ecological vegetable garden picture. A type of vocal round of the office rota were a very downhearted bunch, each individual pilot due. Shepard/Metzler test, in which different people have to do with the,! 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The name rotavirus comes from the Latin word `` rota '' for wheel and given!